
Koala H(e)a(r)t

"Who's that?" Luhan asked as he controlled his breath after running to the filming location. He was the last one getting his make up done, and he was late. 

"Who?" Kris followed Luhan's eye direction and saw a girl whom they just met today. Kris never one to easily remember people's name, and his forehead creased deeply in an attempt to recall the girl's name, "I think her name starts with A.. Aya? Ahh no no, A..something."

"Ai-chan." Xiumin chirped in from besides him, "Her name is Ai-chan."

"AH!! That. Ai-hchan. She's our new Japanese language tutor, we're going to do our lesson during filming breaks today." Kris's smile grew wide as he finally remembered.

"Why is it that I never seen her before?" Luhan asked again as he looked at the girl. She was sitting alone in one corner, watching people worked as she waited for her turn to do her job.

"Because she's new! Didn't you hear what I said? Why are you so interested anyway?" Xiumin rolled his eyes.

"Ah, nothing.." Luhan shrugged and followed the other members who were ready to start the filming. He turned around and looked behind his shoulder, taking a last look at the girl he suddenly felt interested about.

She sat there with her red coat tighten around her body to warm her from the winter morning air. Her chubby cheeks were rosy, making him wondered how it would feel like to kiss them. Her tiny lips slightly pouted due to the boredom she started to feel when she realized there's nothing she could really do as she waited. Her round eyes were scanning the room, observing each and everything that was going on.

Luhan smiled.

Ai-chan.. nice to meet you.






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"Lunch break everyone! We'll start again in an hour!" 

Luhan's eyes sparkled as he heard the director cue for filming break. Time to see her! He almost skipped his way to the place their coordinator and manager waited, and of course, her. Everyone let their stylists put warm down jackets on them and tell them that they should start the lesson while eating to save time. 

Ai already sat on a chair with 12 other empty chairs surrounding her, and a moment later EXO members came one by one and sat at their respective places.

"Songsaengnim~" Chen grinned and sat besides her, "Let's start now!"

"She's Japanese, it should be sensei." Kai took the other seat, "Right, sensei?"

"Ah, nae~" She smiled at the boy and turned to face everyone, "Everyone ready? You're free to eat as we carry on with the lesson."

"What are you going to teach us today?" Chanyeol asked.

"Erm.. because it's my first day, how about everyone try to write a letter using words that you've learned before, that way I can see how much that you know." Everyone groaned in frustration, especially those who had difficulties with Japanese letters and kanjis. 

"What letter?" Suho asked.

"Any kind of letter, or because it's almost christmas, how about a christmas card? You can address it to anyone you have in mind." She said again and added, "BUT! Don't make it too short, I want you to use as much vocabulary as you can."

"Okayyy...." They chorused and Ai chuckled slightly at the sight of them trying hard not to protest at the task she just gave them. She looked around and saw someone who seemed thinking hard.

"Luhan-ssi, is there a problem?"

"Ai-chan, does your name use the same kanji as 'Ai' in 'love'?" Luhan asked innocently.

"Yes, actually it does. Why?" She asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Nothing, just asking.." He shrugged and when she looked away at other members, he smirked playfully. 






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"Sensei~" A soft voice greeted her with a playful tone when she was staring into nothing feeling bored. She turned her head to the boy calling her and felt a finger poked her cheek, "Hehe what are you thinking so seriously?"

"Oh it's you, Luhan." Her face flushed into a pink shade, "What is it? Are you finished yet?"

"No, I'm just looking for inspiration. Have you eat yet?" He asked her as he tore the wrapping of his bread and divided it into two piece, "Let's share this."

"Ah, thanks.." She couldn't say no because he already put it on her hand. She grabbed a bite and listened to the boy as he continued asking her questions.

"So, you're in Korea to teach?"

"Yeah, but I'm also taking courses in Enhwa."

"Really? Ahh.. I'd love to be back in college.." He pouted, remembering how he had to stop his education in order to debut, "You're teaching us from now on or just filling in for someone?"

