The End Part 2

It just.......Happened!

Seohyun POV
I don’t cry every night anymore.  It’s been 2 week since we last saw each other. I’ve done my best to try to avoid him, but we still have to film our last episode.  I can’t stop thinking about him.Things around the house remind me of him. Taeyeon unnie didn’t listen to anything but CNBlue. And she kept watching WGM.
All it did was bring me back to all the times we had.
I remembered the first time we met. When he called me weird. I made a list of all the things that made myself weird.
I remember the conversation we had at the amusement park. It didn’t take me long to become comfortable to telling him things.
I remember the first time we kissed
Hyoyeon: Seohyun!!! Taeyeon you have to come see this!

Tv: It has been confirmed that Bekah of After School has been the one writing blogs of Snsd’s Seohyun.
The blogs have been extremely critical. Most talking about The Maknaes weight. Fans of Snsd have demanded a public apology to Seohyun. There has been no comment by Bekah.

Sunny: Finally getting what she deserves.
Hyoyeon: What do you think she’ll do>
SH: Whatever……I’m over it
Taeyeon unnies phone began to ring. She went to the side and talked lightly
Taeyeon: Hello
Taeyeon: Seo Baby? Come out to eat with me.
SH: Now?
Taeyeon: Yeah. Or do you want to make me go alone?
I had nothing else to do.
SH: Ok. I’ll just wear my track suit then
Taeyeon: No wear something nice!!”
Unnie was acting so weird
SH: Why
Taeyeon: I have a confession to make.
SH: What is it?
Taeyeon: I like this gut I met.
SH: Unnie, you met someone???
Taeyeon: We met a while back and clicked. I’m meeting him today.
SH: Then why am I coming? shouldn’t you be alone.
Taeyeon: No. What if the paparazzi see us alone. It easier to get away with if more people are with us. It’s more like a…double date.
SH: Unnie…a double date?!?! Unnie…
Taeyeon: chill, you’re just more of a….wing person. And so is his friend.  Please say you’ll come?
She seemed she really wanted me to go….aish! Why can’t I never say no.
SH: Okay unnie.

 Yong POV
Jonghyun: Thanks for coming with me
I really didn’t want to do anything but practice, but I was curious on who this girl was.
YH: No problem. Where did you meet her?
Jonghyun:Music Bank a while back.
YH: So she’s an idol?
Jonghyun: Yep.
YH: Well who is it?
We stood outside the restaurant,
Jonghyun: I have to ask you a favor.
YH: What?
Jonghyun: No matter who she is, or what she looks like….please be happy for me.
YH: Of course I’ll be happy for you.
was she that ugly?
Jonghyun: She brought a friend, so be nice to her, okay?
YH: This isn’t a double date is it?
Jonghyun: Of course not…..well kind of. Think of it as friends hanging out.
we walked inside and Jonghyun, quickly spotted his girlfriend.
We walked to her table and that’s when I saw her.
She practically jumped out of her seat.
SH: Unnie…Whats going on?
Taeyeon: Sweetie, you didn’t tell me you were going to bring Yonghwa.
Jonghyun: I didn’t know you where going to bring Seohyun
Taeyeon: Oh well. Lets eat.
SH: Unnie, I can-
Taeyeon:It’s just sitting for dinner. I want you to accept us.
YH:It might be awkward…..
Jonghyun: You’d have to face eachother eventually.
I took a look at Seohyun to see what she would do. She sat down slowly not letting her eyes moce from the ground.
SH: When did you….get together.
Jonghyun: I introduced myself at music bank.
Taeyeon: He was so cute, I couldn’t resist.
Taeyeon kissed Jonghyun on the cheek. I noticed he stiffened up. She fed him to relax him. They really are a couple!
SH: Unnie….
I took another glance at Seohyun, this time she caught me looking, but at meeting my eyes turned away. Could we settle out differences?
Some how the conversation became more comfortable. The tenseness disappeared and though it was awkward, I slowly tried to talk to Seohyun.
YH:Is you food good?
SH: Yes…I’m enjoying it. Yours?
Somehow it reminded me of our first meeting. I noticed Taeyeon starring at us sometimes. Probably looking out for Seohyun. Seohyun looked beautiful in her blue dress.
Taeyeon: Lets drink!
SH: Alcohol?
Taeyeon: Duh! We’re celebrating.
SH: Unnie, I don’t drink.
Taeyeon: Seohyun, if you don’t drink with us, then I’ll assume you’re not happy for us. Is that it Seohyun. Are you not happy for me? Will you have me cry?
SH: Of course not I’m happy for you. Fine…..I’ll drink a little bit.
Taeyeon: Good.

