
Painful Love -Sequel-


I just met her today..But why do I feel like I've known her?
Who are you really Kim Hyena?
He drove off
You all went into the house and Jaejoong put you on the couch carefully
Jaejoong sat next to you
Yoochun closed the door "Okay, what the hell was that?!"
"I don't know either.." Hyeri shook her head as she made her way to the couch
Hyeri sat next to you, and Yoochun sat next to Jaejoong
"Who is he? He looks exactly like Junsu!" Hyeri said
"I think he is Junsu..His birthday's the same as Junsu's, he was adopted 2 years ago, which was when Junsu didn't come back, and he had amnesia" you said
"So that's why he didn't recognize us.." Yoochun spoke
"How did you meet him, anyway?" Jaejoong asked
"You remember when today I ran out of the house?"
The three nodded
"Well, I took a walk, I didn't know where I was going and it was raining hard at that time.."
"Wait wait! It was raining and you still took a walk?!" Hyeri cut you off 
"Aish..I didn't care if it was raining or not, I just wanted a walk..Anyway..back to the story. I found myself in a dark alley, there were these 2 guys, the harrassed me, I slapped one of them and spit on the other one. They got mad and they beat me up"
"You WHAT?!! And you were WHAT??!!" Jaejoong burst  "Who are they?! I'll kick their sorry asses back to hell!" Jaejoong clenched his fist
"Appa..Stop it.You won't find them anyway.."
"Believe me. If I want something found, I WILL find it" Jaejoong said
"Ha! You didn't find me!" Hyeri said
"But I did, didn't I?"
"After 20 YEARS!" Hyeri laughed
"Back to the story guys!!" you tried to catch their attention again
The shut their mouths "The guy kept kicking me, so then I fainted. I woke up in his room, and voila here I am. If it wasn't for him, I would've died there"
"This is SO k-drama!" Yoochun blurted "You finding Junsu again! He saved your life! Omo this is fate!!" he squealed like he was a school girl
"Yoochun-ah, have you been watching dramas again?!" Hyeri turned her focus to Yoochun
Jaejoong shook his head and patted Yoochun's shoulder "You're such a girl.."
"Am not!" Yoochun defended
"Yes you are.." Jaejoong said
Yoochun pouted "Stop talking about me. Why did you say you'll see him tomorrow?" he asked you
"Hmm..Well..He asked me to be his fake girlfriend" you laughed
The three just hung their mouths open
"So yeah, that's it" you concluded before they ask any more question "Goodnight" you got up and went to your room
Pain was running through your body, but you held it in
You went to your room and closed the door
You carefully laid your body on the bed and closed your eyes
And his image showed up
Donghae-ya...Help me..Make me stronger..
Don't let me break down and cry
He's right in front of me but he doesn't remember me anymore..
You clutched your chest
I miss my Junsu..
The next day
You woke up with immense pain in your head, just like when you were having a hangover, except it was worse and there was no alcohol involved
"Ughhh..." you groaned as you sat up
With all your strength you moved your legs
Finally you got out of the bed
You checked yourself in the mirror
There was a bruise on your left cheek
You let out a sigh
You went downstairs and to the dining room
"Morning.." you said, almost lifeless
"Feeling better?" Yoochun asked
You shook your head as you pulled the chair and sat on it
You forked the eggs and put it in your mouth
"Where's appa?" you asked, with your mouth full of eggs
"He went home" Hyeri said
"Oh..Why didn't he stay here?"
"Do you want him to stay here?"
You nodded
"Do you want to live with him?" Hyeri asked again
You nodded again "He's my dad, I want to see him everyday. I haven't seen him for my whole life.." you put in the toast in your mouth
6 pm..
You were a Marry Me,Mary on TV with Yoochun
You looked at the clock "Crap! I have to get ready!" you quickly stood up
"But what about Mary?!"
"No time! I'll just have to watch the re-run!"
You ran upstairs, wincing your way to your room
"Gaaahh! What should I wear?!" you started panicking
You browsed through your closet
You stopped when you remembered something "Is this a formal dinner?!"
"Aish! I forgot to ask him"
Thank God you had a huge closet filled with clothes you haven't even worn yet
"This one's still has the price tag on it.." you shook your head
You ripped the price tag and threw it away
You put it on and wore some make up
You checked the clock "Omo, 5 minutes left!"
Guess I'd have to wear my hair straight today
You grabbed your white clutch purse and went downstairs
And just when you were about to say goodbye to your mom and Yoochun, you heard honks from outside
"Bye!" you said quickly and opened the door
You looked at your white watch "It's exactly 7 o'clock. This guy.." you made your way to his black Maserati
You got inside the car
"Put on your seatbelt" he ordered and you did what he said
"We're late and you do NOT want to make my mom wait, so hold on" he said and then sped off
It took us only 10 minutes to get into the restaurant due to Junsu's insane driving, but I wasn't screaming my head off, I was already used to that. Because he always drove like that..Donghae
Stop it Hyena..Stop or you'll cry again..