"I already signed my contract yesterday, I'm officially EXO's Japanese language tutor now." She smiled.

"Ours only? You won't be teaching other groups?" Luhan's eyes widen. 

"Yeah.. you guys are so busy, so the company thinks you need to have a tutor following you guys around." 

"That's gre–" Luhan was cut off when the director shouted that the break time was over and everyone should be back to filming. Ai heard all of EXO members groaned in distress.

"Sensei! I haven't finish mine! Aish." Kris grunted from somewhere, followed by similar complaints from Chen and Sehun.

"Well, you can continue later, just give it to me by the end of the day, okay?" Ai suggested and everyone sighed in relief. She turned back to Luhan who was playing with his paper, "How about you? Are you finished yet?"

Luhan shook his head and pouted, earning an amused chuckle from Ai. A stylist came to him and offered to take his down jacket but he raised his hand telling her that she didn't need to. He took of his own jacket and put it around Ai's shoulder, "I'm going to go filming again, nae sensei? Wear this, it's really cold. See you later." He put his palm on her head and messed her hair playfully.

He smirked in satisfaction when the image of her cheeks blushed from his action played again in his mind as he ran to where everyone else was waiting for him.






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Luhan and Xiumin walked into a shop to fulfill the mission the scriptwriter gave them earlier; finding birthday gift for Chanyeol. They looked around in awe and a slight confusion over what to look first. It was a shop where they sold various kinds of hats, ones with conventional designs to some head-turning ones. 

"Ah, this won't do. I need to buy one for myself." Luhan decided after he saw enormous amount of gorgeous hats.

"Okay, you choose yours and I'll choose Chanyeol's." Xiumin shrugged.

"No, not. Let choose together!" Luhan said in a hurry, feeling slightly guilty for thinking about himself when he was supposed to look for a gift. He looked around and pointed at one which he knew Chanyeol would like, "Ah, this one. I think Chanyeol will like it."

"You're right.." Xiumin grabbed the hat out of the shelf and checked it out. In his mind, it was decided that it would be the one he'd buy for Chanyeol. He was going to asked Luhan whether they should just pay for it immediately when he noticed his friend wasn't paying attention to him.

Luhan's eyes were fixed into something behind his shoulder and a moment later he walked past him to grabbed a hat from the display. Xiumin frowned when he saw Luhan acted as if he didn't realize his surrounding anymore and immediately tried on the furry thing in front of the mirror, "I'm going to buy this." He finally said.

"For you or for Chanyeol?" Xiumin asked.

"For myself."

"Are you sure you're going to buy that koala hat?" Xiumin asked with a slight amusement at his friend who looked like he just found a treasure in the form of a greyish fur hat. "You sure you have the confidence to wear that in public?" Xiumin asked again. I mean, it has ears!! he thought.

"Yeah.." Luhan stared at his reflection on the mirror, checking out the item that was covering his head, "This is cute.." He grinned, already picturing someone else wearing the hat instead of him.

She would totally looks cute with this...






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"Sensei! I'm done!" Chen beamed when he showed Ai his work. They were all already gathered at the store where the rest of the filming would take place. They were given a half an hour break for the staffs to do the preparation and they used the time to continue their last lesson for the day.

"Great. Now, how about you guys?" She asked everyone and one by one they came to her to give her their own letters. Luhan was the last to approach her and she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the empty paper he just gave her, "What is it? Why didn't you write anything?"

"Can you come with me for a second?" Instead of answering her, he pulled her hand and led her to the back of the store. 

"What is it?" She asked curiously, she saw Luhan looked around to check whether there was someone else with them back and to his relief there were none.

He looked once again at the confused girl in front of him and smiled, he took of the grey fur hat he was wearing and put it on her head, "As I expected, it looks good on you."

"W..w..what?" Ai widen her eyes and touched the koala thing Luhan just put on her head without her consent, "What is it?"

