
Take Flight Or Fall . . .

SO! I’m back! >.< Very excited, I’ve found some friends on AFF!

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Another day was near the end.

The sun slowly sank, bathing a soaring white swan in its red dye.

Stretching out its wings, the swan frantically tried to reach his destination before the sun completely sets. As the beautiful bird approached a tall looming palace, the last of fading sun finally disappeared behind the mountain. A white light engulfed the descending bird and suddenly in place of the bird was a human.

The boy, who only looked 18 or so, shook out his soft blonde hair and looked around, wondering if anyone had saw him and followed him. He made his way slowly across the grass he landed on, being very cautious not to be spotted by anyone.

With a twitch of his sensitive ears, he picked up on the faint traces of soft violin music floating across from behind the building he had landed in front. He closed his eyes and let his ears lead me on towards the place he was looking for.

The classic waltz music became louder and louder as he got closer.

Finally, when he appeared around the corner, he saw what was happening through an open door. Inside, lords and ladies danced elegantly with each other, twirling and whirling about on the glossy floor. Suddenly, unspoken, they all stopped their dances and moved to side.

The strings ended their sonata and a single violin began to play.

The long note was sweet and delicately brought out by the soft touch of the violinist.

A girl gently stepped into the centre and began to dance. Her beauty and finesse captured everyone in the room. Then, someone joined her.

From outside the room, the boy’s heart beat faster as soon as he saw the person who was dancing with the girl. It was the Prince that was dancing with the mysterious girl. The boy felt a tinge of jealously and sadness tugging at his heart. He made for the door but suddenly the door closed. He frowned and then transformed back into a swan to fly up onto the balcony where the window was still open.

Flapping to keep himself afloat, he watched the pair dance.

Then, the Prince went closer to the girl and whispered into her ear.

"Will you marry me?"

The instant the words were spoken, the violins stopped.

The boy felt like his heart had stopped too.

A murmur rose up in the crowd who began whispering to each other.

“I’m sorry Your Highness, but did you just say you wanted to marry my daughter?”


“That’s very . . . sweet, but I have to ask . . . do you love her?”

The Prince turned to look at her and smiled.

“Yes . . . with all my heart.”

At this, a single feather fell from the swan that was still hovering on the balcony.


It came out as a whisper but that was the last thing the swan said before his wings lost all strength and he plummeted to the ground, just like the feather.

His body change back into a human after he hit the ground.

No . . .

It’s can’t be. This can’t be happening.

A sparkling diamond fell from the crown that was nestled in the blond hair of the now unconscious boy. The glow from the jewel faded and it returned to its normal form as a diamond.


Why . . .

I thought that you loved me . . .

What happened? Why did you fall for it!

Why couldn’t see that it was just an illusion!


Evil laughter came from the girl who spoke for the first time.



I . . . I love you. . . Minho

Goodbye . . .


The boy just lay there, unmoving.

Almost as if he was . . . dead.


MUHAHAHAH, cliffy!!! 

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lucius #1
Chapter 12: Waaait... what about rainydays? ö.Ö I. LOVE. THIS QwQ... i hope you'd update ^^'
Chapter 12: I love this story!!! Please update soon ^^v
kolmilyo #4
when is the next update?
SuperVelma #5
Update please
It's Iike barbie swan lake my sister loves it whenever I ask her what movie she would say she wanted barnie swan lake ... To the point I got used to it and quited asking her , so I choose the one I want :) <br />
But still I love it >^< keep updating DONT FORRGET TO UPDATE !! ( JK ;)
GOSH i MISSED THIS!!!<3<br />
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Oh No!!! I hope Minho can regconise the real taemin from the fake :/<br />
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Update soon!!!:DDD
SuperVelma #8
update please soon.
its really rare to see(or read) that key is the one who got slapped instead of slapping xDD
Key got slapped xDDDD