Taking care of Tiffany

Taeny: The Beginning
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4. Taking care of Tiffany

"Come on Tiffany. How many times do you want to mess up?" The male dance instructor groaned in frustration for the third time that afternoon.

Everyone stopped dancing again as the music stopped and Tiffany silently cursed mentally to herself.

"Why can't you get the beat right?" He said as he walked besides Tiffany, facing the mirror. "Trouble, trouble trouble. Turn to your upper body to face the front, 1 2, shoot shoot shoot. 3 4, hoot hoot hoot. That's it." The dance instructed demonstrate the dance again as Tiffany observed carefully again, following along little by little.

"I'm sorry." Tiffany bowed to the dance instructor before bowing to the rest of people in the room, "I'm sorry, let's try again."

The dance instructor dismiss Tiffany's suggestion with a wave of his hand and said "Take five everyone. Come back and we'll start from the top."

With that, all nine of them quickly dispersed themselves. Some going out of the room to go to the toilet, some sat on the floor, near the water dispenser while some sat near the couch where their bags were, checking their phones.

Tiffany slumped her tired and sore body onto the couch as she sighed while wiping her sweats.

"What happened to you?" Yuri asked as she handed a bottle of water to Tiffany before taking a seat beside her

"Too much on my mind. I'm sorry." Said Tiffany. As usual she felt guilty that she was dragging her members down too but being a slow learner in dancing, she can only hoped that they understood and she have been giving her best.

"Nickhun?" Yuri randomly guess what's troubling the latter beside her.

Tiffany shook her head. "Not really. I haven't been contacting him lately. He's busy and I'm busy too. We seldom talk these days. We're either too tired or too busy."


"And you're ok with that?"


"Well I guess, that's the cons of dating in this industry. You have to do it secretly and you don't have much time for each other." Tiffany lean her head back, leaning it against the head of the couch as she massage her temple, trying to clear her throbbing headache.

"Unless you're in love with the person in the same group as you. That will be a breeze." Yuri had meant it as joke but she immediately regret it when she saw Tiffany spacing out.

"But of course you can't. Cause there's no boy in our group. Anyway, do you hate Victoria right now?" She quickly tried to change the topic.

"Victoria? Wae?" Tiffany lifted her head and turned it towards Yuri.


"Because of WGM?"

"Ahhh." Tiffany then leaned her head back again. " That's part of the job. I'm professional. I understand."

"You don't care about it?"

"Not really." Tiffany answered nonchalantly. She didn't know if she totally trust Nickhun or she don't really care and can't be bothered about it. But it was more towards the second option.

"Ok, this is new. Where did your possessiveness go?"


Tiffany shrugged. "Maybe I trust him too much." She knew she was lying but that was the better reason.

"Ok then. Well, time's up. Let's get back to practice. " Yuri said as she stood up, pulling the displeased Tiffany beside her.


Taeyeon stretched and yawned as she sluggishly made her way towards the kitchen. She widened her eyes when she saw a black silhouette sitting at the kitchen counter alone, playing with her phone. She quietly make her way into the kitchen, squinting her eyes as she tried to look at who that person was with much help from the reflected light from the phone in that person hand.

She then took a deep breath when she noticed who that person was and slowly open the refrigerator there, startling the other person in the kitchen.


"Hey. What are you doing sitting here alone in the dark?" Asked taeyeon.

"Can't sleep. So was just sitting here thinking."

"About? Nickhun?" Taeyeon asked, trying to sound normal but in fact, each time she mentioned that name or even think about that name, her heart always ache as though she just stabbed herself there.


Tiffany sighed at the mention of the name. why is it that everyone thinks I'm thinking about him each time I'm feeling down. It's about you, Kim Taeyeon. You you you. But of course Tiffany kept that thought to herself. She had been thinking about taeyeon a lot lately and their friendship. Things were not that awkward between them now but it was not like before. Even though there is progress, Tiffany can't help to feel hurt and sad whenever she thinks about what happened between them. It's like they were suddenly so distance between each other, like lovers after a bad break up.

Tiffany shook her head. "About stuff."

Taeyeon heard the sigh and she thought she had guessed it right. But she was disappointed when she heard Tiffany denying it. She thought Tiffany lied, not wanting to tell her about it or that she was uncomfortable in sharing her problems with her.

