
I Never Knew You Were The One ( sequel to How Did I fall for You )



Things was well with the two of you as days passes by. You were always together with him at all times but deep inside you were still unsure about him. 


"______-ah, you better wake up and get ready!" P.O screamed and called out to you from outside.


"why....i'm still so sleepy.." you lazily replied.


"YAH! YOU BETTER HURRY UP OR WE'LL BE LATE!" he knocked non-stop on your door. 


"FINE BUT WHERE ARE WE GOING?" you shouted back at him. 




*dress? why do i need to wear that for?* you thought to yourself but agreed to it anyway. 


Once you're out from the shower , you put on the dress that P.O had setup for you and looked at yourself in the mirror. *why am i exactly wearing this for? for what occasion? OH! how could i have that slipped my mind! Its me and Jaehyo oppa 2nd anniversary together! aww... he must have brought me this dress!* you smiled to yourself at the mere thought of that.


"_____-ah are you done?" P.O shouts once more.


"yeah, i'm done!" you opened the door and saw that the rest of the Block B members was wearing suits, staring at you. " w-why are you guys in suits?" 


"wah... _______-ah, you're so pretty!" Kyung exclaimed.


"beautiful.." B-bomb let out.


"no time for all this really, let's go! we are already 5 minutes late!" Ukwon grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the house followed by the rest.


*______-ah , we had to this, sorry...*


*really sorry, please dont get mad at us for doing this to you* 


That's when you realised that Jaehyo wasnt there with you guys. "oppas, where is Jaehyo oppa?" you looked around.


"no time to talk now!" P.O pulled you into the van next to him. 




"seriously, do we have to make this thing so big?" Jaehyo looked over at Hyunah.


"yes of course! i have to show everyone how lucky am i to get you as my fiance!" Hyunah giggled while putting on her lip gloss.


"pfft, whatever" Jaehyo scoffed and went outside for some fresh air.




"oppa! dont forget tomorrow's our engagement day!" Hyunah screamed from the other end of the phone.


"i told you! i wont get engage with you so many times before this! why cant you understand?" Jaehyo stood up and went in his room so that no one could hear his conversation with Hyunah.


"but oppa, daddy wont like it if you take back your word and promises" 


"Listen here! i have only one important person in my life right now and she isnt you, she is my girlfriend, _______ and i cant just leave her for you!" Jaehyo was already feeling frustrated. 


"you promised my daddy oppa..." Hyunah faked a crying sound.


"cancel it! JUST CANCEL IT ALL!" 


"daddy! daddy! Jaehyo oppa wants to cancel the engagement! Daddy! Daddy ! " Hyunah screamed.


"YAH! fine! i'll do it , god it seems like i'm getting engage with an 8 year old, Just shut the hell up alright? its annoying and dont get your hopes high, i wont EVER fall for you! remember that!" 


"saranghae oppa~" Hyunah ignored what Jaehyo said and hung up after saying what she wanted to say.


"freak! what am i suppose to do now? i cant even cancel the engagement because of that stupid promise i made with her dad, and i dont want to leave _____! i love _____ and i cant just do this to her but i have no choice! i'm so sorry, sorry, i'm a bad boyfriend!" Jaehyo screamed to himself in anger.


*ends of flashback*


"we're here! faster let's go!" Kyung dragged you out of the van.


"seriously can someone tell me what's happening here?" you smiled because you thought you're here for a surprise made by Jaehyo. 


Then you and the rest of Block B walked towards the entrance. It was a grand hotel. Your eyes wondered everywhere. You were on awe. *Jaehyo oppa, you made all this for me?* you smiled again.


"finally we are officially here!" P.O opened the door and to your surprise that was alot of people inside. All of them with unknown faces. You dont even know any of them here. 


"who are all this people?" you asked.


"Hyunah's friends and families" Ukwon replied.


"HYUNAH? YOU MEAN KIM HYUNAH? what is she doing here?" you whispered loudly but not loud enough for everyone to hear.


"let's just go and sit shall we?" Bbomb placed his hand on your back and pushed you lightly towards the chair to sit. 


"oppa, why are we really here fo-" your sentence was cut short by someone who was talking with the mic. 


"Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for attending this very important event. I will like now to announce our two very important people here with us, Ahn Jaehyo and Kim Hyunah please come forward please" and everyone started clapping their hands together, everyone except YOU. 


*wait! wait! what? Oppa? Hyunah? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? wait! just hold on! what?!?* you screamed to yourself inside. Feeling all confused and you didnt even know how to react to this. 


"thank you all for coming, my name is Ahn Jaehyo, nice to meet you all-" before Jaehyo could even continue Hyunah had snatched away the mic from him, " we should just get started already! i cant wait!" making everyone laughed except YOU.


*oppa, you lied...you lied... you said you wouldnt..* Feeling both confused and heartbroken at the same time.


Then the ceremony started and the two exchanged their engagement rings. Hyunah couldnt stopped smiling all the way and you just wanted to slapped that face of hers. You didnt want to be here to witness this. In fact you wanted to get away, from all this. 


"that should be me..." was all that came out from you, barely a whisper only you were the one who heard yourself saying it.


You pulled yourself up from the chair and ran towards the entrance door. You couldnt watch this anymore. "______-ah!" B-bomb called out to you and  followed you from the back. 


Jaehyo noticed you and all he could do was sighed. He couldnt do anything. He couldnt even chase you when you were running away because Hyunah's dad was right in front of him. He could only watch your running figure getting smaller and smaller.


*i've hurt her and there's nothing i could do but just stand here and watch...* 


"________-ah!_________-ah! wait!" B-bomb called out to you, panting.


You leaned against the wall and slid down. Unknowingly you started to cry all of the sudden. You heart started to ache from the pain of seeing both Jaehyo and Hyunah together.  * he didnt even bother chasing me...* 


"_________-ah!" B-bomb finally came and stood right in front of you. Looking down and you and crouched down to have the same eye level as you. "i hate seeing you crying..." You continued on crying without even lifting up your head to look at B-bomb. 


"_____-ah, i hate seeing you like this" then B-bomb wrapped his arms around you and placed his head on top of yours. " why cant you see that i'm here whenever you're like this? why cant you see that i'm always here just for you? it should have been me instead of him" 


You stopped crying, your eyes widen at the sudden confession of B-bomb to you. *B-bomb oppa just confessed to me? i'm already having such a hard time now and now all this is just making it more confusing...oppa, you shouldnt be doing this..*


hello dear readers!

i'm so sorry i havent been updating for so long ><

was such a busy week for me last week!

exams are just like in a few days and i am busy with my revisions,

so i hope you guys will enjoy this chapter that i have updated for all of you^^

thank you all so much for still continue on reading (:

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I feel out of place with all the older comments from like 2011 and don't get me wrong i love ur story but UPDATE WHEN U CAN!!!!
Chapter 40: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Jaehyo you...oh god T_T
hyomylove #4
Jaehyo :(((( /cries
Awww I'm seriously stucked in my choices :( bbomb is a good choice like serrriousllyyy!! Buttttttttttt JAEHYO! was the reason why u read this! Omo!:( confused!:(
@DWjerms " hahahaha LOL! stucked in between choices? xD hope the new chapter is enjoyable for you to read (:
NEVER GIVE UP!:( actually yeah! Give up! Go with bbomb! Pfft bad JAEHYO! But it isn't what he wanted too!:( BUAHHH WHO TO CHOOSE!:(
@Woojyo : haha, thank you so much for reading (:
@Jaehyo_love : i've listen to the song and whoa, it really fits the chapter, thank you for introducing me that song ^^