Unfortunatly for a non drinker like Seohyun, a little bit was enough to get her drunk and passed out.
Jonghyun: That’s not good.
Taeyeon: She’s going to ruin the rest of our night. 
Jonghyun: Well I guess this ends it.
Taeyeon: No!!! I have an Idea! You and I can go in my car and Yonghwa can take yours and I’ll send Seohyun in cab.
YH: She’s in no condition to be alone.
Taeyeon: Why not? She’ll be fine.
YH: You can’t trust just anyone now a day. There are lots of erts and stuff.
Jonghyun: Then….will you take her Hyung?
I looked at Seohyun and nodded. If anything ever happened to her, I don’t know what I’d do.
Taeyeon: Perfect! We’ll see you later. BYE!
The two love birds ran off leaving me with Seohyun.

Yong POV pause
Jonghyun and Taeyeon left the restaurant smiling.
Taeyeon: I’m a genius! Go ahead! Say it.
Jonghyun: you are.
Taeyeon looked at Jonghyun who had a baffled look on his face.
Taeyeon: Whats wrong with you?
Jonghyun: Nothing….just….
Taeyeon: What?
Jonghyun: I’m still shocked by that kiss.
Taeyeon: The kiss? What…the peck on the cheek?
Jonghyun: that wasn’t a peck.
Taeyeon: Whatever…a kiss is just that. A kiss.
Jonghyun: No it isn’t. Its special.
Taeyeon: You really think that way. Most guys believe like I do. A kiss is just a kiss.
Jonghyun: Do you really believe that?
Jonghyun moved closer to Taeyeon, which shocked Taeyeon. Taeyeon readied herself but he moved away.
Jonghyun: Maybe you’re right.
Hating being teased, Taeyeon moved in front of him got on her tippy toes and crashed her lips on his. He didn’t seem to mind, allowing the kiss to deepen She pulled back.
Taeyeon: See just a kiss….Now take me to the movies.
Resume Yong POV
It was getting chilly outside so I put my sweater on her
 YH: Umm Seohyun…if you can hear me, I’m going to pick you up and take you to the car, okay?
 I picked her up bridal style and started out.
SH: Ugh…put me down. I’m to heavy.
YH: You’re fine. Come on.
I tried to pick her up but she wouldn’t let me
SH: I—I can walk.
She was semi conscious as I held her close as I walked her to the car.
SH: Where’s unnie?
YH: She left with Jonghyun. She asked me to take you home.
SH: oh……She must really like him.
YH: I guess…
She started singing I am 16 going on 17. Drunk Seohyun was defiantly entertaining to watch. Amused I started talking more lightly with her.
YH: I’m guessing you don’t get drunk a lot.
SH: I’ve never been drunk before.
YH: Until today?
SH: I’m not drunk!
Despite many changes in Seohyun in the past weeks, she was still so innocent.
SH: Oppa….You smell good.
I felt goosebumps down my back.
YH: Do I?
SH: Yep. Your smell is my favorite smell in the world.
Was I drunk and hearing things? She passing out again. But she was still talking
SH: mm…as much as I want to hate it. I’ve been craving it for a while now. It’s nice to smell.
I hated that I took advantage of her drunkenness but I had to ask.
YH: S-seohyun, Do—do you miss me?
SH: Yes…verrrrrry much.
YH: Are you mad at me?
SH: Noooo
I stopped the car and parked.
YH: then why do you not want us together?
SH: Hurt. Hurt, I don’t want it.
YH: Did I cause you that much pain?
She had fallen asleep. I caused her pain. I should stay away from her. For her sake. Somehow, I have to get used to the feeling of not having her by my side.
I have to learn to be okay with it.
YH: I understand now, Seohyun. I’m sorry I couldn’t be good to you. For you’re sake, I’ll learn to be fine with it. For her sake, I have to let her go.
I carried her to her dorm and knocked.
Sunny: Jung Yonghwa? What happened.
YH: Taeyeon will explain it to you. Where is her room?
Sunny led me to her room. I placed Seohyun on her bed and stood back.
YH: I’m leaving now.
Sunny: Thanks for bringing her home…I guess.
I turned and drove to the practice studio. Sleep is something that won’t come to me tonight.

