
Painful Love -Sequel-



"HA! Take that, you bastard!" you said
"Why you little !!" Seunghyun was mad now
You didn't know what was gonna happen to you now

Too many memories were flashing through his mind
Even though he was unconscious, his head was hurting like hell

"Ya! Kim Junsu!" you shouted

"Oppa.." you smiled

"Thank you oppa!!" you beamed

"Eomma!See!Junsu oppa's in shock!!" you said

"Well..If you suddenly leave..I'll wait for you,no matter what will happen,and when you'll come back" you said

"Hyena-ya..I'm sorry..I'm sorry I can't tell this while facing you" tears fell down his cheeks

"So..I guess this is goodbye" you said,with a sad look

He took his ring off his finger and slid it in your finger "Wait for me"

A tear came out of the corner of his eye


He heard claps from somewhere
" remember.." someone said
"Kim Junsu..?" Junsu turned around

They were back in that black room

"Thank you..Han Junsu" he said "Thank you for finally setting me free"

Now Junsu got it. He was no Han Junsu, he was always Kim Junsu
He just didn't remember it
"I guess it's time for me to go,huh?" Han Junsu said, he was sad, but still tried to smile
Kim Junsu looked at him with curiosity and then grinned "You fell for Hyena, didn't you?"
"Guess so" he rubbed the back of his head
"That girl.. Everyone can fall for her instantly" he shook his head
Kim Junsu looked at him again. He had a sad face
"Don't worry, you will always remain in here" he pointed at his head "Keeping an eye on her.. Maybe giving me solutions to my problems.. Because you are my other, after all"

"Thank you.." Han Junsu said
"I thank you as well.. Thanks for taking care of Hyena"
"No problem. But this is as far as I can go. She's in trouble now... Save her" he said
Kim Junsu nodded
"Goodbye" Han Junsu said
Kim Junsu smiled "Goodbye"


"Why you little !!" Seunghyun was mad now
"You wanna die?! Because I can kill you right now!" he yelled
"Try me!"
Seungri nodded in undestanding and quickly gave Seunghyun a knife
"You brave little girl.." he ran the knife along your neck
You could feel his breathing on your neck
"Brave.. but oh so stupid"

Junsu opened his eyes
His eyes were filled with rage and anger
He was so angry that he could break free of all the ropes that was tying him

"Let go of Hyena" Junsu said
The three of you looked to where the sound was coming from
"Ya!! How did you get out of those ropes?!" Seungri shouted
"Shut the up" Junsu turned his head to Seungri with a death glare. Seungri quickly shut his mouth in fear, that glare gave him shivers

Junsu turned to the man behind you, he still had the knife close to your neck
"Let Hyena go" he demanded
"Ha! As if! Why should I?!"
"Let go of her, and nobody gets hurt" Junsu said calmly, holding in his anger by clenching his fists
"Are you gonna hurt me?" he laughed "Oooh I'm so scared~" he mocked
Junsu clenched his fists even harder, he gritted his teeth "You asked for it"
Within a flash, Junsu was already close to you
But Seungri came in and stopped his way
Junsu kicked him in the stomach and punched his chin"Get the hell out of my way"
Seungri was groaning in pain on the floor, soon enough, he was unconscious

It was now Seunghyun's turn
Junsu was about to go after him but Seunghyun held the knife closer to your neck
Junsu stopped instantly
"Take one more step and she dies" he threatened
Junsu couldn't move, he didn't want to hurt you
"Who's scared now?!" he laughed evilly

You were angry, angry because you couldn't do anything at that time

You just prayed
You shut your eyes
Help us.. Please

"Stop what you are doing right now!" somebody shouted with a megaphone from the outside
Seunghyun was startled "W-Who the ?!"
Junsu smirked "Police, I guess.."
"You! Y-you called didn't you?!" Seunghyun pointed the knife at Junsu, stuttering
"Me? How could I? I was unconscious, genius"
You took that opportunity to kick the knife out of Seunghyun's hand

You smirked "You can't hurt me anymore, you son of a " you said
Junsu quickly used that chance, he swiftly ran to him and knee-kicked him in the chin, making him fall on the ground

Junsu squatted down to his level "Who knew you were such a coward.." he shook his head
"Choi Seunghyun.. You were a smart kid, why did you turn into this?"

