
Opposites Do Attract


So starting on this chapter, I'm going to change the point of view from YOUR POV into AUTHOR'S POV. It's not the second person I'll be narrating anymore but the third person already :)))) I know it's quite complicated but some of my friends read this story and told me that third person point of view would fit this story well. :3 and I've read some stories with the third person point of views just this vacation and realized that it was better than the second point of view OuO  So I hope you guys could comply with it! I myself am not used to writing third POVs that's why I'll try my best! XD Who knows, third POVs may sugarcoat my boring story?! I'll be editing the story right after finishing it. HAHAHAHAHA anyways here's the update!


Juri immediately turned her head and fixed her attention into something else. Unconsciously, she clutched her chest with her fist as she felt her heart beating ferociously … 'Wait what?! What the—seriously Yoo Juri, what's happening to you? You don't have these "heart beating ferociously"' words in your vocabulary! Ughh…'

"Hey, you alright?" Juri was taken aback from Sunggyu's words.

She shook her head and smiled sheepishly, "N-no. I-I was just thinking about… umm... things…" Juri lied. She still can't believe why she had those thoughts and as a result, it just made the atmosphere more awkward.

"I actual—" just before Sunggyu could talk, a loud swoosh from the air was heard and cold liquid started to drip hard on their arms. It was raining.

"Aaack…!" In surprise, Juri flinched and placed her hands over her head.

"Goodness…! Ughh… umm… Juri… d-do you have an u—"

"No, no! I don't have an umbrella!" In frustration, Juri interrupted Sunggyu between his words as she was tilting her head left and right, trying to find a good place to take shelter on.

Sunggyu laughed a little, "Wait.. how did you know I was asking that?" he asked foolishly, as if it was not raining.

"Aish, stop asking! Just help me to find a good place to stay at, pabo." Juri replied annoyingly, placing her hand over her soaked hair.

Juri began to walk past Sunggyu to look for a place to stay for a while. In her bad, the place was quite isolated and there was nothing but tall, thin leafless trees. In the other hand, Sunggyu, who was left standing in the rain, thought of a good idea and went searching for something inside his bag.

"KIM SUNGGYU!" Juri screamed as he saw Sunggyu from a far, not even moving a bit, "aish…! Are you crazy?! You're in an open place and it's raining! You're not a person who was born waterproof that's why hurry up here! You might get a cold… ohh… yeah." Juri was surprised to say the very last sentence out loud. Why would she care for Sunggyu? Why would she bother if he got cold?

"Wait! I'm just… getting…. this… there you go… wait, I'm coming!" Sunggyu had something hanging from his hand. Juri was clueless about the thing that was Sunggyu holding but she had sworn the thing that he was holding was common and familiar to her, though she can't describe what it was.

"Wear this. Paboya. I believe girls always bring a lot wherever they go, including umbrellas. Now I just don't know why you don't have anything with you."He handed Juri a red-knitted sweater. Juri was surprised to see the sweater she had given Mr. Kim on his birthday, on Sunggyu's hands.

She doubted first, "W-where did you get that s-sweater? Is it yours?"

Sunggyu shook his head. Juri was right, it was the gift. "No, this is father's. Actually, a friend of his gave this to him on his birthday. I don't know how that friend of Father managed to do this handmade sweater. I can't even imagine how hard it is to make a sweater in this size without a machine. It's cool."

Juri laughed, "Well, I'm cool!" She hoped Sunggyu got the joke.

"H-huh?" Sunggyu looked at her weirdly, then to the sweater, then back at her.

"Wait, you didn't know? I was the one who gave this sweater to your father! Me and my father went to his office and gave this to him personally."

Sunggyu's expression changed. Juri was laughing out loud deep inside but she controlled her feelings. "Stop joking. You're not a great one." He frowned and snatched the sweater from Juri's hands and began dressing in the sweater into Juri's head.

