Am I Dead?

Painful Love -Sequel-


"Hey,don't forget Saturday 'kay?Pick you up at 5"
"Yeah yeah.." I said then I went to my house
I sighed 'Junsu..Why haven't you called yet..' I turned the door knob and went inside

Your POV

When I went inside,the lights were still on
I quickly went upstairs to my room

I threw my bag away and went to get a shower

And after I finished showering,I put on my PJs and went back to my room
I checked my cell phone,checking if there are any messages
I layed myself on the bed
I scrolled down the messages..only to find the old messages that Junsu sent a couple of weeks ago
I opened it one by one

From : Junsu Oppa <3
What'cha doin'?=)

I remembered that I replied "I was thinking of you..NOT..=p" but really..I was thinking of him..every minute,every second
Then I opened another message

From : Junsu Oppa <3 already wanna go to bed
I'll be lonely if you go to bed now
*I'm pouting right now* =(


I smiled when I read that message..I opened another message

From : Junsu Oppa
Then I'll call you,so you won't get sleepy!You won't fall asleep when you're talking to me,right?
But if you DO fall asleep,I'll wake you up with my voice! I know you'll wake up when you hear my voice!
My voice is too beautiful to be ignored!


I chuckled after reading that message.But that chuckle lead to a cry
I sat up
"Kim Junsu you babo.Why haven't you called yet.." I wiped the tears off my face
I sighed and got up
I put my cell phone on the desk and then I went back to the bed
I tried to sleep,but I couldn't.I tried fluffing my pillow,facing the right,the left,but in the end..nothing worked.I still couldn't get a damn sleep
I gave up and turned to face the ceiling
"Aish" I hissed

Then I calmed down and closed my eyes slowly
Then all I saw is white..
I looked down,and what I wore was white,pure white
Am I asleep?Or am I dead?
I looked around,and all I saw was white,nothing else
I wandered around
Then finally I caught someone
I saw a tall man,wearing an all-white suit,with dark-brown hair.I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me
I walked closer towards him
"Hello?" My voice echoed
No response
"Who are you?" I asked
Still no response
I cleared my throat
"Hey mister!Who are you?" I asked with a more serious tone
No response
What's wrong with this guy..?Aish whatever
I gave up and started walking away from him

" a complicated feeling isn't it..?" he suddenly spoke up

I stopped my tracks and turned back to look at him,but yet again..his back was facing me

"What do you mean?" I asked,still standing on the same spot

" can make you feel like the happiest person in the whole world to be able to feel be able to have be able love's the most happiest feeling.But can make you feel so can almost kill yourself because of it..You love a person so much,you won't be able to forget that person..even if 16 years have already passed,and you already knew that they're not in this world still grab on to the empty hope that they'll come back to you" he said

I just stood there,not saying anything,because I don't know what to say
I finally got the courage to ask him "You..You felt like that before, right?"

He exhaled "Yes,I have"

"What her?" I asked

"Well..let's just say I did something I'm not proud of that made her leave me.Then some time later,I found out that she was dead..But I still couldn't forget about her, I don't want to, to be exact..Even though many years have passed, my feeling towards her is still the same"

I stood silent

Then he dug his hands in his pockets "You think I'm pathetic, right?To grab on to that stupid hope, to not be able to forget about her" he asked

I thought for a while "No.Not at all..Because love, like you said, is a complicated thing..It does what it wants to do in your heart, make your heart beat faster when you see a person that you have feelings for, makes you flutter when you hear that person's voice..And a love doesn't go away just like that, even if a thousand years have passed, you still won't be able to forget that love..if you really love that person..a true love.And you're not pathetic, you're a really loyal person, and I can tell that you're a great lover" I answered

He chuckled and then took a deep breath and let it out "Thanks"

"What for?" I asked

"For making me realize that I love her so much, and I'm not pathetic. You're right..she is my true love" he answered

I smiled "But..who are you..exactly?" I asked

"Me?I'm your father" he turned around
Suddenly I woke up,breathing heavily
I sat up
I brushed my hair away
" father..?!"
"W-What the..Damn it! I still couldn't see his face.."
"Aaaahh!" I threw myself on the bed again
"I've never dreamt about him before..I've never seen his face before..But now..I'm glad that I know his voice" I smiled

sorry, lame and short chappie..T.T

but please do comment..

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Sounds awesome
Mizfit4life #2
Just finishe reading this fanfic...It's so romantic :) <3
@iammee : thank you :)<br />
Hope I see you in my other stories too..
Wow...... That was really cute, sweet and touching... ;__; both ur stories are AWESOME... keep writing!
@Mizfit4life: Wow I can't believe somebody's still reading this<br />
Hahaha<br />
It makes me feel happy.. :)<br />
I'm glad you like this!and if you like you can read my on-going story after finishing this one ^^
Mizfit4life #6
I subscribe to this and it's sooo damn cool
Mizfit4life #7
OMG its so awesome~I cant stop reading it!
aww<br />
i loved the prequel and its sequel XD<br />
its amazing!!<br />
lovely story!~ ^^<br />
*clicks link to next story*
It's the endinggggggggggg! AIGOO, NOOO!. ):<br />
Oh well.. This story is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!<br />
Awee the ending <3 Thanks for writing an AMAZING story!<br />
Hey, it'd be cool if you were an FF about Jun and Junhye ^_^<br />
HAHA I'm just tryna suggest things ;)<br />
Overall, <3 Amazing seqeul.