Chapter 1

Evil Love

On a very fine morning......


YOU: *yawn*'s the start of a new day


(I grab the remote control   *clicks*    as I began my morning routine.I the television.)


Sehun/reporter: Today we're visiting the lucky winner of our round-the-world trip sweepstakes!


(Wow...a trip around the world.I wish I could do that)


YOU:     ...............?wait a minute..!!!


(As I look again on the TV screen ...I saw the apartment complex they're showing kind of looks like mine...)


(Suddenly *ding dong*)


YOU: Huh???who could be ringing the doorbell at tis time of day?wait....!!!I'm coming!


(I put my hand on the doorknob ..and when I opened the door .I saw)


YOU: .....?&%^&^*%%*#


(it's the reporter I just saw on the TV!and a cameraman!?)


Sehun: Congratulations!

YOU: Excuse me?

Sehun: You've won a trip around the world!

YOU: WHAT?I don't think I even entered ...

Sehun: Here we have ???(YOU) the winner of our sweeptakes!How do you feel?

YOU: Urmmm,are you sure you have the right person?I really don't think I--

Sehun: Don't sweat the small stuff.Just be happy you won!..okay now...enjoy your trip..bye!


(before leaving,the reporter hands me a large envelope)

*the door slame*


YOU:W-what just happened?


(though I'm still in a daze ..I decide to just go ahead and open the envelope)


YOU :There really are plane tickets in here...!...HUH!


(There something else in here too,some kind of card)


YOU: This is...a tarot card?The devil?????


(as I watch the almost 9.00 a.m)


YOU: WHAT!!!!!!!! Oh no!If I don't hurry.I'm gonna be late!


(I quickly take a bath and get ready to go to work)




(I quickly lock the door and as fast as a lighting I run down the apartment stair...when suddenly)


(EEK!a black dog is charging at me!)


YOU: Arghhhhh!!!!!! *scream* 


(I almost fall down the stair ..fortunately I gain back  my stability and push the wall to stop myself from falling.......UNFORTUNATELY)



YOU: OW!!!! Ughhh....the heel on my high heels broke off!


(suddenly two good-looking guys approach me...I haven't really seen them on this area...maybe they're new here)


Yunho: Are you okay?!

Min Woo: .........

Yunho: Oh dear...I'm so sorry!!!! Min Woo...let's give her the shoes.


(WHAT!!!.....are they just kidding??)


YOU: Huh?It's okay....

Yunho: Allow me to apologize for Cerberus

YOU: C-Ceberus!?

Yunho: Yes,Cerby.That's the name of the dog that crashed into you just now.

              Come on Min Woo...hurry up.


(he calling the other guy)


Min Woo: ..........


(the man named Min Woo reluctantly handed me a box.......he looks a bit harsh and so timid..)


YOU: Are you sure?

Min Woo: Just take it

YOU: O-Okay..... 


(I open the box to find........!!!!!! suddenly my eyes caught something!!!!)


YOU:  WHAT!!!..T-These are made by Prada!


(Prada shoes are so expensive,I couldn't buy them even if I wanted)


Min Woo: FEH....I doubt they'll look good on you anyway.


(TCHHH..then why are you giving hem to me!? arghhh he is too annoying)


Yunho: Nonsence..I'm sure they'll look gorgeous on you...why don't you try them on?This is                  a present from me to you

YOU: I don't know if I can accept such high-class shoes...

Yunho: OHHHHH...don't worry about that.I own the company that makes them

YOU: WHAT!? you own Prada?

Min Woo: TCHH...just put them on already..will you? *annoying* 


(suddenly the man takes the shoes from me and puts them on my feets....WOW....they fit perfectly)


YOU:Thank y----


(they're gone)


YOU:where are they going.....?


(I look around..but there was nobody.....suddenly my eyes caught something......HUH? there are black feathers on the ground...where did all these come from?)


YOU: Weird...I never seen any black bird around here...that's weird!!!!


(I feels something unusual......but what is that.....!)




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i want sehuuuuuuuuuuuun :))))
minwoo_ZEA #2
NONONO...i want jae jong!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I would choose Sehun because there are many ways to develop the story with him, since he is still a trainee, there are many ways to go with him. And I must agree with mikahina on the glove, I think giving the friendly and happy guy some mystery is good.
Hmm...I Choose Yunho
I choose jaejoong lol I like how it's mostly between sehun and suho from exo and then theres yunjae and min woo
mikahina #6
okay so I love the idea of this story, sounds really interesting and a great plot, I think (not my bias) but the story could develope well if you choose Sehun, his character description is intriguing and I like the story about his black glove. The fact that his half brother is Jaejoong could mean you could link them together in the story and show their relationship, the other descriptions are great but I think Sehun would be the most interesting and I have read the comments and Sehun also appears to be the majority vote. I hope this helped and it was a pleasure reading, good luck~
lucky9606 #7
Sehun if not Yunho
but first choice is Sehun :)
I choose Yunho
star_byul #9
i choose suho!!!!