
My Special Brother
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Halfway writing, I lost my inspiration. The number of subscriber scares me because I’m afraid this story might not meet your expectations. I am really sorry if it’s . I just hope no one will hate me. :(





If I could actually see what's inside your heart, I'm wondering what will I find?





Yifan coughed again for the umpteenth of times that day. His chest really hurt, as if someone had punched him right on his heart. Even breathing is hard for him.


He jumped a little when the sudden voice enters his ears. He quickly made his way towards the door, opening it, only to be greeted by the sight of a tall bony figure smiling all brightly at him. Yifan eyed that boy with a slight frown. Such a weirdo, he thought. “From who?” He asked.

The boy put the incredulously large box on the floor, handing Yifan a pen and a paper, “It says from Mr. and Mrs. Wu.” The boy shrugged.

Yifan pursed his lips while signing the paper and handed it back to that tall boy. Yifan can’t help but chuckling when that boy saluted him and bounces away like a kid. He’s too tall for his cute face. Yifan then adverted his gaze towards the box, silently questioning what was inside that big box. He carefully pull the box inside his apartment. Noticing there’s a small paper attached on the box, Yifan picked it up to read it.

“Sorry son, we couldn’t make it back again this year. Happy birthday.”

Crestfallen, Yifan throw the paper away and kick the box. His curiosity vanished in the blink of an eye. He make a beeline towards the windowsill and sit on it, leaning his body against the cold glass while curling his legs upwards. He buried his face deep between his knees. Only God knows just how much Yifan wanted to cry that very moment.

He knew it is going to happen… again. He just knew it. He was used to being alone, Yifan had no more faith to his parents whenever they promised him something. Just like right now, he’s turning into an adult, but all his parents are concern of is their business. 21 years of life worth of nothing. He has no color in his book. Only gloom and sadness.

From the moment he was born, he was already loathed by his parents because of his sickness. The diagnosis had proven that he suffered con heart disease. The doctor had said back then that his life will be hard and there will be so many things he wouldn’t be able to do. His life depended solely on the medical supplies the hospital give to him every month. Fatigue, short of breathe, bluish skin, rapid heartbeat, all of those had become part of his life. They doesn’t even hurt him anymore.

What hurts him so much is the fact that he’s completely alone to face all of this. Even when he had to go through some medical surgeries in his past, his parents was never there for him. He survived for 21 years, but how he wish he had died sooner, because it is better than living completely alone without anyone to care about you.

Yifan doesn’t realize how long he had been sitting there. But when he realized that he was getting tired, it was snowing outside. Yifan smiled a little. Slowly darkness starts to color his vision as he let himself to doze off to dreamland.




Yifan opened his eyes, flinching a little when his back cracked. He groaned when he realized that he had slept on his windowsill.

“Finally you’re awake!” An excited voice startled him.

All of his fatigue gone in a blink of an eye. A pair of big rounded dark brown eyes were staring right into his soul, Yifan almost screamed when a hand landed on his cheek followed by a soft kiss. “What the hell?! Who are you? What are you doing inside my house?!” He shrieked.

The latter pouted a little, “That’s rude. Hmmp!” He said in sulky tone, turning away with hands crossed on his chest.

Yifan stood up. That was when he noticed the height difference between them. He glanced over to the petite male in front of him, before his eyes landed on the box at the corner of the room that seems to be opened. Yifan frowned.

“Honestly, you’re rude, you know? You enter my house and then you touch my things without permission!” Yifan exclaimed.

The smaller male turn around to face him, tilted his face confusingly, “Actually, you’re the rude one here. I’ve been waiting to be activated since last night! Did you know just how suffocating it is inside that damn box?!” The boy pouted.

Yifan’s face twitched, “Box? Inside it? What the hell are you? Some kind of doll? Living doll?” He asked.

The boy’s face brighten, smiling at Yifan retardly, “You could almost say that! I’m the newest invention of the Wu’s Corporation. Nice to meet you! I’m KJM2205.” The boy bows down. He looks a little too happy for a robot though.

Yifan blinked dumbly, “What?”

Before the smaller male could even give his reply, Yifan’s phone suddenly his phone rang. Yifan fished his phone up, looking at the smiling boy slightly while raising his eyebrow before answering the call, “Yoboseyo?”

“Ah! Yifan! Son! Have you open your present? So, do you like it?” His father’s voice said.

Yifan lifted his head up and look at the boy again. “You mean this… robot(?) guy?” He asked uninterestedly. The smaller male pouted a little.

“Yeah! He’s KJM2205, our latest invention! Well, he’s still in trial process, actually. Make sure to keep your eyes close to him all the time, okay?” Mr. Wu said.

Yifan sighed, “He doesn’t look robot no matter how you look at him though.” He stated.

Mr. Wu chuckled in amusement, “Yeah! That’s why he’s our key to success! A human-robot, with exquisite abilities, and six sense like a normal human! Eating, sleeping, just name it! He could do it all! And most importantly, this creation even have feelings. He could feel, just like us, human! Convenient, don’t you think? Professor Junhyung and I put our best effort on creating him! He will be your best friend and a brother you never had!”

“Ah..” Yifan sighed again. “Well, thanks.. I guess...”

“I have to go now, son! Have fun with your present! Happy birthday!”

Yifan snorted, “Have fun with your present? What the hell does that supposed to mean?” He throw his phone on his bed and turn to the smaller male in front of his, “By the way, KJM—what? Are you hungry?”

The fair-skinned boy shook his head, “It’s KJM2205. And yeah, quite hungry actually.. uhmm?” He grinned.

Yifan raised an eyebrow. Didn’t this kid even feel tired smiling all the time? He actually found the boy in front of him quite cute and amusing, but still, creepy with that wide smile. “Yifan. My name is Wu Yifan. By the way, your name doesn’t sound like a human’s name at all. Since you’re going to live like a human, then you must have a human name too. How about thinking of some other name?” Yifan suggested.

