Show the World [1/2]

Show the World



   Kibum, 20 years old, was born blind. His eye cells were all dead since his birth and are not functioning. All of his life, he was often laughed at by his classmates since he couldn’t do most of the things teachers would ask him to do. He was often by himself, not wanting to play like the other kids. The reason was quite simple: he couldn’t see a thing.

He learned how to live with his handicap. He trained himself to keep his eyes shut no matter what. He also learned how to read Braille and he could write Hangeul with ease. He also has an exceptional sense of touch, hearing and smell. He could recognize people by how they felt under his fingers, by the vibrations of their voice and by how they smell.

People falsely believed that he was quite happy with what he was. But he actually tried to end his life a couple of times before. Only fear would stop him from doing the unthinkable. All of his life, all he wanted was to find someone that would actually love him and help him, since his mother died and he was raised by his devilish father who never cared.

All of his life he would look for someone like Jonghyun, and thank god he found him. He found the love and protection he needed for so long. He finally found someone that would cheer him up in the hardest moments or that would help him in life. Yes, he finally has Jonghyun.

Kibum actually thought he found happiness. He thought that would make him accept his blindness more, but he still wanted to see, even though he wasn’t sure what it was. He wanted to be normal and be finally accepted by society. He doesn’t like to be called physically impaired. He doesn’t like to walk around town with a cane. He doesn’t like to have to hold someone’s hand wherever he is, just to be careful. He wants to be perfectly capable of doing everything all by himself.

On a Saturday morning, he introduced the subject to Jonghyun. The operation was pretty expensive and his life could be in danger. Not only that, but he needed someone to give him new eye cells, in order for them to regenerate and then his eyes would start working perfectly. Jonghyun accepted donating his eye cells right away. For Kibum, he would do anything. After this, he was sure that everything would go fine and that they would finally be happy. That’s what they both though, as they started putting money away.



The big day was finally knocking at their door. Kibum arrived at the hospital at exactly 8 am, two hours before his operation. Jonghyun anxiously entered the tall building while holding his lover’s hand to meet with their surgeon. Never letting go of each other, they finally enter the room where they would change to put on the hospital gown. Jonghyun was the first one to go.

Kibum was soon installed in another operation room. Even though he couldn’t see, he knew there was a huge light right above his head. A nurse approached and installed a mask on his mouth and nose. Soon, he was drifted to sleep. And after that long sleep, he will be able to see. Only if he wakes up.




Recovering pretty fast, Jonghyun goes to see how his boyfriend is doing. When he enters, all he could see was a head surrounded by bandages. He was worried, yes, but happy to see that the operation went well. Kibum was still alive. That is all that mattered to him. Really.

He reaches the bed and kisses the other boy’s lips lightly. A soft moan was the answer he got. “Are you in big pain?” he whispers to Kibum, who could hardly nod his head. He stays by the other boy’s side until he finally gets better, a week later.


Kibum was now ready to take off all of his bandages to see for the first time of his life. The doctor finally enters his room to see a smiling and exciting Kibum with Jonghyun by his side. He quickly takes a pair of scissors from his large pocket and starts snipping the bandage off.

Kibum couldn’t hold his anxiety anymore and started shaking as the scissors approached his face more and more. He could hear it and soon he will probably feel the cold object on his face. He shuts his already shut eyes as hard as he could as the doctor takes the white fabric off his head. Soon, nothing was covering his eyes, except for his eyelids.

Everyone was asking him to open his eyes, but it looked more difficult than it usually was. Kibum never really opened his eyelids, so they got used to being stuck together. Now, he was having even more difficulty, as they were "glued" together.

“What is this?”he though. He looks around to see the scariest image ever. All of those things were around him and they were facing him. He could see those big windows and tall buildings outside. “Is that how it feels like to have eyes?” he asks himself again. Not really expecting an answer, he shuts his eyes immediately.


