
Bouquet of roses


It was snowing.
The snowflakes drifted towards the iced ground, dim Christmas lights blinked at the dark night sky and the cold nibbled at your nose. You snuggled in you fluffy jacket and exited your warm house. 
You began walking towards your favourite park and sat on the swing, grasping unto the rusty chains as you pushed your feet off the ground.
The cool breeze brushed on your cheeks.
You started to contemplate on your life. 
Though you had many hardships this year, you always had people supporting you.
Well, a supportive someone.
"Waiting for me?"
You slowly looked behind you and saw a dazzling boy with a heartwarming smile. You couldn't help to beam back at him with your smile.
He laughed at your innocent reaction.
"Missed me?" He teased.
You couldn't help but smile at his casual remark.
"Yes..." You whispered
"I cannot hear you!" He laughed 
You up your pride and took a deep breath. You gazed into his pearl-like eyes.
" I missed you Kyungsoo "
You stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact. 
His face became serious but serene.
"I missed you too "
Shocked by his confession, you looke at his hazel eyes.
Suddenly he wrapped you with his warm embrace.
Even if there were bystanders, all you sensed was Kyungsoo and you.
The moment was perfect. You wished time could just stop.
Out of nowhere, he gave you a bouquet of 12 pink roses slightly encrusted with ice, which looked as if it was dusted with icing sugar. You noticed one of them was a fake rose.
"I will love you until the last  rose wilts"
You both smiled
"Have I ever mentioned that I love you?"


this was originally for my friend

How cheezy

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Chapter 1: next chapter .. please....
Chapter 1: why there's a fake rose???