Chapter 1

The Secret Life

Author's note: Hehe thanks for subscribing <3 english isn't my first language so there might be some mistakes here and there! Thanks for reading :)


 You wake up in the morning, wash your face and get ready for school. You put on your glasses and head downstairs for breakfest. Unlike typical people from your school you don't have an ahjumma that makes you breakfest, you make you're own breakfest. You're parents already left for work and you decide to make some eggs, after you eat your breakfest you go to a mirror and check out your uniform. You're sick and tired of going to the same school, its so boring and is filled with a bunch of es but you left your house with a lot of courage that today will be a better day.


 You go outside and walk to the bus stop, you see a car with two girls. You know one of them, Go Ceili (pronounced kayley) the queenka of your school she passes by and says "look, there's Na Ri! The loser" Ceili says that out loud so that everyone could hear. You could near everyone whispering behind your back and you saw a smirk.. that evil smirk.. Ceili's smirk. The bus finally came, Ceili drove ahead. You were praying that she could get into an accident, you got on the bus and great the kingka of your school was on the bus he had his own car he's just there to piss you off. He starts throwing garbage calling you fugly, all the by standers just looked.


 You got off the bus and walked to your first class English. You always hated this subject, wanting to kill the teacher for being so boring. You just sleep right through english hoping that it'd be lunch soon. After a couple of classes, you heard the bell rang from lunch "Thank Jesus" all you could think about was the food! You waited in line for in the food, until gongchan came walking up to you...



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