Jonghyun: I was wondering where you where.
YH: after I dropped Seohyun, I came here.
Jonghyun: Did you talk at all?
YH: a bit.
Jonghyun: And?
YH: I have to let her go.
Seohyun POV
I didn’t remember much about last night
I know Yonghwa brought me home last night, but I don’t remember What was said if anything.
Taeyeon: So, What happened last night?
SH: Nothing. I was just brought home I guess.
Taeyeon: That’s it!
It was scary not knowing what was said and having to see him at Music bank. I noticed a sweater that wasn’t mine on the floor. It must have been his. It smelled like him. I loved that smell.

later that day.
Producers: Can we get all the idols to come to the grand hall. Pledis Entertainment wouldlike to make an announcement.
Snsd manager: Seohyun come with me.
SH: Manager oppa? Why?
Manager: Someone wants to give you an apology. In the very front of the hall were Bekah and her manager. Bekah had little tears coming out of her eyes.
Bekah: Oh Seohyunnie. I’ve done some soul searching.
Bekah ran to me and hugged me. I see Yonghwa from the corner of my eye coming closer
Bekah: Seohyun….Omg I’m so sorry for what I did. I was just mad at you but you kow you are like a sister to me.
Hyoyeon: What!?
Bekah: Seohyun….I respect you. You are an amazing girl.
Yoona: She can’t be serious!!
Bekah: But must of hyunnie….I love you!
Taeyeon: This is a joke!!
Bekah: Hyunnie. We’ve been through so much. After school and SNSD. Seohyun, be the sweet doll that you are and forgive me.
I looked around seeing all the idols looking at me. Waiting for my response. I quickly realize that this is Bekah way of getting away with what she did. It made me so angry.
SH: You say I’m like a sister to you? You say you respect me. You even went as far as to say that you love me.
Bekah: And I do!
Yeah Right.
SH: Well that’s very sweet…….which I guess is the reason you tried to make my life a living hell, right.
The room went silent, with the exception of a couple “Burn’s” and “OOO’s!”
SH: But you’re right about one thing, we’ve been through a lot. Which is why I don’t believe single word coming out of your mouth. I don’t accept your apology.
The whole room went “ OOOH!”
SH: Don’t worry. No one is going to press charges or anything like that, so you’re management can cool it. Karma will get you Bekah. What goes around comes around.

Taeyeon: That’s my girl!!!!!
The room cheered for me. I was proud of myself to. I didn’t let her or her company step on me. They might not like me. But they’ll respect me. Maybe I’m stronger than I thought. Maybe I can handle difficult things in life. Maybe…….
End of Seohyun POV
Yonghwa looked from afar the authority in Seohyun’s voice. She stood up for herself which gave Yonghwa the certainty she was going to be okay.
He turned to see Seohyun standing next to him.
She smiled.
SH: Yoo-ng.
YH: Hyu-un.
SH: I wanted to thank you for yesterday. Taking me home and dealing with me.
YH: It’s okay. We’re friends right.
SH: friends? Yonghwa, there’s something I want to say to you.
YH: Don’t worry anymore. I’m over everything.
SH: You’re over everything.
YH: Yeah. I was sad at first but I’m fine now. I’m over it.
SH: Oh…that’s a relief.
“10 mins CnBlue before you go on stage
SH: I should leave. I’m glad you’re fine.
Seohyun walked out of the room. And Jonghyun walked in angry.
Jonghyun: Why did you say that?
YH: Say what?
Jonghyun: You sent her out. You acted like you didn’t care about your relationship anymore.
YH: I had too. It’s for the best. She’s scared to get hurt.
Jonghyun: Dude, she’s strong. Go out there and talk to her.
YH: it’s done.
Jonghyun shook his head and grabbed his guitar and headed out.
Yonghwa POV.
I’m fine.

