
Sad Song.

Mr.Kim can't wait to make Mina his daughter in law..he was more than happy and he made it his purpose of life and all he ever wanted now seemed like coming true..so he fixed the engagement date next week on sunday and he had also informed Mrs.park about it who eventually agreed( after living far away and on wondering y on earth did Mr.Kim would killed her husband ?..when Mina was 10..she came to know that story that Mr.Kim got Mr.Park was a lie..and rumor was spread by their business opponents and afterthat she didn't want to go back out of shame that he ever doubted the only person who was there for her and Mina whenever they needed)

Mina couldn't believe that her mother agreed to this engagement after hearing to all..and above all what she wouldn't able to understand that Y would KimJaeJoong would agree for this ..(little did she know..if he doesnt agree them that would mean his father would disown him.. That means no money..no company and practically nothing..so had to agree)

Engagement was an small family affair with jaejoong family and his close friends and Mina's family and her friend away from media's eye..  And it did one good..that he doesn't have to. Explain any of this to his love jiyeon..so he played along .They exchange rings and finally the party started..

Kim jaejoong didn't say anything to Mina and simply went to where his friends were...although it was rude all he did was care less..Mina was standing near stage all alone then sudden Mr.Kim came and spoke to her..don't worry child he is like that only ..but once he came to love u..he will be a loyal person just like his dad..and took her to dancing floor and started dancing to the song..and everybody in party joined in dancing floor...


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