Pancakes [ Ljoe ]


The soft sunlight crawled onto the young man's skin and awoken him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Its the 24th. He needed to get up early. Or at least, not late. He pushed his blanket away lightly and sat up. He shuddered at his toes touching the cold floor. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he started to get up. But a pair of tired arms laced around his slim waist.

"...where are you going so early...its only 8.45am?" You asked slowly.

"...I need to make some breakfast, and then go to practice."

"But you said you had today off..." you whined to him. "I know...but schedule's changed. I'm sorry...maybe tomorrow?" He turned around and started to pat down your morning hair.

The smile on his face he was giving you looked as loving as it can ever get. You stared up at him as you tightened your arms. You wanted to spend the day with him but you knew better than to make him skip practice. The last time that happened, he was punished to get extra practice during the weekends.

"I'm going to get up now, okay? You can let go of me."

He unfastened your arms and chuckled at your pout. He kissed it and you retreated. He knows how much you hate morning kisses.

"Your breath doesnt stink, okay?" He ruffled your hair and got up.

You laid back down and buried your head in the pillows. After a while you fell asleep. But when he got out the shower, you got up again and sat on the edge of the bed. He was brushing his teeth when you got up and walked up to him. You hugged him and rested your head on his bare chest, following him everywhere. Somehow, he managed to rinse off, wipe his mouth and put on some jeans with you still clinging onto him.

"Am I bothering?" You asked playfully and puppy-eyed him from under his chin.

He kissed your nose and said, "I love you so, no."

Then he pecked some more kisses onto your face before lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He was shirtless but it didnt matter. He brought you out of the room to the little kitchen island and set you on the edge. Your head was laid on his shoulder but when you smelt pancakes, you turned around.

"Pancakes?" "Mm-hm. With Nutella."

He smiled, slowly peeling you off from himself. You resisted but he made you by showering you with kisses down your neck.

"Aaa...I havent taken my bath yet..." you whined.

He ignored it and when you let go, he turned you around and made you face the food he prepared. It was lovely. You'd ve lying if you were to say that it was luxuriously amazing, being that there was only a stack of 6 plate-sized pancakes with Nutella dressing on it but the message he had delivered was what caught your attention.

"You remembered..." you breathed, turning to him.

"Of course I would. I love you. And that means everything that comes with you too. Especially your birthday. The one day where I get to be thankful that you were born and now alive here with me..." You smiled at him.

"-I'm old, Byunghun."

"...even if you dont like remembering your age. You're 2 years younger than me, how is that old?" He chuckled.

"You get matured. I dont."

"I ACT maturely. You ARE matured but you act like you arent. Like say, you're a little heavy than I am but you chose to let me carry you-"

"Only because I dont-"

"-you dont want me to leave. See? You're not old. Even if you are, I dont mind. We'll get old together. Be granpa and granma to our cute grandkids. Wont that be nice?" He asked sweetly.

You wanted to smack him mentioning being granparents but then his adorable face turned the intended smack into kisses.

"I love you. And thank you for reminding me everyday that you do too. It gives me life," you grazed his damp fringe.

"No thank you's are needed. But you eating with me right now, is. I'm so hungry I could die."

He laid his head on your shoulder dramatically. It made you laugh. It always does. He's a kid, after all, dressed in a man's body. A hot one, that is.

"I'll pick you up later and we can go to the rooftop ice cream place, okay?" He said. "I can go by myself," you said, munching down half a pancake in one bite.

Nutella smudged your chin and Byunghun his thumb, wiping it for you. He furrowed his eyebrows but you pushed your index finger onto it, straightening the crooked lines.

"Why are you so independant? Cant you just let me be a gentleman and pick you up?"

"I like taking the bus. Gives me some freedom," you wiped your plate clean with the last piece of pancake.

"Freedom from me? Oh you dont want to be away from me," he said.

"Not from you. But from your obsession of me," you winked.