"Ttttttt...don't take it off." He said in hurry when Ai tried to take off the hat, "It's for you.."

"But I can't wear this, people will be asking.." She said matter-of-factly.

"Ah, you're right.." Luhan cursed at his ignorance, "Fine then.." He received the hat again from Ai with sullen face, but then his smile was back when he remembered his original plan, "Anyway, do you have any plan for Christmas?"

"Christmas? Not really..why?"

"Let's go out some place nice." He smiled widely, showing her his prominent cheekbones as he did so, "Please?"

Ai couldn't say no, how could she when the sole reason she accepted the offer to work at SM was because Luhan was there, "If you want.."

"Great!! By that time, you have to wear this hat! Arasso?" He pouted at her and earned her amused chuckle.


At that time, Luhan heard Suho's voice from inside the building looking for him, "It seems like the filming will start soon, we should be back now."

"Wait." Ai put her hand on his wrist, making him turned around at her once again, "Where's your assignment? You can't just give that blank paper."

"Oh that.. well, I don't think I need any assignment from now on, don't you think?" He smirked, "I'll be spending time with you anyway, I'm sure my Japanese will improve a lot faster."






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"Ai-chan! Where are you going?" Ai stopped her steps when she heard Nara, her bestfriend, called her name. The said bestfriend ran to her and put her hand around Ai's shoulder, "Tonight is christmas eve, wanna go somewhere?"

"Ah.. I'm really sorry, I kind of already have an appointment." Ai's face fell in guilt.

"Waeeee.... everybody else will be going on a date and now you have an appointment?" Nara whined in frustration but then she widen her eyes, "Wait. If that's the case, are you going on a date too?"

"Well...I don't know, maybe.." Ai blushed. She didn't know whether it was a date, but Luhan surely couldn't stop texting her to remind her that he would wait for her tonight.

"Ohhh.....sneaky. So, do I know the guy?" Nara asked as they walked out of their campus gate to the street.

"No, you don't." She lied. It'd be bad if anyone knew she would be going on a date with Luhan.

"Tch. I kind of wanted to ask you to take me too if I know him, but oh well.." Nara pouted and looked around the many shops that filled the street. Her eyes caught one display window and pointed there excitedly, "OH! Look! It's Luhan's hat!"

Ai followed her finger direction and saw the same grey fur hat she had in her bag right now. She couldn't help but blushed when she remembered how Luhan slipped it into her bag the moment the filming stopped the other day. 

She actually wore it once, but she couldn't handle the crazy beat her heart makes everytime Luhan's scent greeted her nose so she only bring it around with her.

"Every since Luhan was seen wearing that on the broadcast, everyone started to buy it. You have one too right? I saw it in your bag this morning." Nara said matter-of-factly.

"Ah, nae.."

But mine is the original one..

She smiled inwardly and pulled out her phone when she felt it vibrated in her bag, her smile grew wider when she saw the message someone just sent in.


From : Luhan

You're done with class? I changed my mind, what about I see you now? I'm done with schedules and wanted to see you~


"Because you can't accompany me tonight, how about we go somewhere now?" Nara asked expectantly. Ai bit her lips, hesitating over what to do. Her bestfriend or the guy who made her heart beat faster just by the simple text he sent?


To : Luhan

Yes, but I kind of wanted to go somewhere with my friend. What about after that?


She pushed the send button and turned to her bestfriend, "Oka–" she was going to agree with her but her vibrating phone cut her off. She decided to read what his reply first and when she did she instantly snapped her head to look around, her heart almost jumped to when he saw Luhan walked to approach her with his signature smile.


From : Luhan

Too late. Is that your friend? Let me say hi to her..








I can't believe it took me that long to update this, and when I read it again it was faaaar off from the title.

But oh whatever, lol.

I hope you like it, especially you sis @desianapf  \(^_^)/

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desianapf #1
Chapter 1: yehet~
I'm getting senewen sis xP
thank you soooo much <3 <3