"You wanna talked about it?"  Asked taeyeon concernly, just to convey the message to Tiffany that she's willing to listen.

"Nah." Tiffany shook her head.

I guess she's not comfortable telling me stuff anymore then. Taeyeon stifle a sigh before smiling faintly to Tiffany, masking her disappointment. "Ok then, I'm going back to sleep. Don't be sitting here too long. Get some sleep. Goodnight." Taeyeon didn't wait for Tiffany's reply and turned her heels, walking away.

"Goodnight." Tiffany replied not even bothering if taeyeon heard her.  She quickly looked down, fiddling with the rim of her cup. She too was disappointed but for the different reason.


Why taeyeon, why? Why are you treating me like a stranger? What happened to the caring and attentive taeyeon. Come back to me, taetae.

Tiffany sat alone in the dark with her thoughts for a few more minutes before she finishes up her drink and stood up to go into her room.


Taeyeon stood up anxiously when she heard the main door beeped open while the rest of the girls around her merely turned their heads towards the door.

Soon, they saw Tiffany hopping on one leg as her other leg was cast up to her knee. One of her hands was draped over their manager's shoulder while her other free hand was holding onto a crutch. She was still getting use of the crutch and was unable to walk properly. Tiffany had injured herself after a fall during one of their performances. She was immediately rushed to the hospital when she complained that she was unable to walk or straightened her leg.

"What happened to her? What did the doctor say? Why is her leg in a cast?" Taeyeon quickly attacked her manager with questions when the pair walked into the living room.

"She had dislocated her right knee. The doctor had already did the necessary alignment and the cast here is to make sure she won't bend or move her knee too much until it is fully recovered. So in the mean time, she will be pulled out from all performances, schedules and promotions." Answered their manager as he assists Tiffany towards the couch. The rest of the members who were sitting at the couch quickly make way for Tiffany, letting her have the couch all to herself.

"What?!" Taeyeon was shocked at the information. But quickly tried to regain her composure. she won't be promoting with us. She won't be doing any schedules. How am I supposed to go about living. She's my motivation, she's the reason I'm still going strong, and she's the only thing I look forward everyday.

Their manager lifted both Tiffany's legs onto the couch, straightening it and places her crutches beside her. He then straightened up again before addressing the girls again.

"Now, who wants to volunteer to take care of her. I was thinking of giving that responsibility to her room mate but since she's rooming alone, I need a volunteer to take care of her around the dorm. "

"Oppa, I can take care of myself. I still have another working leg and two hands. I'll be fine." Tiffany quickly answered, not wanting to be a burden to the rest of her members

"I'll do it." Taeyeon quickly raises her hand, much to the surprise of other members in the room. As far as they know, taeyeon have been ignoring and purposely avoiding Tiffany for God knows why. And hence, they were surprised by the sudden caring gestures. "Besides her room is next to mine and I have not much individual schedules. Plus, I'm the leader. So I should be responsible for everyone's welfare." Taeyeon quickly added on when she realize a few pair of eyes looking at her with raised eyebrows.

"Alright then." Their manager then took the files and plastic bag he had left on the table before gesturing taeyeon to follow him to the dining table. "I'll explain to you her medications and all. Of course she have already been told of what to do but I just need someone to keep an eye on her and make sure she did what she was told. "

Taeyeon nodded. She took a seat in front of him and silently listened to his instructions, making mental note to herself to make a note later about what to do and what not to do, Tiffany's medication timetable, physiotherapy session and follow-up check ups.


The next day, Taeyeon woke up with a start thanks to her ringing phone. She quickly took her phone and silenced it. She then squinted her eyes to read at the little note on the screen, a reminder she had set the night before.

'Tiffany's morning medication. Before meal.' She read the note to herself. It took her a minute to fully processed that information before standing up to go to the kitchen.

As she was walking over to the kitchen, Tiffany was already awake as she observes Tiffany who was using her hands from trying to balance her body using her crutch while struggling to remove the cap of the water tumbler.

"Ugh!" Tiffany groaned to herself when she accidentally spilled water onto the kitchen counter after finally succeeding in opening the cover. She then hop towards the sink to get a dry cloth. She had left her crutch leaning against the counter as she thought it was much faster and easier hopping around because she was still not used to it and the water would have drip onto the floor if she do not wipe it soon.