He got out of the car and so did you, he handed the key to the valet person
"Be careful with it" he said and the person nodded
Junsu went beside you and grabbed your hand
You looked at your hand, then you looked at him curiously
He could sense your stare so he turned to you "What? We're a couple,right?" he grinned
You looked away and blushed
You two walked inside the huge fancy restaurant
You were greeted by the manager and he showed you the way to the VIP room
When you were finally in front of the VIP room, the guy bowed and left
"Just act natural.." he said
You nodded
You held his hand tighter
His heart was beating faster
Calm down Junsu! What the hell?! he mentally slapped himself
He opened the door, revealing the gorgeous room inside
There was a huge chandelier in the middle of the room, below it was a beautiful table fit for royalty
The room was kinda dark, only the lights from the chandelier lit the room, giving it a romantic and peaceful sensation
What if that chandelier falls down? you thought to yourself
"You're here!" a lady exclaimed as she stood up and opened her arms widely
"Eomma.." Junsu led you to his mom
"So you're his girlfriend?!" she said, with a huge smile plastered to her face "You are so cute!!" she squealed as she pushed Junsu away and went closer to you
She cupped your face and let out a sigh "Finally..my baby boy has a girlfriend and a pretty one that is" she smiled warmly
You examined her and so did she
She was very beautiful, milky white skin, beautiful features..You envied her. She had her hair tied back into an elegant bun. She was wearing a white silk dress that was up to the knee and a white blazer to go with it
She's not Junsu's mother..So where are they..?
She let go of your face "You are such a beautiful girl. Junsu, finally you found someone suitable for you" she looked at Junsu who just had a blank face
"Oh! Come on, let's sit down and eat!" she clapped her hands
Junsu dragged you to the table and pulled the seat for you
You gladly sat on it, Junsu sat next to you. You two were accross from Junsu's mom
"Where's dad?" Junsu asked
"He couldn't be here tonight. He had an important meeting with one of his clients" she said
His mom caught a sight of you, you had your head hung low and she could tell you were feeling awkward
"So, what's your name?" she asked
You held up your head "Oh, I'm Kim Hyena"
"I'm Han JuYeon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you,Hyena" she smiled
"It's a pleasure to meet you too"  you smiled back
"So, tell me. How did you two meet?" she asked excitedly
You and Junsu looked at each other
"Tell her, Hyena" he said
"Well..Junsu here is good with story telling. So you tell her, honey" you smiled innocently at him
"Wh-" he sighed 
"I met her at..a party" he started
"A party?"
"Yep. She was drunk at a bar" he grinned
Your eyes widened "What? No I wasn't!" you defended yourself
"Honey, you said I should tell the story. So why are you cutting?"
"Aish..I'm sorry Mrs. Han, this guy here..my lovely boyfriend, maybe got hit by a rock so he doesn't know what he's talking about" you fake laughed
"We met at a park. At that time, I fell down my bike.." 
"Oppa! Don't ride too fast!" you shouted at Junsu from behind
"Catch me if you can!!" he laughed evilly
"Ya! Kim Junsu! You-"
You didn't notice there was a rock in front of you
You fell down the bike
"Owww!!" you winced
He heard you and stopped his bike
He quickly ran to you "Hyena, you okay?!" he squatted down
"I'm not..Look" you showed him your wound "This is all because of you" you pouted
"Aww..sorry..Let me make it up to you"
"Ice cream?" your face lit up
He nodded with a smile "You got it"
"Come on" he stood up and held out his hand
You took it and got up. You winced "It still hurts..Shouldn't we get it treated first?"
"Oh yeah..I forgot" he laughed sheepishly
*End of flashback*
"And he saw me, so he helped me up..He treated my wounds, and even bought me ice cream.." you smiled as you reminisced the time you had with Junsu
Junsu saw your face, you were smiling, but he could see the sadness behind it
"Awww..That is SO cute!" she squealed "I didn't know you were so nice,Junsu-ya"
You laughed weakly "Yeah..That's why I love this guy"
The dinner was filled with chats and laughs
You were comfortable being around him and his mom too
But you just wished that the person next to you were the Junsu you knew..The Junsu you loved
wow finally done!! whee!
comment please thank you!
comment replies:
kaemeeoni : lol wait for him!
shin33 : lol i'll update as fast as i can lol sorry..he had to hahaha thank you ^^
guiwang_4ever : let the war begin!! lol no! the one and only kim junsu is mine!
tixie23 : here you go~! ^^ still can't.. 569..i'd still die..lol 1 is enough hahhaha my brain has its capacities..
jlynne : lol well only his mom..hope you enjoyed it! ^^
water_lilly :  hahaha lol i'm glad it wasn't obvious..lol
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Sounds awesome
Mizfit4life #2
Just finishe reading this fanfic...It's so romantic :) <3
@iammee : thank you :)<br />
Hope I see you in my other stories too..
Wow...... That was really cute, sweet and touching... ;__; both ur stories are AWESOME... keep writing!
@Mizfit4life: Wow I can't believe somebody's still reading this<br />
Hahaha<br />
It makes me feel happy.. :)<br />
I'm glad you like this!and if you like you can read my on-going story after finishing this one ^^
Mizfit4life #6
I subscribe to this and it's sooo damn cool
Mizfit4life #7
OMG its so awesome~I cant stop reading it!
aww<br />
i loved the prequel and its sequel XD<br />
its amazing!!<br />
lovely story!~ ^^<br />
*clicks link to next story*
It's the endinggggggggggg! AIGOO, NOOO!. ):<br />
Oh well.. This story is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!<br />
Awee the ending <3 Thanks for writing an AMAZING story!<br />
Hey, it'd be cool if you were an FF about Jun and Junhye ^_^<br />
HAHA I'm just tryna suggest things ;)<br />
Overall, <3 Amazing seqeul.