

There were no stars shining in the dark sky and the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds. Thunder rumbled and lighting flickered across the sky. Kyungsoo lay on his bed, looking at the fan spinning. In his left hand was a bottle of medicine. Everything felt so empty after she was gone. Before he decided to end his life, memories of their bygone days came flooding back to his mind.

"Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo! Wake up~ School's over!"

He could barely feel something poking him. When he opened his eyes, it was his one and only angel, Ally. She stood there in front of him, her long hair and her smile sweet as ever. Kyungsoo felt so blessed to have met a girl like her. 

"Stop dreaming and please go wash your face. Ew!" she said as she handed him a tissue. There was drool on his cheeks. School were wearing Kyungsoo out as he had to do tons of assignments.

After cleaning his face, Kyungsoo took Ally out for a walk at the beach. Their friends were there, too. Kyungsoo and Ally sat on a log. The feeling of having her by my side was really wonderful.. Life would have been prosaic without her. But I had never thought of losing her., Kyungsoo thought as he stared at the girl beside him. 

He curled a strand of her hair behind her ear. Surprised, she tilted her head a tad bit and flashed her boyfriend a loving smile as she looked at him in the eyes. Ally then joined her friends playing at the beach. When the sun was setting, their friends decided to go back home and there were only the two of them along the shore. He brought her to the tree where he had craved his vow of love; 'Do Kyungsoo loves Kwon Ally eternally.' She was so touched that she said in a choked voice, "I'll remember this forever".

Their love grew stronger with each passing day. They were filled with bliss at the sight of each other at school. Everything went well until she was absent one day. Kyungsoo was worried sick because she neither answered his calls nor replied his texts. Life at school without her accompanying him was so boring. He missed her cheerful smile. He tried to contact her house phone, but still there was no answer. Kyungsoo lost his patience when she didn't come to school for two weeks in a row. He decided to call her brother, Kwon Jiyong.

"Hello? Jiyong hyung? Is Ally there? Is there a chance for me to talk to her?" he said.

"Oh, Kyungsoo-ah! Ally? Hm.."

The silent pause gave him bad vibes. What was he hiding from me? Kyungsoo thought.

"What? What is wrong with Ally? Tell me hyung! Please.."

"Kyungsoo-ah, you might want to come to the hospital, now.. Actually, Ally's now fighting with death. She's dying, Kyung.."

Hearing the word 'dying' really made Kyungsoo's pulse stop. Dying? How? Why? She looked fine the last time I saw her.. He quickly rushed to the hospital with his parents. He knew examinations were coming soon, but all the mattered now was his Ally.

He rushed to her ward and saw her lying on a white bed. She was so pale and weak. But still, she gave him the smile he had been yearned for since the day she was absent from school. Her body was frail and thin. She looked drained of life. Kyungsoo's mind was filled with question marks. Her long silky hair had turned to a short hair cut. Everything about her had changed suddenly.

Sitting by her side, Kyungsoo asked tremulously, "W-what happened, Ally? Are you.. okay?"

She said nothing but looked at him with tears streaming down her sunken cheeks. A nurse came in and wanted to take her to the surgery room. He was confused. Why was she doing this to me? What was her sickness? Before she left the room, she gave him a hug and said, "I will never forget you, not in a million years.." She kissed his cheek and gave him a lovely smile before being carried into the surgery room.

Kyungsoo wanted to wait for her but it was already late. His parents insisted him to go home because he had school to attend tomorrow. He was so frustrated that no one had told him anything about Ally's sickness. Everyone was hiding it from him and he was pretty sure that his parents were hiding this from him, too.

He couldn't sleep well that night. He prayed that everything would be okay tomorrow. The moment he finished school, he rushed to the hospital with a bouquet of a dozen white roses. He was so anxious to know her condition. There, he saw her bed neatly made. But where was she? He was praying that she was already at home, safe and sound. He went and asked a nurse about her whereabouts at the front counter. 

"Hm, hi? Where is Kwon Ally? Her room number is 1810?"

"Your name please..," one of the nurses said.

"Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, Kyungsoo-sshi," the nurse said mechanically. "Miss Ally is gone already. Here is her letter. She asked me to give this to you. So sorry for your loss."

He lost his grip on the bouquet of roses and it fell to the ground in a mess. The news tore him apart. She had kept in silent because she did not want her sickness to ruin their fruitful relationship. There was nothing he could do to bring her back alive.