"I-I am not a kid! You don't have to do this—"

"Shut up," Sunggyu cut her off in a monotone, "place your arm in here." He said and Juri obliged with a disgusted expression plastered on her face.

Juri stretched the sweater to fit in her; just she was surprised to see the sweater was too big for her small, petite size. "I told you, you should be the one wearing this! Look how filthy I look in this."

Sunggyu tilted his head and laughed a little, "You said you were the one who made that."

"But this one's for your father's! Do you expect me to have the same size as your father's?"

Sunggyu didn’t answer and looked away. He heard some mumbles from Juri but he ignored it; he had something running through his mind…

"Is it okay if I asked something personal from you?" He asked Juri.

"What you're trying to ask right now is actually personal already." Juri didn't mean it in a sarcastic way but she's sure Sunggyu would buy it.

"I'm serious." In the right timing, the rain had stopped, leaving the both of them look like soaked chickens from the rain, "if it's okay, can you please remove all sarcasms first because this is a way to get to know you more." He continued.

Juri cannot process the words that Sunggyu was saying that time. She can't believe she can hear those kinds of words coming out from his mouth. Indeed, Sunggyu was not being Sunggyu that time.

She frowned, "W-why do you have to get to know me more?" she looked at Sunggyu, "I thought you're an introvert that doesn't care about anything around him."

Sunggyu glared at Juri, "I'm not an introvert. Yes, I may not care about the things around me but I'm not an introvert."

Juri nodded, still leaving a lot of questions behind her head. "What are the things you want to know about me?" She said—not quite sure if she's safe talking about those things with Sunggyu. Well, she wasn't used to talk to him in a formal way, that's why.

"Hmm, do you have phobias?"

"WHAT?!" Juri's eyes were like saucers, "you on making topics, Sunggyu!"

"Why? What's wrong? I'm just asking if you had or have phobias, I wonder what's wrong with that…?" Sunggyu raised his shoulders up a bit.

"N-no… I mean, of all the things you want to know about me, why do you have to talk about phobias?" Juri scratched her head and started making face, "I don't have phobias."

"You don't have phobias?" Sunggyu asked. Juri nodded.

"…but why were you acting so unusual a while ago?"

This question caught Juri off guard, "A-a while ago…" She doesn't know if she should trust Sunggyu with that thing that made her feel anxious in that place. "I don't have phobias… But I have fears."

"Aren't they alike?"

"I don't care if the both of them are alike," Juri rolled her eyes a little bit, "but I guess you have a point. Both of them are things that can be overcome by self, unless if you don't have enough strength to defeat it." She sighed. She was already ready to tell Sunggyu everything, since she already felt comfortable with him…


 'Comfortable?... Yeah, maybe.' She frowned at the thought and shook her head, 'Ugh, SUnggyu, why are you being like this.'



ENGGGGGGKKKK!! Hoho, pause first! I'm still working on the next chapter kkk. So how's the first batch of third POV? XD Does it look fail? Please tell me your opinions! I entertain criticisms! :D  But I know I at grammar and you guys don't have to tell me that xc

I missed writing. Aww :c I haven't updated for a while right now and I feel like taking a hiatus for now. But of course, I won't! XD I have a lot of ideas for this story and I'm afraid I might lost it if I take hiatus so NO HIATUS AND THE STORY MUST GO ON! XD But I don't promise to update regular. Maybe two to three chapters within a month? Idk, because of school I'll be having a slow update. But since vacations coming in two months, I'm sure I'm off to finishing this story within the first half of the year!! KYAAAAA isn't that amazing? :D HAHA.

Anyway, how are you guys? Its cold these days, keep safe! *omg is this a star's post okno*

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Chapter 39: *crying silently in a corner*
Chapter 25: He didn't! He just pointed out that Grandgyu is old?!
Chapter 17: I can't cry, because I'm at a public place, and it will seem weird! ㅠ_ㅠ
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superduperdarcy #9
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Chapter 38: I like author's pov! It is more easy to understand~ Keep it up author-nim ^^