Catch Me

Take Flight Or Fall . . .

Hey guys!


Thank god . . . finally I got the story flowing!

Normal fan fiction however is still on HIATUS! (Not that any of you actually read my stories there . . . ==’)

Cheers to good friends, sleeping in and holidays!

Ok, on with the story, I’ve made 2min wait for so long . . .


RECAP (because it’s been so long since an update):

So basically, the book has been stolen and without it, the forest is going to die. Taemin and the others need it to change back into humans before the forest dies otherwise they too will die. (They are linked to the forest.)

Minho has left for his castle, after giving Taemin a kiss. (Where does this lead I wonder?  ;)

There’s going to be a ball tomorrow night, and Taemin has to go because it might be his last (?!) chance to see Minho.

Taeyeon is very sad and Jonghyun comforts her; Key gets jealous and mad, and then decides to get the book back by climbing up the tower where the magician lives. He is past halfway there when he slips and falls . . . .


Key fell.

The wind rushed past his ears, his hair whipped around his face. His arms and legs were splayed out, somehow still looking like a graceful swan in flight.

They say that a swan’s last flight and song before its death is the most beautiful and the saddest part of its life. It looked like an elegant figure, an embodiment of life just when it was so close to death. Nothing feels more exhilarating and exciting; nothing feels more sad and painful.

How ironic.

The time that he actually wishes that he was a swan, he isn’t one.

And still, Key fell.

Taemin . . .

I’m so sorry . . . I promised I would never leave you alone.

However, the face that flashed up in his mind wasn’t Taemin’s.

Tears appeared and seemed to float up as he fell.

Jonghyun . . .

I’m sorry too . . .

I . . .

I’m . . .

Key closed his eyes and braced for impact.



“Is that all, Your Highness?”

“Yes, Mey-Rin. You may go now.”

The maid curtseyed but hesitated a little as she turned to leave. Minho noticed this and smiled.


The maid jumped and turned around to face him. Her eyes flicked nervously around the room; seeing the huge king sized bed, the lamp, and the dark night outside. The Prince had arrived in the middle of the night, shocking everyone. It was amazing that he had even come back, let alone agree to attend the ball.

As the maid chewed on her thoughts, she suddenly realised that the Prince was staring at her.

Oh, that’s right. He had called her name.


Minho laughed before answering.

“It’s alright, I won’t run again. I promise. I’m going to face tomorrow night’s ball.”

A wide smile spread across the servant’s face and she bowed low.

“Thank you, my lord. Please, enjoy the ball! And chose someone nice.”

She ran out of the room, suddenly embarrassed.

Minho laughed once again.

He had already chosen someone.


Taemin sighed.

As he quietly stargazed, he couldn’t the smile that rose to his face. Despite the fact that the loss of the book of very dire, all he could think about was the prince.





The name ran through his mind and he never seemed to get sick of saying it over and over again.


Taemin felt the grass patch next to him sink a little as a body threw itself into it.


“Oppa, have you seen Key-oppa?”

Taemin frowned.

Aniyo. Wasn’t he with Jonghyun?”

Taeyeon shook her head, and then realising that Taemin couldn’t see she uttered a small ‘no’.

Taemin’s frown grew deeper.

Where could Key be?


In Minho’s hands he held a small mirror. It was a plain, round mirror with a wooden handle painted white, but it was flaking. What an odd mirror; it was one that did not suit a man, let alone a prince.

Time to test this out.

His grin grew wider as he remembered how he had got it.


His heart was beating quite fast he strode away from Taemin. He didn’t really understand why he did that, he only knew that he had desperately wanted to for a while now. Shaking his head to clear the sparks that were ignited by the kiss, he hurriedly headed to the cave that leads out of the  . . .

What was it?

A clearing?

An area where random magicians and talking human swans lived?

He turned around.

The pale moon light lit up the soft glimmering surface of the lake. A light wind blew and softly shook the willow trees that grew next to the water. Little fireflies glowed brightly, dancing on the air currents. Several over people, who had decided to stay in swan form for fun, were flying across the water, dipping their wings occasionally into the clear water.

It was magical.

Then, a name popped into his mind that seemed so perfect for a lake like this.

“Swan Lake.”

Minho heard rustling in some bushes and as he turned to look, Taeyeon popped out.

“Oh. You’re Taeminnie’s sister aren’t you?”

She raised an eyebrow.


Minho bit his lip.


“Uh, anyways, what are you doing here?”

Taeyeon glared at Minho for another second before sticking out her hand at him. Minho looked curiously at the object she was holding.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and shook her hand.

Minho stared blankly at her.

She sighed.

“You’re supposed to take it.”

He reached out and took it and held it awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

“Now, you’re supposed to say thank you!”

“Uh, thank you?”

She smiled, her voiced laced with sarcasm as she spoke again.

