I Should Have Listened


This isn't about Micky Yoochun. It's just about Yoochun. And his sister, who misses him greatly.



This is actually something I'd written for school, I just changed it up a bit to make it fit with Micky.

Unfortunately, things in this story won't turn out the way you wish. This is (obviously) completely fictional, okay? I would seriously have a fit on the floor if Micky was to really pass away. The thought makes me upset...why the heck did I write this??

But GUYS. This is the first time I've EVER written anything depressing! Aiko, you can't believe it, right?? Kudos to me! XD I was just taking a break from 'SHINee Strays' and 'Diaries of a Diva...'

Yes, so anyway...Micky hwaiting and all that jazz. This is to keep you all busy until I post up another update. I'm gonna go write more of SHINee Strays now for those impatient reviewers (coughAikocough) who cannot be patient even if I handed them a Xiah Junsu muffin.

...god if those existed...

~Jaiya <3



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koreankendi #1
Im a lil tear-eyed. I love the story! :)<br />
Yoochun's such a caring bro.
Cherry_56 #2
ohmygod! you're so good. congratulations, you had make me cry. :')
SweetLikeHersheys #3
*sniff* omg it's so sad! I wanna cry! And it's usually me who writes the depressing stuff. But it's absolutely amazing. One of your best, I must say. Love ya Jaiya!<br />
=) Aiko