Battle For Survival
"Agent 347, that building has already been evacuated. Return to Cell One." An electronic voice rang in my ears. The solider that was given the report spoke a few incoherent words into the walkie-talkie. His footsteps eased their way down the staircase where they entered, then a slam of a door shook my insides. We were safe. Relief washed over my trembling body. 
"Cell One?" Archer repeated. "Headquarters probably, they shouldn't just blatantly name off their locations." 
"This government was created by geniuses and is running by idiots," I mumbled under my breath in case if those men were still in here. 
The beat that was hammering against my chest frightened me more, causing my muscles and mind to be more alert than before. What if they set a camera around so they could catch us with the hidden footage? 
"Where do you suppose we go to next?" 
It took awhile for him to answer for he was planning out a route. Hopefully an indestructible plan that would work without any kinks or flukes that could end our life on the spot. I couldn't risk my life ending when I was too young to even experience most of the events that were foreign to me. I was only a teenager barely in the early stages of my life. Were those men so cold that they never considered what the younger felt about execution? My belief is that it's horrifying and inhuman. Beheading the society of our kind, our family. I bet those men would give a damn if there was a Z in the family, and would be delighted to shut their eyes. They were just waiting for that fat check they received for everything person they return. 
"I could tell you what we're not going to do. We're not going to continue inclining this building." He said. "We should stay on the ground level in case they-" 
A sound so defending and nerve wracking echoed through the building. In an instant, I acknowledged that it wasn't the clean, sharp sound of a bullet but of something greater; a bomb. 
"We need to evacuate! They're tearing the bulling down!" I shoved him first, so I could keep an eye on whoever was trailing us. 
Debris dusted the air and created a much more difficult air to gaze through. Behind us, voices were shouting, the voices of soldiers. They commanded us to halt but they were foolish to even think that we would turn ourselves simply. I'm fighting for my life. 
"We're on the third floor, the elevators are busted so stairs are our only option left. Unless you want to jump out a window." 
"No thanks." I answered. "I'm fine without breaking a leg." 
Archer was lagging a bit, allowing the guards to near us closer, inch by inch. I yelled at him before the skin on my leg was pierced by a bladed object. The adrenaline pumping in my veins caused the pain to increase but I couldn't waste even one second to glance down. 
"Left!" I screeched as I shoved him to the right. Just as we entered a room, some of the ceiling collapsed into the floor, setting the walls aflame. The stairs were a few feet away, but some of the debris was inhaled into my lungs. I couldn't breathe for a second. Covering my mouth, I had to keep all audible sounds muffled besides the fact that the ruckus of the building caving in could override or conceal it. 
I masked my face with the fabric of my shirt, then began stepping as agile as I could down the stairs. Archer was already on the last set of stairs, he didn't dare to peek behind him to see if I was on his heels. 
"Roselie!" He called. 
I caught up to him, just as the door that we came through busted open, and hyena-like laughs bombarded the silence. They were ganging up on the both of us. 
The two men that were just on the hair of catching us grabbed fistfuls of my clothing, yanking me back from escaping. 
"Archer! Help!" I cried. I screamed at the two behind me, flailing my arms in hopes that it would cause a distraction and release me. The world didn't work in the way I wanted. 
Archer was on his way to the second flight of stairs when I was struggling away from something cold being pressed against my dewy skin; handcuffs. 
I screeched, my voice hoarse from yelling, kicked my feet backwards to lock their knees, and my body away from their grip. The both of them loosened their grip to retrieve their fallen weapons which was a mistake. Out of panic, I kneed both of them in the face, more specifically their noses. I clutched onto whatever my hands found on the ground and pointed it at them. They instantly crouched with hands held high in the air to display their surrender. 
"Rosalie! Hurry!" Archer called. "I can hear more guards coming!" 
The sound of his voice frightened me at first, causing me to pull the trigger of the metal weapon in my fragile hands. The force and recoil of the gun launched me down the stairs. I didn't care as to where that plasma ended up, I was glad that I was distant enough to elude. 
"Get up, we don't have time to count our bruises!" Archer tugged on an article of clothing, heaving me to my feet. My back was what compacted with the ground during my fall, and it wasn't feeling too hot. 
I was shoved against a door, and fell through, the cold air whipping locks of my hair. The air was clean, refreshing compared to the air in the building. 
The both of us sprinted away from the collapsing hospital. Glints of movements where taking place on the top floor. There were still our kind inside. 
"We have to go back! There's more of them!" 
"We can't! The building is crumbling down and we can't risk loosing either of us!"  
I refused Archer's tugs. The tugs leading me the freedom I wanted but I couldn't just abandon others that were like us. It seemed almost if we were connected somehow, like a family of relatives but only through blood. 
"Come on!" He yanked on the collar of my shirt- almost choking the air out of my lungs- and half-dragged me further away. 
I suddenly thought of my brother, he could be in there. His friend- whose name I suddenly forgot- informed his family he was a Z, I heard them downstairs. 
Archer was leading us in a direction I was cloudy about; a forest. I halted in my tracks, making sure to dig my heels into the dirt so he would hear me. 
"They're probably inspecting the woods. That's where everyone would run of to. What we need is to go somewhere unexpected," I said. 
"Look, a bike!" Archer ran to the motorcycle that has fallen on its side. When the bike was perched on its wheels, I could see the visible scratches that the rocks have done.
"Hop on." 
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