Chapter 3.

One Way Out.


The 8 people got in the next room. The room was, of course, still identical to the first two. The only difference was there was nothing written on the wall.
"Try turning the lights off," Zico said.
Jihoo, who was closest to it, turned it off. But nothing. It was just pure darkness.
"What's going on?" someone asked, Kyung.
Jihoo turned the lights on.
"Well that didn't work," Minwoo mumbled.
"Search the room," Jihoo mumbled blankly before he scurried to a corner of the room and started to look for something.
Yoomi looked at him and, without hesitation, did as what she was told.
"Search the room? There's nothing here. It's bare. It's just us, the lights, ty cameras, two doors, one that would lead us back to where two of our schoolmates died, and one that would lead us to another ing riddle," Zico mumbled.
The others looked at him but nevertheless, started to look for whatever there was in the room.
"Wait," Hana suddenly said when she noticed something on the door.
She went towards the locked door and noticed there were numbers written on it.
Everyone then crowded and behind her and looked at what she was looking at.
And below the carved sequence was '8 minutes' carved.
And below it was a small screen and a keypad. But the keypad only had the numbers '0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9' written on it.
"It's a sequence," Luna voiced out. "Obviously."
"I don't get it," Minwoo mumbled.
"I don't get it either. But...I'm pretty sure that whateerver comes next, we should type it down," Luna said.
"Well, we need to solve it. Now," Hana said firmly, knowing pretty well that if they fail to give an answer, she would end up with the same fate as Yoona and Hee Jin.
Try 123—ah, crap, there's no 5 in the keypad," Kyung said.
"How about typing the first numbers on the sequence," Zico suggested. "Man, I love puzzles, but I hate ones with math."
Hana typed it down, but when she reached the third digit, the small screen declared error. And Hana's bomb started to beep.
She panicked and took a look at it.
The time, which was supposed to show a time of more than an hour and a half, was starting to count down from 7 minutes.
Hana had now gone crazy. She was too hysterical to do anything else but cry.
"Wait! I got it! I think," Myungsoo said and began to type down the numbers.
The door opened and Hana's bomb stopped beeping.
"That was close..." Kyung mumbled.
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Chapter 3: Please tell me the answer for this
How did they get that numbers?
average_aqua #2
Chapter 13: I don't get the riddle with numbers
Halimalikesrice #3
Chapter 1: I friggin love this thriller/horror/twisted story! Is awesome! Thumbs up!
chocolakay #4
Chapter 13: asdfghjkl... imma run away coz this author is crazy... and the chappir five with gaeun pov lol...
Chapter 13: Seriously, I don't get some of the riddles.
Chapter 13: creepy but awesome
Chapter 13: first time reading this and i was scared and anxious to see what happens next~