Chapter Two

Lost at Sea

Sora's POV

Heart pounding loudly from shock, I whipped around to see a very tall boy with a livid expression painted across his face. His sharply accentuated brows, which could almost make an angry “V” on his forehead, combined with a piercing stare and heavy frown did nothing to calm my racing heartbeat.

“W-what?” I managed to stutter out. I must have looked visibly shaken, because the boy’s expression softened.

“I said, ‘What are you doing here?’” he repeated, with a slight undertone of annoyance. I continued to stare at this stranger. Aside being tall, he had very broad shoulders, which intimidated me further.

I became tongue-tied under his intense stare. As I started to formulate my answer, a sudden draft flooded the hallway and I sneezed. The boy’s eyes lit up in shock when he finally noticed my drenched hair and soaked clothes.

“Before I answer your question, can I take a shower first?” I timidly asked, finally feeling the aftermath of running in the rain. My soaked sundress clung to my skin in the most uncomfortable places while my drenched cargo jacket restricted my movement and stole my precious, nonexistent body heat. “I’m starting to get the chills.”

The boy sighed, and his expression quickly became resigned. “Stay here. I’ll get you some clothes and a towel.” He looked at the path of little puddles that I had made while wandering around the lighthouse. “Don’t want you creating more of a mess.”

He quickly walked down the hallway and to the right. I heard a door open and slam shut. Left alone, I thought of how the boy’s outward appearance and personality was a serious mismatch. He looks angry, even when his expression is neutral. How unfortunate of him to have such angled eyebrows. But despite his hostile appearance, the boy has a kind soul. I mean, if there was a drenched stranger in my apartment, I would call the police on them. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps. A stack of clothes and towels appeared in my line of vision.

“Here,” the boy offered. Was it just me, or were his cheeks turning a slight pink? “These are my old clothes that probably won’t fit you…but it should be better than wearing your drenched clothes.” I looked at the boy and smiled in gratitude. His slightly pink cheeks became even more hued. “Now, if you follow me, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”

He began to walk down the hallway, stopping to glance over his shoulder to check that I was following. Why does he have to be so tall? Two of my strides equal one of his. At this rate, I’ll get lost again! When he saw that I was six paces behind him, he stopped and patiently waited, before chuckling.

“Sorry.... I didn’t take your…height into account,” he managed, before bursting into another round of chuckles after seeing my incredulous expression.

“Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Giant. Not everyone was blessed with height, you know,” I quipped. The boy stopped again, and turned to me with an amused expression.

“Mr. Giant?” he drawled. I blushed at the ridiculous nickname. It had been my desperate dig towards the boy in this humiliating context. “Well, Miss Shorty, mind telling me what you are doing here?”

“My name is Sora, Mr. Giant. I do not appreciate the lame nickname. ‘Sides, I’m considered tall compared to the average female. You are just freakishly tall.” I pouted and followed the boy when he made a right turn down another corridor. “I got lost while returning to my apartment and wandered for a bit until the rain started to pour.”

The boy laughed again. “You got lost?! In this tiny town?” I sighed. Can this day get any crappier? First, I get lost and drenched in the rain, and now, some freakishly tall giant is making fun of me?

“Yes! I got lost, okay. Stop judging. I can literally see you judging me in your head right now…” The boy’s eyes widened and he attempted to fake an innocent expression. He opened his mouth in protest. “Nuh uh. Don’t even try to lie…Anyways, I found this lighthouse and decided to wait out the storm in here. I called out before intruding, though.” I turned my head and studied the boy’s expression. He looked surprised and raised an eyebrow at my statement. “Guess I wasn’t loud enough...”

We arrived at the foot of the stairs leading to the third floor. As we started to ascend, the boy looked at me and saw my exasperated expression. “Sorry, my friends are using all the rooms on the second floor. The only restroom you can use where you won’t be disturbed is on the third floor.” We walked in silence down the hallway until we reached the fifth row down. “This is a suite. You can stay the night because it doesn’t look like the storm will die anytime soon.”

He opened the door and flicked the lights open. The room was pretty small, with minimal furnishing. A buck bed occupied the furthest corner, but the previous occupant had transformed the lower bunk into a desk area. A map was pinned to the wall under the bed. On the wall adjacent to the bed was a dresser, complete with an elaborate washstand and mirror. At the foot of the bed was another doorway, leading to the bathroom. We walked into the room and I turned to see what the last wall had to offer. The last wall was lined with bookshelves and miscellaneous items, such as ships in a bottle and corals. A sudden flash of lightning and rumble of thunder made me turn my head to the left. I was pleasantly surprised. To the left of the bookshelves and just next to the bunk bed, was a big picture window framed by wispy, white linen curtains. I peered through the window to see the turbulent waves and ominous sky. What a bummer. The view of the sunset from here would be absolutely stunning.

I was about to step towards the bookshelves in search of a book when I was interrupted by a sudden cough. I turned and saw the boy trying not to laugh.

“What?” I asked, slightly annoyed by the fact that he was laughing at me again.

The boy quickly composed himself before answering, “Nothing. It’s just… you seem to have forgotten the purpose of even coming to this room.” In my eagerness to look for a book to read from the bookshelves, I had forgotten that I was shivering from my wet clothes.

“Right…” I replied. My teeth were chattering together and my fingers were turning a light purple. I looked in the direction of the mirror and saw that my lips had also turned a light purple. “Well, I better get into the shower. Thank you so much, Mr. Giant.”

The boy chuckled again at my ridiculous nickname for him before saying, “Please, Miss Shorty. Call me Kris.”        

The introduction of a new character! I hope you guys enjoy~ ;A; I don't seem to be getting feedback though, please, feel free to comment! I won't judge. 


             1200 words. Posted 29. 12. 2013

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AmyNguyen0330 #1
Chapter 1: It's good so far >_< I'm requesting a poster their too
shin_su #2
Chapter 2: Loving your story so far :)I'm a bit confused, the characters so far are Sora and Kris right? LOL just a little confused