A Brighter Tomorrow

1,000 Words

I looked out the window at the snow caressing the ground. Why was snow so cold when it looked fluffy and inviting. It was the first time it had ever snowed on Christmas day since I was born. But that was 10 years ago. "Seoyoung, it's time to open gifts" my mother yelled from the other room. I tore my gaze from the window and scrambled off the kitchen bench. My mother held a Christmas gift out to me with a big smile on her face, "This one first." I took the gift in my hands and began carefully unwrapping it, I hated tearing into things as beautiful as these gifts.

When I started to see the box, I felt a rush of happiness run through me and I started to rip the wrapping paper. "It can't be!" I yelled, excitement getting the better of me. I opened the box and gently pulled out the pieces. My father helped me put it together and after a few minutes it was done. My very own camera. A very nice one at that. I began walking away with it until my father called to me, "Seoyoung, there are still more gifts!"

That memory always flashed in my mind when it started snowing. It's been a long time. I'm twenty years old today, on Christmas. I'm spending it alone this year, with the photos that cover my walls. I got off the dining chair and pulled the curtains closed. Christmas was a great holiday, but since my parents passed away, I had began to enjoy it less and less. But the snow, I still loved the beauty and mystery of it. I went to the coat rack and slid on my jacket. I slipped on my boots, grabbed my camera and went outside.

I could hear the snow landing gently on my hood and it felt as if the snow was kissing the top of my head, reminding me that I wasn't truly alone. I smiled and put my eye to the camera, capturing the snowflakes dancing against the breeze. I let out a content sigh and began my journey down the empty street. I lived just outside of Seoul in the rolling hills. The neighborhood was beautiful and surrounded by the greenest of grass. I remember when I first moved there as if it were merely a month ago. I took a picture of the little cherry blossom tree that stood out through the snow, it's flowers threatening to jump into the snow. I captured the beautiful moment and continued down the street.

After what seemed an hour, it began to get dark. I checked the time and I had been out for nearly our hours. The camera swung from one side to the other as I swiftly turned around to head back. That's when I bumped into something. "Ouch," the figured landed on the ground underneath me. I gasped when I realized I was on top of him. "Sorry," I said, getting up and bowing politely. I offered a hand, "I am really sorry." The hand had a strong grip and I almost slipped again when the full weight of the man began pulling on my arm.

"Thank you," he said, giving me a slight nod. When he looked up, he shot me a brilliant smile. My blush was hidden by the cold biting at my face, already noticeably pink. "Don't thank me, I knocked you over, it was the least I could do," I explained. He just chuckled with a slight nod. I stepped back a bit and a sharp pain shot up my leg. I looked down to see a hole in the knee of my pants and a little bit of blood staining the fabric. I winced. "Are you alright?" he got down on one knee and took a look at the damage. I just nodded with a smile, "I'm fine."

"Merry Christmas," he said, extending his hand, "I'm Sun Woo." "Seoyoung," I said as I looked at his hand quizzically. He put his hand down and chuckled a bit before bowing. After I bowed in return, he explained to me that handshakes became a habit after visiting the United States for a month. After a few more minutes of chatting, he offered to walk me home, and I gladly excepted.

When we reached my house I opened the door and stepped inside, turning around to see him off. "Goodnight, and Merry Christmas, Sun Woo-ssi!" "Goodnight and Merry Christmas to you too Seoyoung," he said, giving me a great big smile before walking away. I closed the door and leaned against it with a sigh of happiness. This Christmas wasn't so bad after all.

Sorry this chapter is really short. It's just an introduction to the main character, Seoyoung. I hope you all enjoy this story and leave me lovely comments. I love to know what you think about my stories. I love you all <3 -Seo

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