During the whole day, he kept his eyes shut, covering his whole body with his covers, as if it would really make a difference. Actually, it did make a difference. He couldn’t see the light with the covers on. But unfortunately, he could still see strange colors (something he never saw) under his eyelids. He then remembered Jonghyun asking him if he could see them before, but today was his first time experiencing that. He waits for the night to finally fall and for everyone to leave the room. He slowly uncovers his head and look around. It was the same horror as before, but darker. In the night, it was hard to see anything, since he asked Jonghyun to close the blinds and to close the light. Not even the moon light could enter.

He slowly shifts his attention from object to object, seeing the same horrible things he saw earlier. He could barely see them now, but they were there. He sits on his bed for a while before his eyes get accustomed to the darkness. Soon, everything became magically brighter … and scarier. He quickly shuts his eyes and lay back down on his bed, crying. Maybe doing this operation was not a good idea.

He tries to retain his tears by biting his lips. He still keeps his eyes shut and manages to grab his bag and take out his iPod. Soon, he was lost in a sad song’s lyrics.

He felt strong arms surrounding his tiny waist. He didn’t have to touch them to know it was Jonghyun. The feeling was different from anyone’s arms.

Soft lips were now on his neck. It was Jonghyun, for sure.

A soft humming could be heard as he takes off his earphones. It was Jonghyun, humming his favorite song.

The young boy feels the strong arms pulling him closer. He turns around so their faces could be only a few centimeters away from each other. Slowly, he opens his eyes again to see Jonghyun for the first time.

A stranger’s face was now in front of him. At first, it was scary, since Kibum never knew how he looked like. It was fascinating and scary. He wanted to close his eyes so bad but Jonghyun’s face captivated him. He slowly puts his fingers on the boy’s cheek and starts running them all over Jonghyun’s face. Yes, it was him. The feeling under his fingers was so familiar.

He approaches his head to put it on the other boy’s chest, not wanting to see more for now. Jonghyun kisses Kibum’s head lightly and pulls the other one closer. Thinking that Kibum eyes were closed, he whispers to the other one sweet words of encouragement. “I admire your courage, Kibum.” No words came out of the younger boy’s mouth.

Actually, his eyes were wide open, exploring the rest of the room. They stay silent for a long moment before Kibum finally looks up and meet the other’s gaze. Kibum’s iris weren’t focusing well and would move away from Jonghyun’s face. But he still managed to control them and stared at his boyfriend for a while before whispering

“Jonghyun, please show me the world.”



[A/N] : I am going through a mix of emotions right now. I haven't post any of my fics on any other websites in years (note my exaggeration)! And this story was one of my favorites .. and reading it again made me feel weird inside. Well I hope someone likes it! Please tell me how you think it was! :) I will edit chapter 2 and will post it if I have readers >//////<

This was supposed to be a one shot but on LJ, people asked me to do a sequel so .. yeah. I talk to much. Okay bye. Enjoy :3


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I have a new account :3<br />
But I don't really use it. I use it to promote those fics.<br />
Well, I deleted cause I am crazy and because I lost interest in writing (and I had no idea how to finish a story).<br />
But I am starting again and hopefully, I will be better at writing ! ^^<br />
<br />
Thank you for reading though ! ^^
shineeowner #2
Aigoo, I know you from LJ :o !<br />
Why did you delete it ? I mean, I can't see how you can delete it ;o;<br />
did you make another acc ?
Thank you for reading here and on LJ ! ^^
ShiningTaemint #4
OMG I used to stalk your livejournal... /creeper XD<br />
@Pearl-blue-diva : MERCIII !!! ^^ <333
its soo cute and lovely and adorable and sweet and i really loved it ^.^<br />
i love fluff like this, haha key stays true to his divaness =p<br />
great job (^.^)b
Thank you for reading again !!! ^^<br />
Glad you like it !! >/////<
Nona3moorh #8
i'v read it befor and i'v been looking for it everywhere, your writing is awesome <br />
please keep going ~
Thank you so much for reading ! ^^<br />
And well, to be honest, I don't know.<br />
Let your imagination work ! :)
haishaaa #10
nice :)found the link in live journal.<br />
QUESTION: does kibum find it difficult to remember colours?<br />