Kyungsoo went back home with a broken heart. This happened so quickly. He had never thought of losing her that fast. Warm tears kept flowing from his eyes. I missed her so much. He entered his bedroom and locked the door. Kyungsoo threw her letter on the floor and flung himself on his bed. He felt so empty without her night calls; without listening to her dear voice. He decided to end his life with the bottle of medicine he held. He started to swallow the pills bit by bit. He didn't care what he was doing. He was bent on ending his life. His vision became blurred and his mind was dizzy. He closed his eyes slowly as he knew he was about to leave this mean world. The bottle fell to the floor, breaking into thousand pieces. He could hardly hear his parents coming up the stairs. His body felt so weak. Darkness and inertia swallowed him.


He looked around, and all he could see was the path where he had used to walk with Ally every morning. Why was he here? How did he get here? He looked around and could sense someone walking in his direction. He rubbed his eyes. Kyungsoo was dumbfounded. He could not believe what he saw. It was his girlfriend Ally.

"Hey.. how are you?" she said as she looked straight into his eyes.

"How am I?" he burst out. "Can you imagine me grieving my eyes out over you? How confused and lost I have been without you? Why did you do that to me? Why didn't you tell me your sickness? You told me you loved me, but why did you go away? I miss you..," his tears burst forth like a ruptured dam. He couldn't help it. He just couldn't accept the fact she had left him just like that.

Ally gently wiped off his tears with her soft hands. 'Babe, I didn't leave you. If I could have done otherwise, I would have. I had no choice. Please don't be like this. Be strong.. Nothing's changed; no one can take your place. I'll be waiting for you up there.. I'll wait forever.."

"How can I be strong without you by my side? I feel so lost and empty. If only I could have just one wish, I'd have you by my side forever. Please don't go. Stay with me.. please."

"If you miss me, look up to the sky. I'll be watching you there. I'll be smiling at you. If you love me, please live up your life for me. Please! If you cry over my death, I'll feel sad. You do not want me to be sad right? Although we're apart from each other, never a day will go by that I don't think of you. You have my heart, and you'll have it forever. Promise me you will live your life for me?" she said, holding his hands tightly.

"If it's for you, babe, I.. promise."

"That's how I like it," she said, smiling.

Seeing her smile made him happy. They were walking along the pathway hand-in-hand. Kyungsoo could feel the warmth of her hands. It felt great to have her by his side.

"Kyungsoo, I'm going back now." she said, breaking the silence.

"What? Where?"

She pointed her index finger towards the heaven. "Up there!"

"But I don't want you to leave! Stay, Ally, with me," he pleaded. Then, he could feel his eyes filling up with tears.

"I can't, Kyungsoo. I promised to go back to heaven this evening."

"You're my only love. Who's going to fill my loneliness if it's not you? Who's going to comfort me when I'm said? And, who's going to stay next to me always?"

She covered with her hand and cried. I saw her slowly vanishing in front of me.

"Remember your promise. Never ever cry for my death. Live your life for me. Whether I'm living or not, you will always be in my heart, forever, passing through time. If you remember me always.."

"I'll remember you forever, Ally, forever and always."

Ally came closer and hugged Kyungsoo tightly.

"I love you.."

Those were her last words as she disappeared from his sight. He would keep that promise in his heart.

Kyungsoo slowly opened his eyes. The lights hurt his eyes. He looked around and realized that he was in a different place. The path was gone. and all he could see was a white room. He was lying on a bed, surrounded by his parents and friends. Why was he here? Then, slowly he remembered what had happened; about him trying to kill himself with a bottle of pills.. about him seeing Ally in his dream.. everything.

He felt happy seeing his loved ones around him. They were giving me the spirit to move on with life. He vowed to live his life to the fullest. He won't ever give up. He would strive to move on, for Ally's sake.

Days have passed slowly ever since she left. He is sure that she is eternally happy in heaven, watching over him. Though school is never the same again, he is confident that he can get over his sadness one day.

He look up to the dark sky. Thousands of stars are blinking at me. The full moon shines so brightly. And he can feel her next to him. She will forever be in his heart. His eternal gratitude to his guardian in heaven, Kwon Ally, with undying love and memories.



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JoMaJo #1
Not bad .. I liked the story ^^