Chapter 14




We arrive at the restaurant to see a flock of photographers congesting the entrance. Great.

Inside the car Tiffany is a little preoccupied with her outfit. “How’s my dress?”

“It’s very nice.” My phone bleeps with a text message from Mr Lim. I switch it on silent and slip it in my purse. No time to check what it says.

Tiffany frowns and readjusts the hem slightly. “Michelle borrowed it a couple of weeks ago and now it feels funny. I can’t place my finger on exactly why.”

“Well, it seems fine to me and you look…beautiful in it.” I say truthfully.

A smile blossoms on her face. “You look beautiful too.”

Our driver opens the door for us. Two burly restaurant staff rush out and part the way. Cameras start flashing and questions are hastily lobbed out in desperation to get a quotable answer. The thing is, they are all shouting at the same time, it’s hard to make sense of what they’re saying.

“…the happy news…when is it due…”

I ignore them and carry on. I should be getting quite use to this by now. As the wedding reception approaches, the media’s interest in it grows. To be honest, I can’t wait for the hype to die down. The constant stream of newspaper and magazine articles is getting tiring. And not forgetting the news and various talk shows on TV.

One man manages to squeeze through a gap and pops out right in front of us. For a moment he blinks in amazement as though he can’t believe his good luck. Then recovering, he points a camera with an enormous lens in our direction and begins zealously asking questions.

“Is it a boy or a girl? Which clinics have you chosen? Any names picked out yet? What do your parents have to sa – oomph!” 

The restaurant staff plucks him by the collar and deposits him a safe distance away.

Tiffany and I exchange puzzled glances before entering the restaurant. I have no time to waste on confused photographers.

The maître d is a stout little man in a beige waistcoat. He bows graciously to the two of us. “Welcome, Ms Kim and Ms Hwang. The Barrons have arrived and are already seated.” A waiter relieves us of our coats. “Please let me show you to your table.” He continues.

The maître d leads us into the dining hall, lavishly decorated. There is a gentle hum of conversation and clinking of cutlery. As we weave through the tables, more than one diner lifts their head up and stares in recognition. Pockets of excited whispers erupt behind us. At last, I spot Mr Barron. He rises from his seat when he sees me.

“Ms Kim wonderful to see you again.” Mr Barron holds out his hand jovially.

“Thank you, Mr Barron. Very kind of you to invite us for dinner.” I reply.

His attention turns to Tiffany. “And may I say what a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance, Ms Hwang.”

“It’s very nice to meet you Mr Barron.” Tiffany smiles. “Taeyeon has spoken very highly of you.”

“Ah how kind!” Mr Barron looks pleased. “May I introduce you to my wife, Bonnie.” He gestures to the woman next to him who stands to greet us with a friendly smile. She is sporting a heavily lacquered, blond bob.

“It is so lovely to meet the two of you.” She makes a flapping motion with her hands. “Let’s sit down!”

Tiffany and I take the seats across the Barrons. Bonnie sweeps the napkin onto her lap and leans forward interestedly.

“It feels almost surreal in a way.” She peers at us. “You can’t open a newspaper without seeing the two of you on it.”

“My apologies.” I say straight-faced.

“Oh no! It’s wonderful! But if I had known that the press were going to be here…” She shoots a disparaging look at her husband. “…I would have gotten my hairdresser to add some volume to my bouffant.” She pats her hair self-consciously, which frankly looks quite puffed up enough to hoard a neighbourhood of pigeons.

“Any higher, darling and we would have had to get a permit.” Mr Barron says, eyeing his wife’s hair-do. He beckons a waiter over to our table. “A bottle of your finest red wine.”

“Yes sir.” The waiter nods. “And what can I get for you Ms Kim, Ms Hwang?” He glances meaningfully over Tiffany and me.

“Wine will suit us just fine.” I reply.

The setting for tonight’s dinner is still very much about business under the guise of a friendly social gathering. I’ve been vying the Barron account for a while now and I need tonight to go flawlessly. A night full of charming conversation and I will have made a twenty-five million USD profit for the company. It should all go without a hitch –

Why hasn’t the waiter left?

Four pairs of eyes pan to the man in question who is hovering uncertainly around the table.

“Maybe he’s waiting for a tip.” Bonnie says helpfully. She then looks at us for confirmation. “Is it customary in this country to tip a waiter once he takes your order?”