You got up to put the dishes away when he approached from behind you and trapped you by the sink. He put away his dishes with yours before turning you around. Slowly, he used his thumb to trace your nose down to your lips, but knowing the naughty Byunghun that he is, you smiled cheekily at him before his finger. He growled.

"Hm. If I didnt have practice, I'd keep you all to myself for the whole day," he cooed.

"You can still do that. Just find some time. I'm yours for the rest of the time you can ever give me."

You smiled before kissing down his jawline, leaving him hungry for more. Chuckling silently, you pat his chest and pushed him lightly off, walking him to the front door while grabbing his tshirt and sweater by the couch.

"But now, go practice. Before Chunji comes over and scold you like a stepmother."

"Yes, mom..." he sighed.

After he got into his full attire and some sneakers on, he fixed his hair using you as a mirror.

"Pretty mirror, lovely mirror in front of me, who's the most charming of them all?" He joked.

"Lee Byung, Lee Byung, he's the most charming of them all. But he wont be if he stays much longer."

Laughing, he kissed you and waved goodbye before leaving out the blue door of the apartment. You sighed. You'd really prefer him stay to be with you, especially its your birthday, but it wasnt to be. Come to think of it, you do have some other things to do attend to now that Byunghun's gone. So you took your bath and cleaned the house a little bit. After a while, just half an hout before lunch, you got ready to go out.

"Time to visit grandma," you smiled, fixing your dress.

A maroon sundress laced in white with the pink sneakers Byunghun got you, a simple handbag and some light makeup. Ready to go. Just before leaving, you wrote on the sticknote pad hanging from behind the door and stuck it with the hundreds of others on the half-filled wall by the door. Wishes, Byunghun calls them.

'Write down your wish for the day and stick it up. Smile before leaving the house and I'm sure you'll get it come true,' he said the first time the both of you moved in together.


Taking the bus was a great idea since you needed some fresh air by your own. The noon heat was bearable too, with the light breeze and clouded sunrays that accompanied you along the way. You walked over to the 3-story building and went straight to the garden. The garden thts filled with cosmos and daisies. You calmly made your way to a woman who sat in her wheelchair by a familiar bench next to the flowerbed. She was looking away, into a world she made in her own mind. You silently sat on the bench, nearest to the woman.

"Hi, mom..." you softly put your hand on her shoulder.

Slowly, a smile crept onto the woman's slightly wrinkled face. She laid her hand on yours and turned to you. Her free hand found its way to your cheek, cupping your face with her warm hands.

"There's my girl. Happy birthday, honey... I'm so happy for you. You're so young but you already have a job, a house and your own money..."

"I know. You're proud of me, arent you?" You sniffed, tears at the ready.

"Of course, sweetheart. And I'll always be. I'm just a little sorry that I cant be there for you or take care of you like I used to-"

"-mom, stop it. Its enough, more than enough that you're still with me, that I can still see you and feel you...that we can still be together," you laced your fingers with hers and smiled.

You tucked your mom's slightly spiked, breeze-kissed hair behind her ear. With her hand still on your cheek, she smiled back when she realized that you were, too.

"...some people would've killed to have a mother, regardless of her condition so I'm not complaining anytime soon, mom, okay?"

"Even if I cant make you my chocolate chip pancakes like I used to?"

"I'd rather you dont make it since it'll be dangerous. I'll make them for you instead."

You pulled out a food container from a paper bag you brought along and opened the lid. The smell of pancakes wafted through the air, carried away by the friendly wind. Immediately your mom's face lifted.

"You really brought them? Oh, it smells delicious!"

Her hands roamed your arms, trying to find the edge where the pancakes were in your hands. Finally she found them, pinching a piece into . Like all mothers, she did the 'yum' part a little too dramatically in which carved a smile on your face.

"This is delicious! Are these chocolate chips I taste in the dough?"

"Mm-hm. Do you like it?"

"I love it. You can make these for me any day, sweetheart," she said animatedly.

You put the container in her hand to let her eat the pancakes and excused yourself to leave for a moment. It was past lunchtime but you took the risk. Taking out your phone, you video-called Byunghun. Being the good person he is, he picked up on the first ring. Immediately his lovable features came into view.

