Meeting Jaehyo.

I Never Knew You Were The One ( sequel to How Did I fall for You )


" Oppa~ Jaehyo oppa~~~ let's go out! i'm bored sitting here all day" Hyunah went over and hugged Jaehyo from the back. 


"I'm so tired, didnt we just go shopping yesterday?" Jaehyo sighed. 


"but i want to go out now..pleaseeee" Hyunah made a high pitched voice and hugged Jaehyo tighter.


"alright, come on let's go" Jaehyo let go of Hyunah's arm around him and took the car keys. 


"yay! let's go!" Hyunah grabbed her purse and went out with a grin on her face. 


*i've finally got you oppa, i cant wait till we are finally married* Hyunah thought to herself.



"gosh, i'm craving for some latte!" Kyung said out loud from the living room.


"well go get them then," said Zico who was busy typing away on his laptop. 


"hey guys, let's go to the cafe!" Kyung shouted. 


"call! i'm craving for some frappe right now too! hey, ask _______-ah if she wants to follow us" said Ukwon.


"______-ah, wanna go out with us to the cafe?" B-bomb knocked onto your door. 


"alright, i'll be out in a minute" you replied. *i'm sure in a need of some warm drink right now* you thought to yourself. 


"everyone ready? ______-ah you ready?" Zico asked you and you nodded your head. "let's go, i cant wait to get my latte!" 


"come on, i'm sure a warm hot drink will cheer you up" B-bomb put his hand over your shoulder and you smiled. 




"Oppa, let's go to a cafe, i'm getting thirsty right now" Hyunah looked over at Jaehyo.


"fine" Jaehyo didnt even take a look at her and continue driving. Hyunah on the other hand held onto Jaehyo's arm even though she knows Jaehyo doesnt seem to like it but she didnt care.


"we're here! yes finally! " Hyunah got out of the car and pulled Jaehyo along with her. " oppa, what will you like to have?" 


"anything, just anything, hey, i'll go sit over there and wait" Jaehyo pointed to the seats near back and Hyunah just nodded her head. 


*gosh, these past days, have been tiring for me. i wonder how's ______ is doing right now* he thought to himself with a concern look on his face. 


Little did you know that the cafe you are about to go to, you're about to meet both Jaehyo and Hyunah inside. "Looks like we are here, let's go and order. I'm freaking thirsty!" Kyung said. 


So all of you went towards the counter and was busy discussing with each other with what to order that you didnt realized that Hyunah was right in front of you ordering something. 


"thank you" Hyunah said to the person at the counter and the moment she turned around, " well, look what we have here" Hyunah smirked. 


You turned around and came face to face with, "HYUNAH??! what are you doing here?" you said out loud, much to your surprised. 


"hi there, you guys are here too? why not we have a drink together" said Hyunah. 


*if Hyunah is here then....then... is oppa here too?* you thought to yourself.


"Hyunah-ah, what is taking you so -" you heard a voice say coming from the back and without even turning your back you knew who it was by just the sound of that voice.  *oppa....*


"k-kyung? Jihoon? Taeil? U-kwon? Z-zico? hyuk?" He looked towards all of them surprised and then he looked to his left and made eye contact with you. " _______-ah?" Jaehyo's eyes widened.


*act strong _____-ah , act strong. You cant show how weak you are to him* you said to yourself and took a deep breath. "hi Jaehyo oppa, it's been a long time" you let out a small smile.


Hello dear readers ^^

hehehe, sorry for the late update! 

hope you guys like this chapter ^^

Sorry if its too short! :(

i'll try to update again soon, do continue reading and i love looking through your comments <3 



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I feel out of place with all the older comments from like 2011 and don't get me wrong i love ur story but UPDATE WHEN U CAN!!!!
Chapter 40: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Jaehyo you...oh god T_T
hyomylove #4
Jaehyo :(((( /cries
Awww I'm seriously stucked in my choices :( bbomb is a good choice like serrriousllyyy!! Buttttttttttt JAEHYO! was the reason why u read this! Omo!:( confused!:(
@DWjerms " hahahaha LOL! stucked in between choices? xD hope the new chapter is enjoyable for you to read (:
NEVER GIVE UP!:( actually yeah! Give up! Go with bbomb! Pfft bad JAEHYO! But it isn't what he wanted too!:( BUAHHH WHO TO CHOOSE!:(
@Woojyo : haha, thank you so much for reading (:
@Jaehyo_love : i've listen to the song and whoa, it really fits the chapter, thank you for introducing me that song ^^