Disappointment Falls In

Making of Still You

As they were running back to set, they noticed Anna wasn't around. They decided to look for her together. As they were going around the set, they heard a fimiliar voice speaking somewhere. They followed the voice till they saw Anna with another guy, hugging and kissing. They were stunned and decided to ask her when she gets back in set. Soon, Anna arrived and she was calling the boys to get their outfits changed. This was the time.

"Anna-sshi" Donghae said

"Who was that guy you were talking to? The one with brown hair and a blue jacket?"

"Brown hair and blue jacket? Ohh, you mean Steve? Well, he is my boyfriend."

"WHAT?! BOYFRIEND?!" they both said together.

"Yup. He is picking me up for dinner tonight. After I change you guys, I'm going. I couldn't stay for the night shoot. Sorry"

And so, after their outfits are change, they said bye to Anna and watched her as she walks away with her hand in her boyfriends' hands. They sigh to the ultimate defeat.


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