first and last chapter

I'll never forget

7 am


"Cristilaine~~~ yeobo~ time to wake up" I am still sleepy and I can feel my husband hugging me from behind

"Kyungie-ah~~ I still feel sleepy. My eyes still feel heavy. Just let me sleep."

"I made you breakfast. Come on baby, let's eat together. After all that I cooked. After all what i have done? you'll just ignore my sweetness? it hurts you know" He whined to me but still my eyes are tightly closed because of sleepiness

"Don't be too dramatic. It doesn't suit to a used to be snobbish boy like you"

"but today is a special day!" i can feel that he stood up and pokes my cheek

"but everyday is a special day for me baby, as long as i am with you. So now....just let me sleep for a few more minutes"


I guess he already gave up because i heard the door clicked



10 am



I went downstairs to grab a coffee while I was mixing the powdered coffee with warm water, I noticed Kyungsoo sitting at the dinning table, pouting.


aaawwww isn't he a cutie? :3

but why is that he looks sad? -.-

Is he still sulking because i didn't wake up early to eat what he cooked for me? -__________-

sometimes i wonder if i married a matured man or a 5 year old kid. Lol


I sat across him, drinking my cup of coffee


Kyungsoo: -___- -> >.>


did he just avoid my stare? -_- what the.


"kyungie~~ are you mad at me? common Let me taste what you have cooked for your beloved wife?" i pouted


kyungsoo: >.> -> -_- -> <.< *grabs a newspaper and reads it*



"yah~~~" I held his hand and still pouting


but what he did is......


he stood up from his seat and walks toward the couch and there he sat again -_-


he really is avoiding me -0-

my husband is such a cutie :3


but there is me, i followed him, sat beside him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek

"I love you honeybunch" ^_^ 


him? -> O.O ......... -_- *back to reading the newspaper he was holding*


I give up. -.- He is being hard to get. ugh. He is cute but why is that I feel like I am the husband and he is the wife :)))


I have something to give him by the way....its just that this is not the right time ....


anyway..... I just decided to breath some fresh air in our garden and water our plants.





at around 1pm



I am just sitting in our gazebo, reading a book.


I heard footsteps coming......


me *0*


what's with the face? 


it is kyungsoo~~~ he is holding a plate of carbonara while standing in front of me just exactly what i was craving for since this morning ^0^

but of course I acted like I don't want to talk to him since he gave me a hard time a while ago -0-


i just continue with my reading




but the carbonara is seducing me >.<


"hey~~~ Cristi baby~~~ I am offering you this, I cooked this. Let's be husband and wife again...." he pokes my arm


"hmph!" ;) le being hard to get XP


wait. aren't we husband and wife? -.- pft!


"baby~~~ I want you to accept this and please talk to me" he whined like a kid :"3 my cutie husband with big round eyes >////< still ignoring him :3

"I don't want you ignoring me........." I take a quick glance at him and noticed that he is looking at the pasta with sad eyes




but i guess this is the time for me to give it to him....


I took out a medium sized envelope from my pocket and handed it to him


"I'm sorry.......?" he reads the words outside the envelope that says 'I'm sorry'


I walked away from him, decided to go back inside my room


I am near the door when I felt him gave me a back-hug >///////<


"Don't leave me.............."


me : >////<










what did he just say?!



I faced him "don't leave me?.....yah! did you open the envelope?!" I told him


"I don't want to open it..........I can sense something bad will happen. I am afraid that you'll leave me....because of the words 'I'm sorry'......Don't you remember that its our 2nd wedding anniversary today?.... why are you being like this on our special day?......a day that we should make a beautiful memory...." he said faintly


me: -___________________-





"ouch! yah! why are you shouting?!" he said while covering his ears


"read. the. letter"


"read the letter Do kyungsoo"

"no Mrs do"

"stop being an Mr. Do" -_-

"stop being so mean Mrs. Do" him = TAT




me and him: >_>     <_<



"I will divorce you and marry your bestfriend, Jongin if you don't read that freakin' letter" -.-


and finally! he opened the envelope. Tss. Do i always have to that i'll divorce him and marry his *cough* hot *cough* bestfriend just to make him stop from being stubborn? (/-0-)/ I____I




him: O_____O








>0< <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


me: -_______-



"you are pregnant?! I am going to be a father?!" imagine him jumping around and faking tears of joy -_-

"no no you are going to be an aunt....pabo. of course you are going to be a father" i said but i realize that i am smiling at this moment. seeing him very happy to receive the news that he is going to be a father






do you know what is inside that envelope?

I'm sorry are the words I wrote on the outside because inside that..

     "I'm sorry that it is not a boy....our baby is a girl and I am 1 month and 2 weeks pregnant. Happy 2nd anniversary my love. Let's be a caring and forever loving parents in the very near future okay? ^_^ I love you Kyungie~~~~ from your Queen that soon will have her princess born"

and there was an ultrasound picture attached

*end of explanation*





"I am going to be a father! yay! yay!" *0* --> him

he is still hugging me


"My Cristi will not leave me......she will soon give birth to our baby princess. I am soooo happy!"

"yeah yeah. After assuming that I'll leave you. Pabo! I will never leave you plus! I'll never forget our anniversary" -___-

"Its because of what you wrote in front of the envelope" he is pouting

"okay okay I am sorry for making you worry because of those words...i just want to trick you because you look so cute when you do stuff like pouting and making your eyes look wider even though they originally look wide wahahahahhaaha"

him: -_____- -> ^_^

"you can tease me everyday if you want. its okay because i am happy that the king and queen of this home will soon have their princess.....happy 2nd anniversary Mrs. Cristilaine Do....I loved you, love you, will love you and will forever love you"

"Happy anniversary also Mr. Kyungsoo Do. I loved you, love you, will love you and will forever love you too"


I can feel that he is slowly giving space between us he slowly leans closer to my face


"stop!" I told him ;)


"before getting a kiss from me, where is the food that you cooked for me?" >.>


he looks disappointed because I didn't let him continue our kiss XP


"food first. Kiss later. I can feel that our princess is hungry" I pouted while holding my tummy :3


him: -.-


he turned his back on me and I know that he will get the plate of carbonara he left in the gazebo


I followed him and blocked his way


I tiptoed


I kissed his lips passionately and I can feel his heart shaped smile form while he replies to my kiss and touching both sides of my face


"I think our princess is not hungry anymore because she can feel that her mother is full because of the love that her father is giving"


I smiled and he just smiled back at me


the next thing I knew was he carried me bridal style and we headed inside the house



Even though this guy is dramatic and always assuming..... I am still happy because I can feel how much he wants to protect and to be with me forever.


I don't regret marrying this used to be snobbish boy back then. I don't know why he is snobbish in the past but whenever he is with me he is like a kid that always wants attention from me :"3


This big round eyed guy is my husband and i know deep down inside our hearts.....


we can always assume that we loved, we love, we will love, and will forever love each other.



to love and to hold from the day that I felt my heart beat for him


for better or for worse




truly I can say that I love him and will forever stay by his side to build a stronger relationship to protect and a daughter to raise as our princess in our own world of fairytale.

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shanann #1
Chapter 1: Awww kyungsoo is such a qtpie