Taeyeon smiled at what she is looking at. Even at times like this, you're still trying to be independent fany-ah. Let me take care of you. I don't care what people say or think, I'm going to take care of you till you've recovered. For the first in her life, eversince she met Tiffany, she felt strangely at peace with her mind and  heart. She had decided to follow her heart and take care of Tiffany, showing more concern for her, ignoring the constant reminder her mind keep nagging at her for the past four months that Tiffany belongs to Nickhun and she can't have her. it's not wrong to take care of my best friend afterall. She finally consoled herself and approached Tiffany.

"They gave you this for a reason, you know." Taeyeon said as she took the crutches and place it infront of Tiffany.

"Wow, you're up early." She was surprised that taeyeon was already awake. Moreover, she was suddenly being nice and attentive to her again. She look at taeyeon's eyes and saw that familiar soft gaze, like the first time she had met her. It felt as though Taeyeon was back to her old self again.

Taeyeon ignored the remark and continue to place the crutches forward, gesturing towards Tiffany. "Use it. Better than you hopping around with possibility of getting more injuries."


"I hate using this. It just slow down my movement. It's easier getting around hopping anyway."


"It'll drain all your energy in no time."


"I have no reason to conserve my energy anyway. I'm literally suspended from all activities remember?" Reminded Tiffany. She was still refusing to take the crutch.

Taeyeon sighed at Tiffany's stubbornness and also at the reminder that Tiffany will not be by her side during working hours.

"Stubborn as always." Taeyeon shook her head. She then stood besides Tiffany and took her arm, draping it over her own shoulder. She then places her arm around Tiffany's waist, supporting her.


Tiffany gulped and froze in place. She was shocked by the sudden contact and attentive gesture. Her heart was beating so rapidly when she felt taeyeon's body close to her, she thought that she was dreaming.  Why is my heart beating so fast? Taetae is caring for me again. My taetae is back. She then silently smiled to herself, feeling relieved. But taeyeon's voice brought her back to reality.

"Can you walk?" Taeyeon asked when she felt that Tiffany wasn't moving.

"D-dae." Tiffany slowly took the first step with her non-injured leg. She then tried to move her injured leg forward but wobbled when she did so. Taeyeon quickly grabbed Tiffany tighter by her waist, closing whatever gap is left between their bodies.

"Slowly." Taeyeon said. "Lean your whole body weight on me." Instructed taeyeon when she felt that Tiffany was still not using her as a support.


Tiffany looked at taeyeon and saw the concern and worried look. She suppress her smile as she did what she was told. Slowly, taeyeon guided Tiffany to the kitchen stool as she make her way around the kitchen counter so that she was facing Tiffany.

"Alright.  Morning medicine." Taeyeon rummaged through the clear small bags of medicine on the counter, lifting it one by one to read the description on it. "Ahh, here it is. Two tablets per day, before meal." She read the description out loud before peeling off two tablets and handing it to Tiffany. She then stood up to pour a glass of warm water for Tiffany to swallow her medication.

"So this will be after meal. And this is... ahhh, painkiller. Only takes it when the pain persist. This medication will cause drowsiness, blah blah blah." Taeyeon continues to sort out Tiffany's medication as she waited for Tiffany to be done.

"So, what do you want for-.." Taeyeon stopped talking when she saw that Tiffany still hadn't swallow the pills she gave earlier. "Why aren't you swallowing those?"

"I hate eating medicine." Tiffany puffed up her cheeks, slightly whining.

 Aigo. Why are you so cute, fany-ah. Taeyeon resisted the urge to pinch those puffy cheeks. She's a friend. My best friend. Just a friend. I'm just taking care of a friend who is injured right now and she needs my help. Taeyeon reminded herself again and again so that her mind won't overthink and jump to conclusion yet again.

"Do you want me to squash those pills for you?"

Tiffany shook her head. " I just hate eating medicine."

"But if you want to recover, you have to eat it. And you have tons of medicine to eat." Taeyeon pointed at the few bags of medicine she had just sorted out earlier.

"I know." Tiffany looked back onto the pills on her palm and sighed.