The boy blinked cutely, “Like what?”

Yifan tapped his chin softly, “Something like… Suho?” He shrugged.

The smaller male nods frantically, “Suho? Guardian… I like it!” He grinned, clapping his hands cutely like a baby seal. “Then from now on I’ll be your friend and take care of you!”

Yifan smiled a little. For the first time ever, he think the pain he’s bearing felt bearable



Yifan could only stare. From where he’s sitting, he stared at the happy boy bouncing on his heels, excitedly exploring everything on his own, and once in a while he would ask him some questions. Everything fascinates him, like a child who just woke up from deep slumber. Suho was smiling brightly, that even sun would bow down in shame for his unbeatable charm. But being a cold guy who doesn’t talk much, Yifan just stared at him, rather uninterestedly, and only answer with a word or two when questioned.

Cough! Cough!

Yifan hold his breath, hands clutching his chest because of the sudden pain. Suho gasped and quickly ran towards him, “Are you okay, Yifan?” He asked, worries written all over his face.

Yifan nodded slightly.  He brushed Suho’s hand away from his shoulder, noticing the crestfallen look on the smaller male’s face when Yifan seems to not like his presence. Suho bits his lips, “Do you not like me, Yifan?” He said. From the tone he’s speaking, Yifan know that the shorter male is sad because of his coldness towards the latter.

“It doesn’t really matter, right?” Yifan scoffed.

Suho looked up, “What do you mean?” He asked.

Yifan lets out a sigh, “It doesn’t really matter if I like you or not. You’re basically just a present from my father, and I’m basically stuck with you.” He muttered.

Suho’s eyes widened, that answer hit him like thunder, “I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry if my presence brothering you. I can go if you want. I promise I’ll tell professor that I didn’t like to be here. I won’t blame you.” He stated.

This boy is too nice for his own good, it makes Yifan feel guilty for saying such things. Without another word, Yifan stood up from his seat and walked away from the park. Suho’s eyes glued on Yifan’s tall figure as he walk away, until he’s out of sight. It has been 2weeks, Yifan doesn’t seem to open up to him at all. They do talk a word or two, but most of the time, it is only him who start the conversation, which would die in few seconds because Yifan doesn’t seems like he want to chat with him. Suho clutched his chest. Maybe for Yifan, Suho is just a robot. A cold, heartless robot that was programmed to be there for Yifan.

But why is it so painful?

It is so painful in here… inside his chest. It was as if his artificial silicone heart being ripped apart. Is this what human call heartbroken?



Sitting on the windowsill, Yifan bits his lips in pure guilt. It is getting late and Suho is still nowhere to be seen. It is in the middle of December for God’s sake. It is freezing out there. He remembered that the petite male was only wearing a loose shirt, jeans and jacket, which was not thick enough to protect him from the coldness of the night. He keep his eyes on the road all the time, in the hope that the petite male’s figure would show up. Well, even though Yifan kept on ignoring the smaller male’s presence, deep inside, he actually really care for him. He’s just too shy to show it.

What if he got kidnapped? What if he’s hungry? Suho had no money with him.

Yifan punched the glass window slightly, before grabbing his thick jacket and walked out of his apartment. “Damn, it’s cold!” Yifan cursed under his breath.

“Suho-ah?” He called out right when he stepped into the park.

It is too dark, and the road lamp doesn’t help one bit. “Suho-ah?” Yifan looked around, hoping to find the smaller male’s figure somewhere. “Suho, where are you?”

His heart was beating rapidly fast, that he doesn’t even bother to take a breath. Yifan clasped his hands together on his chest, silently praying that he’ll found Suho.


A noise coming from under the slides startled him. Yifan quickly made his way towards the slides and peek under it. He’s there. Suho is there, knees curling to his chest, hands bracing himself to warm himself. The smaller male’s eyes shuts tightly, his teeth were chattering, and his lips were no longer as read as it used to be, it is blue. He looked so vulnerable and fragile, it hurts Yifan’s heart to see the smaller male in that kind of state.

“Suho?” Yifan called out softly, slowly walking towards the small figure.

Suho lifted his head up, looking at Yifan with teary eyes. “Yifan? What are you doing here?” He said.

Instead of answering to his question, Yifan swept the smaller male from the ground and carried him in bridal style. Suho’s eyes widened in shock and he quickly threw his hands circling the taller male’s neck. Suho look at Yifan questioningly, “What are you doing?” His voice is too weak that it comes out almost inaudible.

Yifan keep walking until they reached his apartment, completely ignoring the weird stares given by the people who happened to walk around them. Yifan throw the smaller male into his bed and covered him with thick blanket.

“You’re freezing.” He said, finally. “What were you thinking? It’s so damn cold outside!” He chides.

Suho gasped. How he wished he could just hide under the blanket and stay there for the rest of his life. Yifan’s stares were just too intimidating for him to endure. “I-I thought… I thought you h-hate me.” He stuttered.

Yifan sighed. “Go to sleep

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 1: awww... this is so sad... why did it have to be temporary? why was Yifan dying? WHY??? HUHUHU
Chapter 1: I love it... but it makes me cry.
cyfome #3
Chapter 1: Damn, I cried hard`~`..¿▪¿
fiqahaina #4
Chapter 1: Love this story made me cried
Chapter 1: Okay I hate you why did you make me cry author-nim ㅠㅠ
//ugly sobs//
Chapter 1: This story is beautiful... TnT I love it. The best krisho I've ever read ♡ but this story made me cry as well TnT
ohem_niking #7
Carlzaty #8
Chapter 1: this is too beautiful... ;w;