“You’re very welcome, Prince.”


He held the mirror up and coughed.

So . . .

How exactly did she tell him to do it again?

“Uh . . . show me  . . . Taemin?”

The mirror didn’t change and Minho was just staring at himself. Feeling very stupid and tricked by the little sister, Minho growled at the mirror. He shook it around and threw it against the headboard of his bed before falling back on his bed.

“Um . . . hello?”

Surprised, Minho nearly rolled off the bed. Hurriedly, he scrambled up and picked up the mirror. To his amazement, the mirror surface had disappeared. No longer was he staring at himself but at the babyish face of Taemin.



There was awkward silence for a while as they both stared at each other.

Unexpectedly, a light tinkling laughter came from next to Taemin and Taeyeon poked her head in.


Minho glared at her.

“What? Shouldn’t you be thanking me? Oh wait; you forgot how to activate didn’t you, that’s why we had to call you! AHAHAHAHHAHA!”

Minho really wanted to shut up that annoying sister right now.

“H-hyung . . .”

“A-ah! Ye?”

Taeyeon laughed again.

“Ok, I’m going to find Key and Jonghyun-oppa. You two have fun . . .”

She shook her head, almost as if she was the older one, looking down on the two of them.

“Taemin-oppa . . . did you have to choose this guy?”


Minho swore that the confused and shocked expression on Taemin’s face was the most hilarious thing he had ever seen. He covered his mouth to stop the laughter as he watched Taemin interact with his younger sister.

“W-what are you talking about, Taeyeon?”

“Oh, don’t joke around, oppa! I’m really happy for you! You finally found someone . . . I’m just sorta sad that it’s gotta be him!”

“I-I . . . what . . . Taeyeon . . .”

“Oppa! Come on! I already know you don’t have to tell me . . . I know there was a reason why you never used to look at a girl closely during the festival dances!”

Taemin by this point was beet red.


“What? Oh, you’re embarrassed? Ahaha, its ok, oppa! I’ll leave you alone now!”

With that Taeyeon got up and left, leaving behind a very humiliated and stunned Taemin.



Key felt himself hit something much softer than what he expected. This thing collapsed as soon as he fell onto it and together the two of them rolled down the hill. When they reached the bottom, he still refused to open his eyes.

Am I dead?

Did I actually hit the bottom but then I didn’t realise it?

“Oh god, you scared me so much!”

A loud voice yelled into his ear, dispatching all confusion. Yep, Key was definitely alive. Slowly, Key seemed to feel his body again. And as he did, he realised that his arms and legs were tangle up in someone else’s and his face was pressed up against a hard chest.

A very familiar and hard chest.

Key almost couldn’t believe it.


His voice quavered.

“YES! It’s me you PABO! Why did you do such a stupid thing?! You could’ve died if I didn’t catch you! God, why are you always like this? Did you have any idea how worried I was? And what would Taemin think and feel if you actually died?”

Jonghyun’s voice continued to rant at Key who just stared at his face, uncomprehending the fact that Jonghyun was actually in front of him. And Jonghyun saved him. Key took in a deep breath, breathing in the scent that was so clearly Jonghyun. It felt so familiar and comforting.


He uttered softly but Jonghyun kept on yelling.


Key tried again while trying to disentangle their limbs.


There was still no effect.

Key was about to burst.

Without thinking, he leaned up and kissed Jonghyun full on the mouth, cutting his sentence off. When he pulled away Jonghyun slapped him full across the face.

“Don’t think that you can distract me with a kiss.”

Key sighed.

Some things just never changed.

“I’m sorry.”



I AM SUCH BAD WRITER (head bashes)

But I saw something that really gave me inspiration to write again and it was this:

“Don’t write for your readers, write for yourself.”

So I will face the bad criticism (If any, I hope not!)



P.S And this chapter is short, so sorry about that!

Normal Monday updates are in place, so keep eyes peeled on Monday!

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lucius #1
Chapter 12: Waaait... what about rainydays? ö.Ö I. LOVE. THIS QwQ... i hope you'd update ^^'
Chapter 12: I love this story!!! Please update soon ^^v
kolmilyo #4
when is the next update?
SuperVelma #5
Update please
It's Iike barbie swan lake my sister loves it whenever I ask her what movie she would say she wanted barnie swan lake ... To the point I got used to it and quited asking her , so I choose the one I want :) <br />
But still I love it >^< keep updating DONT FORRGET TO UPDATE !! ( JK ;)
GOSH i MISSED THIS!!!<3<br />
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Oh No!!! I hope Minho can regconise the real taemin from the fake :/<br />
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Update soon!!!:DDD
SuperVelma #8
update please soon.
its really rare to see(or read) that key is the one who got slapped instead of slapping xDD
Key got slapped xDDDD