Talk and promises.

I Never Knew You Were The One ( sequel to How Did I fall for You )


The next few days


Yesterday for the whole day you didnt even talk to Jaehyo. You tried to avoid him at all cost. When it was time for dinner, you quickly finished up your food when you saw him coming out from his room, when he went to try to talked to you, you immediately said you were going to bed. You dont even know why but you just dont feel like talking to him for awhile now.


It was a saturday. So you were free from school. You wanted to go out but you were afraid you will see Jaehyo and then you will have to hear him talk about Hyunah. You didnt want that to happened. So you decided to stay in room for the whole day today. Doing absolutely nothing. 


Then there was a knock on a door, " who is it?" you lazily asked. 


"_______-ah, its me, we need to talk.." It was Jaehyo. You didnt answer instead you just ignore him at looked out of the window. "______-ah, please... we havent talked for days and you have yet to hear the things i want to explain to you" he knocked onto your door continuously. 


You were feeling all annoyed at the knocking so you decided to respond to him. " there's nothing to talk about" you said coldly but you feel tears starting to form up in between your eyes. 


"______-ah, please...if you're not going to open the door, i will" you didnt say anything. "i'm coming in.." you heard the sound of keys trying to open your door. You quickly moved towards the door trying to prevent it from opening. 


"what do you think you're doing?" you raised your voice while leaning onto the door. 


"let me in, we need to talk _____-ah, i cant go on like this anymore, you wouldnt talk to me for days " Jaehyo pleaded. 


You gave up, a part of you still wants to see you but a part of you still feel kind of hurt about that incident a few days ago. You opened the door to let him in. You didnt even take a look at him instead you just went and stand near the window.


"_______-ah," Jaehyo came in and stood in the middle of your room. You didnt even take a tiny glance at him. You continue to look outside of the window. Jaehyo knows you're angry with him and he's trying to make it up to your right now.


You could hear his footsteps approaching you from the back but you didnt turn and kept your face blank. Suddenly you felt warm pair of arms being wrapped around your waist from behind. "______-ah. i'm so sorry...." Jaehyo buried his face into your shoulders.


You turned your head to face the left, you didnt want to face him yet. But Jaehyo didnt give up. " I'm so sorry _____-ah, please forgive me.. i know you know that i did meet her the other time, i lied to you, i feel so guilty about it but please, trust me, i had my reasons.  _____-ah, i never ever liked her. I dont even wish to mention her name. It disgusts me. Please.. trust me?" 


You were still not turning your back. Jaehyo sighed but he didnt let go of you and continue to wrapped his arms around you tighter. " i love you _____-ah, i love you so much that i could never look at other girls beside you, i'm so sorry, very sorry for what i did and she, she will never get me away from you because i will never let myself get near her either._______-ah, talk to me please? i'm dying to hear your voice for days..." 


You knew no matter how angry you were feeling towards Jaehyo, you couldnt just ignore him forever. You love him too much to stay angry at him forever. " Oppa.... is it true, you will never like her?" 


Jaehyo lifted his face from your shoulders," of course, i could never like her even if i'm force to because you're the only one for me.." You softened.


You slowly turned to face him. His arms were still wrapped around you. "oppa, promise me.. you'll never go to her again even if she begs you to" 


"i promise and i swear" Jaehyo hugged you tightly. " i love you _____-ah" he slowly kissed your forehead making you smile.


*i hope so...* 


hello ^^

updated (:

hehehe, hope you guys enjoy it ~ 

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I feel out of place with all the older comments from like 2011 and don't get me wrong i love ur story but UPDATE WHEN U CAN!!!!
Chapter 40: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Jaehyo you...oh god T_T
hyomylove #4
Jaehyo :(((( /cries
Awww I'm seriously stucked in my choices :( bbomb is a good choice like serrriousllyyy!! Buttttttttttt JAEHYO! was the reason why u read this! Omo!:( confused!:(
@DWjerms " hahahaha LOL! stucked in between choices? xD hope the new chapter is enjoyable for you to read (:
NEVER GIVE UP!:( actually yeah! Give up! Go with bbomb! Pfft bad JAEHYO! But it isn't what he wanted too!:( BUAHHH WHO TO CHOOSE!:(
@Woojyo : haha, thank you so much for reading (:
@Jaehyo_love : i've listen to the song and whoa, it really fits the chapter, thank you for introducing me that song ^^