"Hey," you said quietly.

"Hey there, cookie. I thought you'd never call. What's up?"

"I thought I'd bother you if I called but I kinda took the risk anyway. How's practice?"

"As usual. Ricky stubbed his toe by the chair again so we gotta wait for the swelling to go down before we continue. So now is currently individual practice." You smiled a little at the sound of his tired voice.

In the near distance, you heard your mom giggle at something. She must love the pancakes so much, you thought.

"Where are you? Out for fresh air?" Byunghun asked, realizing you were outdoors.

He looked worried but when you lifted an eyebrow at his furrowed ones, he chuckled sheepishly.

"My mom adores your pancakes, Byunghun. More than I do, I think."

"She does? Wow. And to think the recipe I used was her old one and I was taught by her own daughter," Byunghun laughed.

"She doesnt know that. But she will if you want me to introduce you to her..." you smiled hopingly.

"What- wait, you're with her right now??? I thought- but I look horrible! And and and its so informal like this- she's gonna HATE me-"

"Byung, babe, breathe. Dont worry. She's alright. You can handle me, right? And that means you can handle her too since I'm much worse," you giggled at his panic face.

He was starting to fix his hair and wiped the still dripping sweat from his face. You brought the phone over to where your mom was. She heard you coming so she stretched her arms to you and grabbed it with your free hand.

"Did you enjoy those pancakes, mom?"

"Yes, yes I did. You made it perfectly, sweetheart," she smiled.

"It IS perfect. But I didnt make them, boyfriend did."

Your mom went silent for a moment but then she smiled and turned her head to you. Then she spoke in a gossipy voice,

"Oooh, sweety, you never told me you had a boyfriend! What's he like? Does he always make you pancakes in the morning? How does he know to make it like this?"

"Mom, mom, breathe. He's really great, really. He's a bit taller than me, a bit skinnier, too but he's strong. He only makes me the pancakes sometimes because I usually do it. I taught him how to do it since he likes it so much. He's really loving and sweet, mom. He's just like dad," you smiled, proudly boasting about Byunghun.

A forlorn yet loving look washed over your mother's features. Her shoulders tensed when you spoke of Byunghun before but then she relaxed when you mentioned your dad.

"Just like dad?" She asked.

"Just like dad. Funny, sweet and knows how to take care of me, despite all my and stuff," you chuckled.

Your mom's hand went to yours, she squeezed it and smiled. Byunghun watched from the end of the video-call line without saying a word. You looked over to him and smiled. Happy tears were b but you forced them back down. He smiled back and pretended to wipe your tears from his view.

"Hello, mother. My name is Byunghun. Lee Byunghun. I heard you're a fan of my pancakes?" He asked cheerfully.

"Oh! Is he here? Honey why didnt you tell-"

"-mom, he's on the phone, don’t worry. I video-called him just a while ago. Do you wanna talk to him?" You offered.

Though she couldnt see, you adjusted the phone to fit both of your faces for Byunghun. You waved at him and he waved back.

"I was kind of hoping to see you in person later but I never did...I'm really sorry we had to meet like this. Though, its really nice to meet you," he said politely.

"Oh honey, its okay. You must've been busy but its really okay. Meeting like this is okay, you know, since I do get to hear your voice which is more than enough. And the pancakes, yum," She laughed to herself, throwing him two full thumbs up.

Byunghun thought it was adorable, being that he was smiling from ear to ear. He looked at you and shrugged. He mouthed a 'yay' to you and you giggled.

"I'm glad you think so. And I'm also glad that you like my pancakes. Its an honour since I did use your recipe,"

"If you come and meet me later, oh honey, I'd love it if you make some more of these lovely pancakes."

"Oh? Then what about me?" You asked her, nudging your mom playfully.

"What about you?" She joked, laughing till the wrinkles by her eyes showed.

And the three of you stayed like that, joking and laughing at each other.

"Grandma, can you see this? Mom and I are happy now. So you have to be too, okay?" You thought to yourself as you looked up to the sky.