I walk out the dressing room heading toward the stage were I’m stopped by Taeyeon and Jonghyun.
Taeyeon: OK…..nothing else seems to be working so I’ll be very clear with you. Seohyun is worried about it not working because we’re not allowed to date. She’s worried about you getting hurt. She’s worried about getting hurt only by you, but I know You won’t hurt her because We SNSD girls would kill you, now go get Seohyun!
I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to protect Seohyun.
YH: What if she was right?
Taeyeon: Huh?
YH: We can get hurt. Our careers can end. What will we do? This is best for Seohyun. Let it go. She’s fine. I’m fine.
“Cnblue 1 mins”
YH: We have to go….
Taeyeon: She’s not Fine, Yonghwa!
I walked past her and walked on stage. Was this the best for Seohyun?
We started singing but my concentration was in my head
I’m Fine
I’m Fine
I’m Fine
The music stopped and people were confused.
YH: I’m not fine.

Seohyun watched as Cnblues performance arruptly stoped.
She wondered what was wrong
YH: I’m sorry. I have something I have to get off my chest.  Seohyun…..
Seohyun’s heart fell listening to her name being called. She got closer to the TV
YH: Seo Joo Hyun….I love you.
The crowned cheered. SNSD did too
YH: I know I don’t deserve you…. And I know things won’t be easy but if you feel the same for me. Please come out. I won’t blame you if you don’t but…..I’ll waiting.
Seohyun froze. Tears fell from her eyes as she smiled at the screen.
Taeyeon: What are you waiting for? Go!
Seohyun smiled at her unnies who all started cheering.
Seohyun stepped out of the dressing room and tried to make her way to the stage until she was stopped.
Kyuhyun: Seohyun…
SH: Kyuhyun-Oppa
Kyuhyun: don’t go.
Seohyun felt bad. She had given him hope she knew she couldn’t do.
SH: Kyuhyun oppa…..I love him. I’m so sorry. Please let go of me. 
He let go of her. He knew there was nothing he could do.
She started to run to the stage but was stopped her management.
Management: Joo hyun. We cant let you go.
Seohyun tried to make a way around them but failed. She started kicking them out of desperation but wasn’t strong enough.
Jinwoon: Let her go! She’s in love. Let her Go.
Management: We can’t
All the idols started yelling for them to let go.
Finally the right man spoke
SNSD Manager: Let her go, guys.
Management: we have orders from SM president.
SNSD Manager: I’ll deal with him. Let her go.
They let her go.
SH: Manager oppa…..thank you
She ran desperatly to the stage.
The crowd waited with anticipation but after 5 mins, nothing seemed to happen. Yonghwa put his guitar down and began to walk off the stage until he heard a loud cheer. Seohyun was on the otherside. He turned and faced her. They both ran to eachother and embraced. The crowd went wild.
SH: I’m so sorry I took so long. I had to face many giants.
YH: It’s okay, I was about to go look for you anyway.
And in front of thousands Seohyun grabbed Yonghwa and kissed him.


it’s been 7 months since that memorablemusic bank and not much has changes. SM entertainment still doesn’t allow us to date. But they created a secret system called the “Don’t ask don’t tell. They don’t ask…We don’t tell.

SH:Appa! Umma! I’m home!
Appa: Ya. We hear you.
Umma: hyun-a, I hope you’re hungry. I made your favorite pasta.
SH: Mmm…
YH: Or perhaps you ‘re in the mood for something sweet.
Yong has become close with seohyun's parents since he came to tell them he loved their daughter.
SH: Appa, SM would be angry to know you broke their rules.
Appa: What? Are they going to tell me who I can or can’t have in my house?