Junsu could remember, Seunghyun was his classmate back in New York. He was smart but sort of shy, so he didn't have a lot of friends. Always a loner..

"You didn't know..?" he was breathing heavily, blood was coming of of his nose "My the haed of the mafia. What was I supposed to do? Turn my back from my father? He'd kill me"

Junsu's face softened "Sorry, dude. But you still gotta pay for what you've done"
Seunghyun nodded, he knew was was coming to him soon

Junsu was still angry, but he couldn't find the heart to beat him again

"We're coming in right now!" the police shouted from outside
The building was an old warehouse, the police came in with their guns pointed

"Hyena!" someone shouted from afar
"Eomma!" you saw your mom running towards you
"Omo! What happened to you?!" she cupped and examined your face in worry
"Not much.."
Hyeri quickly untied you and hugged you
"How did you know I was here?" you asked in confusion
"Good thing your dad was there. We knew something was up when you and Junsu didn't come home last night"

Then Jaejoong came in as well "Hyena! Are you alright?!" he panicked
"I'm fine, appa" you smiled and hugged him "Thank you"
"You're my daughter, I would never EVER let anything bad happen to you"

You broke the hug

You looked at the other side, Seunghyun and unconscious Seungri was hand cuffed and Junsu was only watching him

Junsu caught you watching him, he smiled and went over to you
"Hyena" he hugged you

Hyeri and Jaejoong knew that they had to leave you two alone, so that was what they did

"Hyena..I'm so sorry" Junsu said
"I'm sorry I left you for 4 years.."
"You.." you looked at him weirdly
"I am Kim Junsu. The one and only Kim Junsu"
A tear of joy came out from the corner of your eye
"Junsu!" you hugged him tighter "Finally..You remember.."
"There was this one thing I wished I had said to you.. I can't believe I' ve never said this to you.." he said with a smile
"I love you"
"I love you too, Junsu"
The two of you shared a kiss

You felt his lips

Those warm lips

Lips you haven't touched for years

The kiss you've been longing for

So warm

So delicate

So sweet

So soft

So... perfect

You loved that moment

The moment you shared with him and only him

You loved him



He remembers

4 years..

Finally.. My misery is over..

I'm finally with you.. Junsu

My love..





aaahh sorry if it !! TT

sorry for taking oh so so long to update!

but this isn't the ending! but the story is ending soon.. *pouts* *cries*

the next chapter is the final, maybe.. TT

can't believe this story is gonna be over!

comment pleasee..


comment replies:

Undescribable : thank you! ^^

water_lilly : happy ending~ see? lol

kaemeeoni : sorry if i took too long ><

jlynne: ahaha lol you figured it out already.. >< yeah but only seunghyun and seunghyun lol (top & seungri).. i just knew they had the same names! lol

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Sounds awesome
Mizfit4life #2
Just finishe reading this fanfic...It's so romantic :) <3
@iammee : thank you :)<br />
Hope I see you in my other stories too..
Wow...... That was really cute, sweet and touching... ;__; both ur stories are AWESOME... keep writing!
@Mizfit4life: Wow I can't believe somebody's still reading this<br />
Hahaha<br />
It makes me feel happy.. :)<br />
I'm glad you like this!and if you like you can read my on-going story after finishing this one ^^
Mizfit4life #6
I subscribe to this and it's sooo damn cool
Mizfit4life #7
OMG its so awesome~I cant stop reading it!
aww<br />
i loved the prequel and its sequel XD<br />
its amazing!!<br />
lovely story!~ ^^<br />
*clicks link to next story*
It's the endinggggggggggg! AIGOO, NOOO!. ):<br />
Oh well.. This story is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!<br />
Awee the ending <3 Thanks for writing an AMAZING story!<br />
Hey, it'd be cool if you were an FF about Jun and Junhye ^_^<br />
HAHA I'm just tryna suggest things ;)<br />
Overall, <3 Amazing seqeul.