Pushing your mum on her wheelchair into the building, you came to a stop when you saw a familiar figure standing by your grandmother's resting place. Lean, just a little taller than you and had a head full of dark brown shaded hair. Eyes closed, hands clasped together just a little under his nose, praying.

"Mom, wait here for a minute, okay?"

"What's wrong- oh, I smell someone else here. Is someone with you?"

Ignoring her, you walked towards him and smiled. You tapped his shoulder and he looked up, somehow a little shocked. Panicking, he wiped his hands on his pants as if it was wet.

"Lee Byunghun. What are you doing here?" You smiled curiously.

"...urm, visiting an old friend...?," he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Who's that, honey?" Your mom asked from afar upon hearing your voice talking to someone.

"Its Byunghun, mom. He came to visit grandma. Right, Lee Byung?" You giggled, finding amusement in Byunghun's panicked face.

"Y-yes, yes I did. Hello, u-urm, I, I'm Lee Byunghun...I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet you before..." he mumbled, walking cautiously towards the wheelchair.

You walked over to her before him, pushing the wheelchair in his direction carefully. He looked at you and smiled sheepishly; in which quickly disappeared when your mom offered him a hand to shake with. He received it gently while bending down to her level.

"Well hello there, my boy. Its nice to finally meet you. I enjoy your pancakes so much," your mom laughed, holding his hand tightly.

Relaxing his entire body, he kneeled down beside her and said,

"I'm very happy you like them. Maybe I'll make some more of them just for you later."

"Awh thank you dear. Dont worry about me, you should make them more often for tht special someone, dont you think?" She giggled, patting Byunghun's hand to which he shyly replied with a chuckle.

You were happy to have witnessed tht moment. You were happy tht now your mom has a male figure to leave you to since she's always been so careful of letting you go to some guy's company. Even she knows tht Byunghun was special, somehow.

"Of course. But I'll have a lot of time to spend with her, you, mother, will need me more. I'm quite the charmer, am I not?" Byunghun joked as he mock-whispered to your mom.

She laughed quietly, going along with his little act. You looked at him and couldnt help but smile. You knew tht he's always been tht sweet, very charming, even. But tht day, he was especially sweet. He looked up at you and winked. You giggled silently as you watched them talk some more. After a while of talking, you and your mom prayed for grandma. Mom finished first so she asked for Byunghun to take her outside because she wanted to gv you some alone time with grandma. It was a normal thing for her to do since she knows you were very close to grandma. After you prayed, you looked at grandma's picture, putting your hand over the glass.

"Hey, grandma. How are you? I hope you're okay there, happy, even. Since I am, here. Did you see him, Byunghun? He seems nice, right? He really is. I guess its true, what you said. 'Broken people are hard to love but once you know how, it'll be worth all the pain.' Its a good thing I remembered those words of yours when we had that big fight. You're always the best."

You looked at her picture and talked to her as if she was there, as if she was alive. Because it felt as if she was. Tears were b but you didnt let them fall because you thought then grandma would would be worried. It wasnt sad tears, but happy ones. You thought about what had happened to grandma and it was dreadful but then Byunghun came into your life just not long after that. It was as if life patched you up right when you needed it. It was hard for the first few periods of your relationship with Byunghun; to the part you almost wanted to give up but grandma's words saved you. Saved you, mom and Byunghun, too.

" alright there?" A voice came from a few feet away.

You turned around and saw Byunghun. He was holding a paper bag in his hand and it looked a little wet.

"Why is tht bag wet? Did something spill?" You asked quietly while looking at the floor.

"Why is your face wet? Did something spill too?" He countered softly.

You were glad tht he did since it made you laugh a bit. He walked over and settled the paper bag on your head as he used both his hands to wipe your face and fix the hair tht was trying to cover you. You maintained eye contact with him as he looked at your condition.

"The bag's kinda cold." You said.

"Want me to remove it?"

"No, its nice there. I'm kinda having a headache... Byunghun, is this ice cream?" You asked quietly.

