Get Back To his ship, meet his mother again and then Face to Donghae..

Undefeated Man
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super yonghwa is flying with faster back to His Mother place while donghae is chase to him...


but donghae not full to heal of his self. so, super yonghwa can leave him very far behind..


after one hour to flying. super yonghwa then landed in front of his house..


his mother, saw him then she go out to super yonghwa..


"yong..I miss you.." said min young while she's crying and hug to yonghwa..


yonghwa hug to his mother too with all miss from him..


"I miss you too mother.." said super yonghwa while he's hug to min young..


after a while to hug. yonghwa let go his hug from min young..


"mother..I have some important things beside to meet you..I have take something from my ship" said yonghwa..


"does my ship still on the place when I hide it??" ask super yonghwa..


"ne, yong..I'm never change it.."  answer min young..


"mother..I will go first and take something from my ufo ship" said super yonghwa while he's walk to his ufo ship..


then after he can go inside his ufo ship, super yonghwa take a white crystal..and go out from his ship..


when he goes back to his mother. he look shock when he saw that donghae has there and hostages min young..


donghae just smile sly while he hold min young neck..


"yong..yonghwa" shout min young while she look to yonghwa with afraid and scare from his eyes..


"shut up.." shout donghae while he turn to look min young and tied his hold to yonghwa mother neck..


"donghae..don't kill my mother donghae, please only her and shin hye that I have in my life now..don't hurt her donghae..I beg you" said super yonghwa while he make a step..


"stop there yonghwa..don't make a step or I will broken her neck" warn donghae..


super yonghwa has stop to make a more step forward, when he saw that donghae is very serious to kill his mother..


"you know yonghwa what I want..give me the crystal from inside your body, now" shout donghae while he watch to yonghwa very carefully..

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Ibraheem #1
Chapter 26: Pls update soon, author-nim
Chapter 26: ohhhh wn ll u update
tya_yong #3
Chapter 26: I'm so curious with your sequel.
Please update soon authornim
godsmack2k11 #4
Tnx for the adventure stories,cool

Don't get sick chingus,takecare nae!
Riko_waiwai #5
Chapter 26: Hahaha....if you just end this story without tell me that you'd have part 2 coming up next. I'd properly go to hunt you down to write the ending again. :)
So I'm so eager to find out what happen to super Yonghwa and what yongshin will do in the Undefeated Man 2! Thank you!
Glady221 #6
Chapter 26: Is his master save Super Yonghwa? Hope more romance in next story
Riko_waiwai #7
Chapter 22: Has this story been completed? I hope not. I would like to see Yonghwa kill LMH at the end and have some yongshin sweet moments....kekeke!
Thank you!
Glady221 #8
Chapter 21: Oh no who can save Junghwa
Hawaali #9
Are you doing sequel of this story I hope so as recall all super hero stories the hero wins so make us happy authornim thanks
fiorex19 #10
Chapter 1: ahahha is amazing the story