We got into a bit of trouble after Music Bank. I stopped the show and “pulled a stupid stunt”, Which by the way made the highest rerun in the history of MBC. Many times in interviews, Seohyun and I are asked about that day. We have to act like we have no idea what they mean.
The Don’t ask don’t tell rule is definitely a help. We don’t see each other as much as we’d like, but they can’t stop us. I’ve become really close to Seohyuns father

Appa: do you plan on marring my daughter.
YH: Appa in law, why so suddeen are you asking me this.
Appa: Just answer.
YH: The day her contract ends. I’ll ask her then.
Appa: You’ll wait 3 years.
YH: I’d wait forever as long as she wanted me to. But don’t tell Seohyun. There is still a long time.
Appa: Duh!
YH: Does this mean I have you’re blessing?
Appa: Yes. You are already a son to me.
End flash back

If you’re wondering about everyone else I’ll tell you:
Jinwoon is working on his solo album. He is still our good friend.
Kyuhyun has become much more distant from me, but is still very sweet.

Shinhye starred in a new movie that got her nominated for a sundance award. She is doing well and is working on doing a movie in english.
CNBLUE Is currently the nations favorite rock band. We’re doing many film projects and making a name for ourselves in acting We just debut our new album First step and it’s currently number one.

SNSD  is doing well also. Many of us have film projects and I’m getting ready to debut in my first drama. A historic drama
Team Operation goguma succeeded and formed a different operation. Because of Don’t ask, don’t tell, I can’t tell you more but I think you get the idea :)

Bekah is currently getting help. It turns out she has several disorders.  
And us…..We’re still together.
Many people ask us how and when we fell in love
We answer the same way every time…..
YH And SH: It just happened.

The end


So that’s it. I hoped you like the story. Your comments were always uplifting and my favorite part of this writing experience. I apologize if you didn’t like the ending, but I have to say, for all the thought that went into it, I’m proud of it. I’m sorry I took longer than expected to finish it, but I had writers block for a couple of days. I’m also sorry the story wasn’t longer. This was my first story and I learned a lot from it.
I'm writing a new story. Please check it out. 

My Thoughts on WGM Ending: Beautiful and Depressing at the same time. When Seohyun cried….I cried.  Yonghwa brought her to her dorm and they said goodbye. She didn’t want to say goodbye. At first I was turned off by Yonghwa telling her to go. But after watching again, I think He wanted to avoid crying himself to be honest, se he acted really brave.
I’m so thankful for WGM, because had they not been together. There would be no story. I wouldn’t be obsessed with Sweet potatoes. Had Yonghwa not been on WGM, I would have had no Idea how cool, funny and outgoing he was. (Shinwoo was a bit boring to me but I still like him)
I’m looking forward to Yonghwa’s new drama.
Once again….Thank you, Gracias, Merci, Arigato, Kamsamnida!
Much Love Love Love!



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tingkor #1
Chapter 32: New reader here authornim.. I really like your story ^^ Fighting!!
Geelzuta #2
Chapter 32: just finish your sweet story.. such a good day too spend my weekend.. thank you for writing.. :D
oqyoiko_89 #3
Chapter 32: This is ur old story but it good i found it now..this one so angst and success play with my heart. Really hate bekah buy like jinwoon already. Ys always be my fav cpl. So tyx for this. They are still have a connection after 3 years. Hope thiz cpl will be the real one in the end. Aminnnn
maerd82 #4
Chapter 32: Pity your story did not continue up to the present, the latest news on yonghwa and seohyun living in the same apartment complex would be a great addition to your story.
Chapter 4: I remember when first time SH call YH with "Yooong" shyly and sounds soo cute.. Hehe. Yes, she learned hard on guitar,even with asking Jung Mo sunbei (trax).. :)
poppop3 #6
I really love this story very much
That was epic! I was really touched :) I know it has been a while since yongseo and this fic finished but I can't get over it! XD I really hope that it would be possible to have a season two!! YONGSEO forever!
why im so late keke :D
anyway new here
super cute!1