Mr. Pink Bunny


In the park, there was a pink bunny mascot passing off some flyers to people. Sungmin was only seven years old but he thought that this must be love at first sight.


Thanks to Raspberry Ripple Poster Request Shop for the awesome poster <3


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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 1: so cute love it
Chapter 1: haha a gangster as a pink bunny!! so cute ^^
ismary666 #3
Chapter 1: oh how beautiful, how beautiful, a gangster in a pink bunny suit, jajajajjjaaa, that tenderness,
when K recognized to S through his eyes, that something so cute.
Chapter 2: Awww... That was so cute :)... (And the background is adorable as well) I just wonder, why's there so much bullying in your stories? Because in real life I have never experienced/witnessed bullying (maybe just a bit of teasing but that's all)...
Kangin in the bunny suit is adooorable. >.<
SBsolo #6
I love sweet fluffy stories like this! Awwww :)
ShyNina #7
awww....this is gonna be one of my all time favorite stories! it's just so sweet!
I love the fact that KangIn in your stories isn't a bad guy... I mean everytime when I read Kang+somebody fanfics I always find him being a cheater, wife batterer (not sure if this is good word) or something like that... So when I find that in Your stories he is a good guy, who love SungMin and want to protect him~ I just love this idea =3 (because KangIn is my first and the most beloved Bias^^) Thank You for that !!
got to love kangmin more and more with each story of yours.
memoire- #10
Nice and I LOVE IT!!! Hehe