Tiffany and I shake our heads but a fifty-thousand won note has already vacated Bonnie’s purse – and is being hastily stuffed into the coat pocket of our very startled waiter.

“No, no, I’m terribly sorry madam. I do not wish to be tipped.” He hands the note back to Bonnie. There is an awkward pause. Suddenly, his expression clears as he gains a moment of clarity. “We offer a selection of non-alcoholic wines as well.” He says with a note of triumph.

“No – no we are all having the same wine.” Mr Barron says annoyed.  

The waiter gets a bit flustered. “I apologise for not being clear…I thought in your condition – ” He looks at Tiffany and me. “ – you wouldn’t want to drink alcohol.”

“Condition? What condition?” Bonnie says in alarm, “You mean alcoholics?”

This is getting ridiculous.

“I hate to put a damper on the excitement, Mrs Barron, but neither Stephanie nor I are alcoholics.” Pushing the irritation out of my voice, I ask the waiter. “What condition are you referring to?”

All the doubt returns to his expression. “The news that came out today, Ms Kim. The very happy news.” He quickly adds.

Either this waiter is extraordinarily dense, or I’m missing something here.

Comprehension dawns on Tiffany face. “Tae…” She grips my arm. “My shopping trip…the present for Lisa…at the baby store.”

I don’t get it. Why would Tiffany going to a baby store be…

I look at her incredulously. “Wait do they think – ” I break off and stare at the waiter. “What news?”

He appears caught off guard by our reactions and hesitantly answers, “Um…in the papers today…even on TV…they are saying that the two of you are expecting a child.”

Stunned silence.

Pierced only by the waiter who gets a little carried away by his own excitement. “They are speculating that Ms Hwang is pregnant. Although some are hoping for a double pregnancy - my mother.” He adds confidentially, “My mother is one of them rooting for two babies.”

I’m almost too stupefied to reply, “That’s…not true. We’re not pregnant.”

He visibly deflates. “I’m terribly sorry.” He pretends to study his notepad to recompose his features. “Allow me to get the wine.”

The Barrons have been watching this whole exchange in open fascination. Bonnie has nibbled her way through half of the breadsticks.

“Wait.” Tiffany stops the waiter. “I’ll just have an orange juice.”

“Oh, this is interesting.” Bonnie peeps. She reaches for another breadstick.

I raise my eyebrows.

“Think about it. If people here all assume I’m pregnant, it won’t do any good for me be drinking tonight.” She reasons.

The waiter nods and disappears to get the drinks.

While the Barrons are immersed in the menu, Tiffany whispers in my ear, “Dad just sent me a text. Apparently, it was broadcasted on the six o’ clock news. He and Mr Lim are doing damage control and getting them to recant the story.”

“Good. I don’t want any more misunderstandings.”

I surreptitiously check my phone under the table and open Mr Lim’s text message.

Baby-mama drama on the news. Sorting it out, right now. Send Stephanie my love.

Ha, trust him to be candid in a situation like this. I focus on the menu. Now what was that about wanting an uneventful night?



Thankfully, the rest of dinner unfolds pleasantly. Tiffany is currently captivating the Barrons with a story of her travels throughout Europe. I can tell they have warmed to her. The waiter keeps emerging to refill glasses and tend to any need. I have a suspicion he is overcompensating for the previous slipup.

A live band begins to play. A few people bravely step onto the floor and dance – amidst a few cheers.

“I think they two newlyweds should dance.” suggests Bonnie brightly. “I would get out there but I have a bad knee.”

“I don’t dance I’m afraid.” I say.

“How about it, Stephanie?” Mr Barron, or should I say William insisted that we go on a first name basis after becoming more familiar over dinner. “Would you do me the honour?”

“I would love to, William.”

Tiffany takes his hand and they head onto the dance floor.

I can sense Bonnies gaze on me as she scooches closer.

“It must be nice to work together.” She takes a sip of wine.

“We technically work in different offices, but yes, I suppose it is nice.”

“You know William and I started his business together.”

“I wasn’t aware of that.” I feel a genuine flare of interest.

"We make a strange pair. You wouldn't bet on us as a couple. He's more serious and I'm more care-free. But we balance each other out." She says importantly. 

"So the two of you were business partners as well." I attempt to keep the topic work-related.

“Yes, it was the two of us spending long hours in a tiny, cramped room we called our office. It was wonderful.” She says wistfully. “If our hands weren’t busy with work, they were busy on each other.”