"Mm-hm. Cookies & Cream, right? There are some sweets too," he said, tucking a strand of rebel hair behind your ear.

You got the bag down and peeped in. You smiled at the Cookies & Cream ice cream and Vanilla flavoured sweets. Byunghun knew you too well.

"Why are you here?"

"…because Ricky's toes werent showing any sign of getting better, because I finished my solo practice early, because it's your birthday and because I wanted to see grandma."

"How'd you know bout grandma?" You asked him, tilting your head a little.

"Every year since we met, you'd always disappear for a few hours during the day of your birthday and when you come home, your face would be bloated. I know you try to hide it but really, even a cat would notice. So last year I followed you here."


"…because, I wanted to know why you cry on each of your birthday. I know about her accident. I searched it up and I know why you cry think its sad that she passed away on your favourite day. Plus, she's like your backbone, right?"

"And how do you know all this?" You eyed him curiously.

He smiled calmly and said,

"You told me."

"When? I dont recall telling you any of this REALLY private thing," your eyes widened.

"Thts because you were drunk. I got to know about it last year, when you got scolded for the late submission of the feature article you were working on for your newspaper company. It was just a few weeks before your bithday. We had dinner and went to sleep but then I found you crying on the balcony at 2am. I was worried sick, you know?"

He told you calmly. Looking straight into his loving eyes, you felt guilty. Guilty for never telling him, guilty for making him worry, guilty for not trusting him with your past...just guilty. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his chest.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I never told you about any of these things, and I'm sorry I'm always worrying you. And I'm-"

"-sorry for letting me love you even if you're not perfect? Really?" He cut you off.

Tears streamed down again. Its not what you wanted to say but you somehow feel affected by it. He really does love you for all that you are even if you were like this and that; mostly with unexpected behaviour every now and then, plus all the sarcasm to put it on top of it all but he stood his ground. He stayed.

"Hey, hey, I didnt mean tht, honey...hey, I thought you wanted to say that since you're always worried tht we might break up. But really though, I love you, even with all the weird little things tht you do. Like asking me to take you on an ice cream date at 2am, sit in bed for a whole day movie marathon without even bathing and, and suddenly asking me to shampoo you...all of that. I love it all, and its bcuz I love you, baby. I love you, I do. And I know its been hard going through the years with me. I know I hurt you a lot when I was hurting...and I'm sorry for that. I'm really must've hated me...but, but tht's okay. I'll still love you."

Byunghun pried your face out and cupped your face. He kissed your nose and the tears tht streamed before stopped. You smiled at him; at his lovable soft-featured face. You kissed his jawline and laughed.

"I dont hate you. I never did too. And its okay, bcuz I love you too, Byunghun. I love you too. And its normal to hurt others when we're hurt; its what humans do, and you're human, remember? So dont worry...okay?"


You buried your head back in his chest as you silenty hear him exhale. He rubbed your back just when you did the samd to him and it made the both of you laugh.

"Byunghun, where's my mom?"

"Under the big tree outside. She said she wanted some fresh air. So I told her I'll let her get some alone time as I go get you. And she mentioned tht she wanted ice cream."

"We gotta buy new ones, these are kinda melted, dont you think?" You smiled sympathetically at him.

"Yeah....." he sighed.

"Hey, I'll eat this one. But we gotta buy new ones for mom."

You said, giggling at his sad face. Smiling cheekily, he lifted you up and pulled you into a kiss. Giggles slipped in between the kisses but you liked it, even so.

"We can bring your mom along for tonight's birthday celebration if you want...we're going to the ice cream parlour right? Besides, the more, the merrier!" Byunghun beamed at you.

How could you say no to tht face. His intention was nice and his face was adorable, so yes.

"Sure. I think she'd like that."

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yamakim87 #1
Chapter 12: I just can say...Woah~~~ jjang!!!
forever_distracted #2
Chapter 12: OMG. This is sooo cute! *squeal moment* JackJi is super adorbs! >v<
Chapter 1: aww~ this is so nice!