Taeyeon smiled looking at Tiffany being all sulky. She then took the pills from Tiffany's palm and squashed it into powder form using two spoons. She gestured one of the spoon towards Tiffany's mouth, hinting her to open . "It's less torturous to eat it this way." She tried to convince Tiffany one more time when Tiffany refused to open , shaking her head.

"Be a good girl and I'll cook you something nice for breakfast. Please." Taeyeon begged using her aegyo she seldom uses with other people.

Tiffany sighed and relented. She slowly parted her lips and took in the spoonful of squashed medicine. Taeyeon quickly ushered a glass of water towards her, indicating her to swallow it. Tiffany listened and do as told. She grimaced at the bitterness of the medicine before exhaling loudly, relieved at the torture she just gone through.


"Good girl." Taeyeon patted Tiffany's forehead, smiling proudly at her.

Tiffany returned the smile but her stomach was tingling with butterflies, she's having back those feelings when she first thought she had fallen for taeyeon. The tingly feelings of being in love returned. She felt happy at those feelings but as usual, her mind would bring her back to one person whom she didn't want to betray, that one person whom she have promised to stay committed to, that one person whom she's having a relationship with right now.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Taeyeon asked

"Anything you can cook." Tiffany replied not trying to be so fussy. She was already feeling guilty for being such a burden to her but yet she's loving this tender and attentive side of taeyeon. It's like she is falling deeper for this girl and she wasn't even sure if it's love.


"Kimchi fried rice?"

Tiffany thought for a while but shook her head in the end.



Tiffany shook her head again.


Tiffany shook her head.

"Kimchi pancake?"

Another shook of the head.

"Soy bean paste stew?" Taeyeon asked, her voice wavered a little as her confidence began to lost. That was the last dish she knew how to cook.


Tiffany shook her head. "Can I have something western? American?" Tiffany looked down onto her lap while asking. So much for not wanting to be fussy. She thought to herself. But she can't help it but be all cute, whinny and clingy towards taeyeon.

"American? But I only know how to cook korean food."

"Oh. Anything will do then." She was trying not to sound dissapointed.

"Ahhh. How about tuna sandwich?" Taeyeon snapped her fingers remembering how much Tiffany loves tuna.

"Yes please." Tiffany responds, her eyes lit up with excitement. "With lots and lots of tuna in them."


"Right on it. You can always count on Chef Taeyeon." Taeyeon dorkily smiled to Tiffany before grabbing a can of tuna in the cabinet, starting on her tuna sandwich.


Tiffany shook her head at taeyeon's dorky behavior. She silently thank god for bringing taeyeon back to her. She silently

thank god for answering her prayer to make taeyeon be close with her again, just like old times.


Taeyeon took Tiffany's empty plate and her own empty plate to the sink before making her way to the refrigerator, standing in front of it, scanning the content.

"Any drinks for you?" Asked taeyeon, her eyes were still browsing through the content of the refrigerator


"Red bull please."

"Red bull? Early in the morning. No way."


"Milk ok? You need to consume lots of calcium for speedy recover." Taeyeon quickly interjected before Tiffany could protest further.


"Eww, no. I hate milk." Tiffany replied, her face was distorted with disgust.


"Strawberry milk? It's pink." Taeyeon quickly added the last part to convince Tiffany into drinking it.



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NekoLS #1
Chapter 10: Marathon your stories again 😚
1131 streak #2
Chapter 1: After searching for years I've finally found this again 😁😁😁
Chapter 10: Two thumbs up!! Author nim Jjang ;))
maemae08 #4
Chapter 10: This is amajjing!
dbeyrh #5
Chapter 9: so much sentences from GLEE ;v
"Have you ever like someone so much you just want to lock yourself in the room, turn on sad music and cry?" thats ao racher berry.
great story tho ^
Chapter 9: Oh my God like I don't know what to say...this is like the most legit!! any taeny shipper can think of during those times I know the actual moments were real but the fact you can think of adding the delulu moments making it....urrrgghh AMAZING truly AMAZING and I can't believe there's more!! Lol thank you author-nim for making these fics...I shall read more xD
Chapter 7: Beatles Code *smirks*
Chapter 6: And that's how we got our President Choi Sooyoung, locksmiths HAHAHA.
Theeoverlord #9
Chapter 9: I love slow burns. Beautiful story!
taejellybean #10
I'm not good with making comments, but thanks for writing this! :)