Oh dear.

“The was great.” She continues.

I nod politely. “I’m sure it was.”

“Working together can be a potent aphrodisiac. Looking at the two of you, I bet you can’t keep your hands off one another. Like overactive rabbits.”

I really don’t know how to respond to that so I reach for a glass of water instead.

“So children aren’t in your near future, I presume?” She pries.

I shake my head. “No. Not so soon after the merger.” I take another sip.

“So how many are you planning to have? Two, three? ”

Th…three? I almost choke on the water.

“It’s good to start a family when you are young and can keep up with the little tykes!” She adds wisely. “I heard there are excellent fertility clinics in South Korea. My sister Judith and her wife went to this remarkable clinic back home…”

I’m nodding my head but I’m barely listening. My eyes travel to the dance floor and stop on Tiffany. She is quite a decent dancer. And Mr Barron doesn’t seem so bad himself. I’m about to take another sip of wine when something grabs my attention.

The zip of Tiffany’s dress has fallen halfway down her back – and she hasn’t noticed because she’s too busy dancing. My eyes do a quick scan of the restaurant. So far no one has spotted it – yet. Even if someone sees it, they may pass it off as an open back dress.

I feel a prickle of alarm. She needs to stop dancing. The more movement she does, the more the zipper opens up. The song should be ending soon and when she returns to the table, I will casually place my hand behind her and covertly pull the zipper back up.

“And now for the grand finale. A twirl!” Mr Barron’s voice slices through my thoughts.

Nonono…the zipper won’t hold up if she spins.

“Ready?” He asks.

Tiffany affirms with a smile.

My legs start moving on their own. Mrs Barron’s mouth stays open in confusion when I leave her abruptly in midsentence. I reach the dance floor not a moment too soon. The whole scene plays out in front of me as though in slow motion. Mr Barron spins Tiffany out towards me. As she moves, her zipper travels all the down the rest of her back. In one swift motion, I step forward and pull her body flush against mine in a back hug.

“Mr Barron, may I cut in?” I ask over her shoulder.

He appears pleasantly taken aback. “Of course! Of course! Please, carry on.” He leaves the dance floor to join Bonnie.

“I thought you never dance.” Tiffany tries to turn around but I keep her firmly in place.

“I didn’t say never.” I place my hand between our bodies and slowly pull the zipper of the dress up, letting my fingers skim the exposed skin. Her body stiffens in surprise.

“Don’t worry. No one noticed.” I reassure her.

“You did.”

She faces me. Her skin is glowing and her breath is slightly hitched – I’m assuming from dancing.

The singer of the band spots me and Tiffany together. She yanks the other band members into a brief discussion. When they break apart they start to play – a slow song. The guitarist grins and throws me a thumbs up.


I guess one dance won’t hurt.



Once the night is over, the driver takes us to Tiffany’s apartment. I accompany her out of the car.

“Thanks for coming along to dinner.” I say.

“I had a lovely time.” She smiles. “And I should thank you for the wardrobe rescue.”

“It’s in the job description, I suppose.” I return her smile. “Well, goodnight Fany.”

“Wait, aren’t you coming up to say hello to everyone?” She asks.

That catches me off guard.

“It’s kind of late – ”I start.

“They are all awake and Mr Lim is with them.” Tiffany adds. “You know, this is in the job description too.”

“Oh really?” I act surprised. “Because I didn’t see it.”

“It’s in the fine print.” She says in a matter-of-fact way.

"Alright." I walk alongside her.

"The Barrons make a happy couple, don't you think?" Tiffany asks.

"It's all about the balance." I reply with my new found insight.

"Really, how clever of you Kim Taeyeon-nim."

"I am actually a genius when it comes to relationships, you know."

Tiffany laughs. "By the way, I get the feeling Bonnie thinks we make a cute couple too."

"How so?"

"When we were saying our goodbyes" Tiffany reflects,"she mentioned how we reminded her of two rabbits."



When Tiffany opens the door to her apartment, I’m half expecting the whole place to be pitch dark with everyone asleep.

“Tiffany! Taeyeon!” Michelle greets us with a warm hug each. “Do you guys want some tea or coffee?”

“Ooo a cup of tea, please!” chirps Tiffany.

“None for me, Michelle.” I decline. “I’m just here to say a quick hello. The driver is waiting outside.”

