When the feelings pour out

When We Meet Again

“Rein, we’re going to a norebang tonight. Do you want to come with us?” Rein’s workmate asked as she arranged the cupcakes on the counter.

                “I don’t drink. Besides, Teukie oppa will get mad at me.” Rein replied.

                “Aww. Your boyfriend is no good. You haven’t gone out with us yet.” She complained. Rein let out a soft giggle. Leeteuk doesn’t like to see her drink. If he does, for sure he will get mad at Rein. He have seen her get drunk before and Leeteuk didn’t like it one bit.

                Because when you’re drunk, you mostly say the truth

                The pain you feel is just worth saying,

                The feelings all pour out.


                It is the first day of class since the holidays and Rein is feeling giddy. Today is also the first time she will be seeing Leeteuk after the rejection. Rein took a deep breath.

                “Everything will be alright. All those feelings are left in the past now.” She coaxed herself and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her thoughts were cut off when her cellphone beeped. It was a text from Heechul.

                “Hey Rein. I won’t be able to go to school today. My mom is coming back from France. I have to fetch her in the airport. I’m so sorry. Everything will be alright ne? Hwaiting!”

                The moment Rein finished reading the text from Heechul, she threw her phone down her bed. How could she survive the day without Heechul? They have been always together that not being with him seems so different. Besides, it was Heechul who tried to make her feel better and he is the only friend that Rein got right now.

                “Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright.” Rein kept chanting those words as she walked to school. She was actually hoping that Leeteuk is absent so that she doesn’t have to see him.

                When she entered the classroom, she was still the only person inside. Rein sat down and plugged her ears with earphones. It was only a matter of a few minutes when she heard someone enter the classroom. When Rein looked at the person who just arrived…

                “Good morning Rein!” Leeteuk greeted.

                Rein just replied with a nod and looked away. “How could Leeteuk be so insensitive?! “ She thought. “He rejected my confession for him. Does he think I could just accept it so easily and act like nothing happened?”

                After class, Rein went to the mall. She doesn’t want to go home yet. She would have nothing to do and she would just end up thinking about Leeteuk. She was actually starting to miss Heechul. For sure, he would be full of ideas to keep Rein away from sadness. She kept walking and walking. Where should she go?

                When Rein turned her head, her eyes caught a glimpse of the hair salon and an idea came to her mind. It’s a risk but it would definitely be worth it. She ran inside the salon and talked to the lady in the front desk.

                “Haircut please.” Rein said. The lady guided her to an empty seat beside a girl who is getting her hair dyed. Rein sat down and stared at the mirror. She touched her long black hair. She hasn’t cut her hair for a long time so she was getting nervous.

                “Scared?” The girl beside Rein asked. Rein only responded with a nod. “Then that just shows that you are afraid to let go. It’s just hair, it will grow out soon. Just like boys, there are still loads of them around the world. They won’t run out. Not unless they all turn gays.”

                The hair stylist walked towards Rein. “What hairstyle do you prefer?”

                “A bob cut please.” Rein replied bravely. The hair stylist started to snip away Rein’s long hair. She watched as her locks fell down the cold damp floor.

                “Did you just have a break up?” The girl beside Rein asked.

                “Ani. My confession got rejected.” She replied.

                “. Because of that my friend, I’ll treat you to a manicure and pedicure. By the way, I’m Sora.” She smiled.

                “Thank you Sora unnie. I’m Rein.”

                The two began to talk and talk while getting pampered. They chatted about the latest idol gossips and gushed together as they scanned the latest fashion trends on the magazine. Rein even chose bright red for her nail color. She never had her nail polished before, but she thought that it was part of her change.

                “The cut is done.” The hair stylist said.

                Rein looked again at herself in the mirror and it’s like she have seen a different person. Her short hair made her face glow.

                “You look wonderful.” Sora remarked.

                Rein smiled. This marks her change. She will now be a stronger girl who won’t just be driven by her feelings. She’ll just focus on her studies for now and just wait for her true love to come.

                Because Rein’s hair is now short, she also needs to revamp her wardrobe. She wants it to be more classy and girly. Sora accompanied her to the mall and they literally shopped til they dropped. Afterwards, they went to a restaurant. They pigged out on samgyeopsal and drank many bottles of soju.

                “Unnie, do you have a boyfriend?” Rein asked while gulping another bottle of soju.

                “Ne. He is younger than me. Such a sweet guy.” Sora replied drunkenly.

                “I wish I could have a boyfriend too.” Rein sighed.

                “You will. Maybe the right guy is just around you. By the way, my boyfriend is going to come.”

                The two continued to drink until Sora already lost her consciousness.

                “Unnie! Wake up! Your boyfriend will be here soon.” Rein tried to wake Sora up but to no avail, she won’t even budge.

                “Rein?” A familiar voice called from afar. Rein stood up and tears started to flow from her eyes.

                “What are you doing here?!” She shouted at the dumbfounded Leeteuk. “How could you call my name just like that and pretend that you didn’t hurt my feelings?! Do you think I could just recover from your heartless rejection? I have liked you since I first saw you. I have been watching and daydreaming of you from afar. When I was finally able to get close to you I was really happy. And I thought I had a chance. But you rejected me.”

                Rein was sobbing hard. She was wondering why she’s hallucinating that Leeteuk is in front of him. But her feelings just poured out and it made her feel so much better.

                “Rein…” Leeteuk muttered.

                “I hate you! Stop acting nice to me because by rejecting me you just did the worst thing ever to me.” She screamed and suddenly fell down the ground, asleep. Leeteuk let out a deep sigh and patted Rein’s head.

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!