A Dark Yesterday

1,000 Words

The days after Christmas passed by very slowly and I lost inspiration for my photography. When New Years came around, my friends Jia and Min invited me to go drinking with them, and with nothing better to do, I gladly accepted their invitation. On the first, they came to pick me up and we decided upon a club in the center of Seoul. The snow still hadn’t melted and it made driving conditions fairly scary.

When we finally got in the club, we met up with Fei who would be our designated driver. I decided to spend most of the night with her so she wouldn’t be sober alone. We both ran to the dance floor, and as the night progressed, Min and Jia slowly grew sick of their intoxicated states and they begged Fei and I to take them home. After a few minutes of badgering, we gave in and carried them to the back seats of the car, strapping them in.

I situated myself in the passenger seat and as Fei turned the car on, I adjusted the heater to blow on our feet. I started to doze off when the heavy rain began to fall. The pattering of the drops against the roof of the car and windshield was a very calming sound. We were halfway to Jia’s house when I heard a screeching noise outside the vehicle. Only moments after, the car jolted and all I could hear was metal grinding against more metal and asphalt.

After a few loud and painful moments, the breath I didn’t know I was hiding was released. A sharp pain filled my chest and I opened my eyes. I was upside down and I could see the small shards of glass on the pavement, blood staining the ground. I tried looking around but I could only see Fei. “Fei?” I said, in hopes she would give me a sign. I heard her mumble and I gave a sigh of relief.

“Jia? Min? Are you guys alright?” I asked, not being able to turn my head. When I heard no response, I repeated myself. No answer. I began reaching for my seat belt, the only thing holding me in the car. When it released I fell to the pavement, the glass cutting my cheek, but that wasn’t a concern to me. I needed to make sure my friends were alright.

When I tried to lift myself another sharp pain shot up my arm. I bore a deep cut from wrist to elbow. I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I couldn't alarm the others, if they could still hear me. 

I crawled through the window of the passenger side, the glass crunching beneath my hands and knees. I stood up and gritted my teeth, doing my best to bear all the pain. I limped to the back door and tried to pry it open, when it wouldn't budge, I got back on my knees and peered through the window, "Min? J-Jia?" My eyes widened in horror. The image of two of my closest friends burned into my mind. I heard a heart shattering scream, only to realize it was my own. I broke the window in the door and began to unbuckle Min, dragging her out of the car. I proceeded to do the same with Jia.

When I finally reached the front door where Fei was, I noticed that people were gathered around both vehicles and some were whispering to eachother. Tears welled up in my eyes. These people were standing here while I was pulling out the lifeless bodies of my friends, not even knowing if there was a chance for Fei or myself. "Why are you just standing there?" I yelled, the tears mixed with the blood on my face fell to the ground. The crowd was so silent I could almost hear them splash on the pavement. 

I knelt down and began unbuckling Fei, but my hands were shaking and my vision was getting blurry. I shook my head in attempt to brush away the dizziness that was enveloping me. My body ceased to function and I slammed against the door before hitting the pavement. A few seconds before my sight went black, I could see people running now, the footsteps scrambling to both vehicles, and I could hear the man next to me on his phone, calling for help. "Four are dead, one survivor and she's running out of time..."

Four dead. 

Running out of... time. 

Running out...

Four are dead. 

An ear-splitting scream ripped me from the silence and pain rushed to, what felt like, every point in my body. I opened my eyes and two people were standing over me, holding my down by the shoulders. The scream was mine, but I don't remember opening my mouth. A doctor rushed in and grabbed a dial, hanging on a drip wire. After a few moments, the pain subsided and I stopped screaming. 

My eyes were frantically searching the room, I didn't recognize it at first, but then I realized where I was. A hospital. 

"What happened?" I asked, eyes searching the doctor. With a sad sigh, he sat on the chair by my bed and the two nurses let go of my shoulders, leaving us alone. "You were in a car accident," he began, "and we didn't think you would survive." I took in a deep breath and searched the room again. "Did anyone else survive?" "One. The other drivers son, but he has been paralyzed." 

After a few moments of thinking, I felt a knot well up in my stomach. Only one other survivor? I looked up at the doctor with fear in my eyes. "What about Fei, Jia, and Min? My friends! What happened to them?!" He shook his head, confirming my worst fear. My three best friends, gone. All at once. They were so young.  


As the hours turned into days, and the days turned into weeks I would wake up and stare blankly at the white ceiling. I refused to eat for a few days, but when the doctor gave me the news that I could not return home until I'd reached a healthy weight and most of my serious wounds healed, only then I began to eat again. 

The day of my release the doctor came into the room and asked to speak with me privately. His face was guilt-ridden as he continuously avoided my gaze. "What's the problem?" I furrowed my brow as I asked. He adjusted his glasses nervously and looked up at me, "Seoyoung, there is something I was supposed to tell you, the day you woke up. I didn't feel it was necessary, but my supervisor believes otherwise." "Spit it out already, I want to go home." He took a deep breath a proceeded, "After you collapsed trying to help your friend, you fell into a coma." Silence fell over the room and the tension grew as I looked at him, shocked. "You were sleeping for three years."

I reached up and pressed my index fingers to my temples. "You mean to tell me that you weren't planning on telling me this at all before I was released?!" "I-I'm sorry. I didn't find it necessary. Nothing has changed for you. All of your activities were put on hold until you recovered. Everything was to go back to the way it used to be when you awoke. I thought it would be better for you to find this out on your own."

I didn't care what the doctor had to say anymore. I stormed past him and went to the front desk, demanding to be released. After a few minutes of paperwork and calling a taxi, I was finally able to leave. I opened the glass door and the fresh air filled my lungs. I could smell the flowers and everything looked beautiful. "I wish I had my camera," I whispered to myself. When the taxi pulled up, I climbed in and gave the man directions.

Twenty minutes pass by and we stop in front of my house. I pay him and get out, walking up to the front door. When I finally get inside, I rush to my bedroom and begin to cry. There I stayed like this for hours.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and continue reading! 

Thank you and I love you all ♥

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