“How nice of you!” Michelle beams. “Uncle Patrick and Aunt Maggie are out, but the rest of the Scooby gang are in front of the TV!” She lowers her voice and adds, “Aunt Maggie really didn’t want to leave here with all the excitement going on, but Uncle Patrick had made reservations and put his foot down. It was quite the scene!”

“Here are the superstars of the hour!” Leo holds out a magazine with a picture of Tiffany walking out of a baby store on the front cover. “Tiff, I owe you an apology.” He adopts a sombre tone. “I always thought you were just letting your figure go after marriage but apparently,” He takes a deep breath, “you were just pregnant. Congratulations.”

“Yaaaah!” Tiffany grabs the magazine, rolls it up and swats at Leo furiously. “Then what’s your excuse? Expecting triplets yourself?”

Leo bursts out laughing and tries to dodge the swings.

“Aish! Who needs kids around when there are the two of you!” Michelle admonishes.

I find Mr Hwang, Jason and Mr Lim perched on the sofa, with their eyes glued on the television screen. They suddenly all stand and cheer, clapping each other on the back. You would think they were watching a riveting sports match.

“Taeyeon!” Mr Lim spots me and pats the seat next to him. “Come sit down.”

I greet Mr Hwang and Jason then settle myself on the couch.

“So what’s the situation now?” I ask.

“Three main news stations just broadcasted a retraction on their earlier statement about the pregnancy.” Mr Lim smiles jubilantly.

“And the newspapers tomorrow are doing so as well.” Jason chips in.

“Wonderful. Hopefully the media will be more careful before running wild with stories about Tiffany and me.”

“A few magazines might still release articles but once the facts are out there, that should stop too.” Mr Hwang turns to me. “But I’m afraid the paparazzi will be following the two of you very closely for a while.”

“I still can’t believe why anyone would believe it in the first place.” I say, rubbing my temples.

“Miyoung?” A screech comes from the hallway. “Where’s my grandchild?”

My hands subconsciously clasp my shins.

Madam Hwang hobbles into the room – sporting a shiny new zimmer frame – just as Tiffany exits the kitchen with a cup of tea in hand.

“Ah! Miyoung let me have a look at you.”

Madam Hwang surveys a puzzled Tiffany from head to toe. Her gaze settles on her granddaughter’s stomach.

“It will be a boy.” She nods sagely. “A grandmother knows these things.”

“Um…halmeoni…I’m not – ”

“Kim Taeyeon! Come here!” Madam Hwang hollers.

Mr Lim gives me a meek smile that says ‘better you than me’. I take cautious steps and join them. Mr Hwang follows behind me.

“Since now it can’t be helped that you are a part of the family…” She sighs heavily.

Omoni, Tiffany isn’t pregnant but I’m glad to hear of your new acceptance of Taeyeon.” interjects Mr Hwang cheerfully.

“What?” Madam Hwang stamps her frame on the floor in astonishment. Unfortunately for me, my toes get caught in the process.

I double over with a muffled cry.

“Oh my gosh! Tae are you okay?”

“Yes.” I manage in a strangled voice. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

Mr Hwang is giving his mother a reproachful look.

She meets his eyes defiantly. “My eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be.”

Michelle walks in concerned, “I thought I heard a thud and…” She clocks in my pained expression and a suspiciously gleeful looking halmeoni. “…ah…I see. Let me get the ice pack.”

“It’s okay." I straighten up. "I should probably get going. The driver has waited long enough.”

Tiffany glances around. “I haven’t seen Judy yet.”

Michelle steps closer to us and says in an undertone, “Apparently, pregnant women are not meant to see anything dead or ugly so… halmeoni locked Judy in the storeroom.” An involuntary snort of laughter escapes her. “Leo is struggling to unlock it.”



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Few more months and next year will be a decade from the last update T.T
kimHMae #2
Chapter 20: Hey... Hey
still waiting, hoping, praying :')
Chapter 20: This was a fun read! 😉
TaeNysmith22 #5
Chapter 20: This reader is missing this story.
NekoLS #6
Chapter 20: Wishing for moreeeee hmm
lampi5 #7
How could you do this to us author 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 20: Darn. This is too good to be discontinued like this...
Gaejihyo815 #9
Chapter 20: Oh man, this is god! Hope authornim can continue!
Tatags1 #10
Chapter 20: PLS CONTINUE 😭😭😭😭