Chapter 1

Butler on the Roll

Minyung was nearly swept off her feet as the wind gushed and dragged her up nearly taking her into outer space. She wrapped herself tightly together while looking at the address she was given by her parents.

They didn't explain much to her apart from the fact that she was to live with her grandmother until they came back to wherever they were going to. Minyung thought nothing of it; coming to the conclusion that they were just busy and may well just be going on a business trip and will soon come back, but with a huge amount of doubt laying on her shoulders, she figured she might not be seeing them too soon... Or maybe not soon at all.

Heaving out a sigh of desperation, she looked at the address given to her again and squinted her eyes to look for a sign.

Any sign would be helpful now, she thought, although the place did look rather empty. 

She arrived at a little village, via a long bus journey and all she could dream of right now was nothing more than just to sit down and let sleep consume her tired eyes. Losing hope, she comes to what seems to be the end of the road, but what greeted her came to her with surprise.

"This... This can't be right? Can it?" She fiddled with the little piece of note she had and pouted ever so slightly. "Mama must have given me the wrong address." She suggested to herself as she looks up to the big mansion before her. Disbelief had filled her as she rung the mighty golden bell. The speaker was and made a horrible high pitched sound that pierced through Minyung's ears, she could feel tears coming out from her eyes. "Yes, who may this be? Ringing this late at night?" A man's soft voice had filled Minyung's broken eardrums and ironically healed them. She stuttered to find words to say; she felt nervous, considering that this might be the wrong house; she would definitely look the fool.

"M-My name is Minyung, and I'm suppose to be staying with my grandmother... you should be expecting me?" She closed her eyes shut as she felt the harsh wind slap against her skin. There was a moment of silence before the man spoke again, with a more assuring tone of voice. "Ahh yes, Mademoiselle Minyung, am i correct? We have been expecting you, we will open the gate now." As he said, the gate had opened immediately upon his word as Minyung entered in friskily to avoid the cold, it was a long walk to the manor and at times she would nearly fall due to the bad flooring of the uneven gravel. With much excitement, she arrived at the front door to the manor and before she could even knock on the door, it had already opened. A light blush had filled her cheeks as she saw a dashing young man. "Mademoiselle Minyung?" he asked as Minyung could not utter any words other than muster up the courage to nod. He smiled charmingly and straightened his back. "Welcome to the Lee household. We welcome you to have a pleasant stay." He bows as Minyung finds everything too formal for her liking. She couldn't hold back a gulp and steadily enters into the house. It was too bright for her eyes, the golden sparkling chandelier, the sliver polished candelabrum and most of all the floor! She could nearly see her own reflection.

"I'll take your bag up to your room mademoiselle, please follow me." He briskly took the bag Minyung was holding, jarring it away from her, which made Minyung look at him in shock as he was being a bit rude. "No, i can carry it myself honestly." she commented back as he shook his head. "No woman should need to hold onto such heavy luggage. I'm at most surprised that a petite girl like you can carry something like this all the way here."

Minyung, right there at, that moment, felt as if she had just been mocked. Scoffing at this butlers' remark, she declaimed; "Butler, i find myself to be strong and can carry most things without a mans' help." No more words were said as they made it to her room. The butler opened her room door and dropped her bag to the floor. Witnessing the butlers' behaviour, she could not believe how unprofessional this person was. "There was no need to drop my stuff like that!" she screeched as the butler looked at his watch. "Breakfast is at seven and you will meet your grandmother tomorrow at noon in the study hall. That is all, i hope you have a pleasant stay." With that, the door was slammed shut as Minyung lets out a sound of utter distaste.

"What an awful butler!" 

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misajinki93 #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^