Letting Go

Learn to Let Go

"So, how about the 'Sunflower Project' ? How the infiltration go?"

"Emm... the flower scatter all over the place. We gonna have, best sunflower if this keep going on. They are something wrong with one of the flower bud so, we gonna destroy it. The man were all over the fortress. Information gather is a piece of cake if this keep going on. The raid is confirm. They really did some bad project.

"Be careful. Good luck with the meeting tomorrow. I'll be waiting."



A long silence

"Nothing, Bye Honey :) I love you so much."

Then he heard a kissing sound at the phone before along beep.

3 days later

The mission group came back. Some of them were missing and the situation in the meeting room was so tensed. All of the hitman looked at each other worriedly, as they see Luhan's bad mood.

"We successfully have our hand on all of the information and the people working on it. The facility that they used to build the time machine to alter history were also been seize. Even as we talk now, all of their important men have been taken by Verdict."

"Why are you reporting in?" Luhan asked the man who he believed to be the second in command of the group.

"Luhan..." Xiumin tried to sooth him, or more to the intense situation.

"How many men did we lose? Where is your Group leader Yoona?" Asked Suho, taking over the situation.

The man swallowed his saliva hardly.

"We- We have 5 men heavily injured and now were treated in our health facility. A-And we also have one man missing."

"Who is it that missing?" Luhan's cold voice piercing through.

"Our- Our group leader, Yoona."

Luhan stormed towards the man and griped his collar, Lay quickly charged, avoiding Luhan from hit that man.

"Why didn't you ing find her?!"

"We- We did sir! Even as we speak right now, our men is still searching for Im Yoona. But we only found this."

The man put his hand into the pocket and revealing Silver Deer Ring stained in blood.



"Luhan..." Suho called him after the meeting.

"We're already form a search party to search for Yoona."

"I'm finding her myself " Then he walked away.

2 months later

Im Yonna status was Missing In Action. All of her job now been handle by Yuri, Yoona bestfriend. The cheerful woman even try to search her using her own way, but nothing in return. It was hard to believe that she'd die, everything seem too clean as there were no traces at all, as if she's running away, concealing herself.

Since the disappearance, Luhan never in a good mood. The happy and cheerful Luhan is gone. He devoted him self towards the Foundation, all of the meeting had been attended by Xiumin, his partner or a.k.a. second in command.

5 months past

A phone call brought a big chaos to the Headquarters.

"Hey guys!" a soft demure voice was heard at the intercom.

"Clamp and Rainbow" Suho. A code.

"No good with a hitman" the caller decoded. Definitely her.

"Where are you?!" - Suho

"You're missing to the high note!" -Chen

"Noona you shouldn't make him worried you know" -Kai

"You're in-!Urgh whatever, you make us worried you know" -Kris

"Definitely make us worry to the bone, hahaha." -Lay

"I'm glad you safe my cute deer noona." -Sehun

"Noona we miss you!" -Tao shouted loudly

"Where have you been!" -Chanyeol

"Made us worried so much" -Xiumin

"Long silence.. Really  long silence" -Baekhyun

"Who is that?" A loud smack was heard after that question. That's D.O for you.

Suddenly the door was opened with a dash.

When they looked at the person who came in, all of them with the leader, walked out, gave the couple some space.

"Have a talk with him Yoona" said Suho before he cancel the loudspeaker mode of the phone.

Then the door closed with a click. Luhan picked up the telephone receiver.


"WHERE WERE YOU?" Luhan quickly cut.

"Somewhere, I continue the mission. I'll tell in detail when I come back."

"Couldn't you call at all?"

"I was being followed. I even have to change my identity."

A long silent.


"Where are you now?"

"Luhan I-"

"I'm taking you home."


"I'm on my way. With a surprise" she said.


Present time

Now, he stood blankly in the hospital hallway with the bundle in his arm. Everything suddenly fell into places. Missing in action, 10 months of disappearing, change of identity, it was all for this child. She was trying to protect them, their family, her family, EXO and SNSD from being targeted. Afterall, they are hitman. A job that is easy to get but hard to stay alive. Some may be bad some are not. That's how a hitman are. So is this..

Kai hugged his shoulder.

"What happen to the mother?" asked Kai.

"She couldn't make it through." A voice of familiar person.

"Sooyoung..." Suho breathed out.

"I tried my best, but her injury is just beyond my ability." Then she walked towards Luhan.

"This little one's fine. Just some scratches. It seems that Yoona took all the impact to herself."

"Can I see her?" Luhan asked him.

Sooyoung sighed. Then lead them to a room.

"Just-" All them look at Sooyoung. Her back towards them, couldn't say the words while facing their faces. But they can hear a little sobs coming from her

"Just stay strong. Because I knew Yoong, she is a strong woman I have ever meet" then she open the door.

In the middle of the room, lay Im Yoona, her face covered with a piece of cloth, lifeless, no longer had the spark that she used to have.

Luhan walked towards the body. And stared.

"Stupid." He murmured.

"Stupid Deer." His voice louder.

"You leaving her to me?!

After all you did, and now you ing leaving me?

I didn't even know a thing!

I didn't even know her name! And you ing leaving her?!

What should I do!

Damn it Yoona!" tears rolled down his cheeks.

"What should I do without you!"

He fell to his knees, covering his eyes with the palm of his hand while the other hand held his daughter tightly.

All of them held back their tears. Yoona was not just friend, not just a colleague, not just their dear partner in crime, she was a family.

The day of her burial, white lilies were seen everywhere. The air smelled of purity and death itself. All of the family, gathered in front of the white tombstone, carved her name on it

Im Yoona

A wife. A mother. A Family. A Friend

All of them in their best attire with a white ribbon at their arm. A sign of mourning. Suho stood besides Luhan.

"So what now Luhan?"

Luhan who looked at the gravestone, closed his eyes involuntarily upon hearing those question, as if trying to find answer. He breathed out the air that he didn't even realized he was holding, he open his eyes and said;

"Live on. That is what she want. We would not let all of her sacrifices be in vain would we?"

Suho looked at him, and smile.

"Yes, we wouldn't. Because we love her. Her will is inherited to us, and we have to let her go"

He remembered when he accidentally heard Yoona's conversation with Seohyun long time ago, during their youth time. "Love? Love would be something that, you know when to let it go!" she said and smile brightly.

Yes, that was what she said.

Luhan walked towards Yuri who held his daughter.

"Thanks" he said and took his child into his arm.

"Don't mention it. That's what at least I could do for Yoong" reply Yuri smile bitterly

That little girl who slept in Yuri's arm, woke up when Luhan took her. There, her bright brown eyes looked at him, those eyes is the same as hers. Her child, their child are the seed of their love. The little girl snuggled into his chest when she reached into his arm.

He felt something in him stirred up. He can't explain it, but what he knew, he would hold on to that child, and never let her go.

"Little Yoong" he mumble.

The guys heard him but they said nothing. The girls heard it to but they just smiled 

'I'll protect you. My precious little angel. I'll protect you like your mother did'. The words echoed in him.

He her soft white cheek softly. And kissed her warmly by the forehead.

'I hold on to you forever, never let go until the time come.'

Then he looked into the child's eyes deeply.

'My precious girl'

He hugged her. Brought her face closer to his.

'My precious girl'

He looked forward and walk away but suddenly stop after several step. He turned around.

"What are you doing?" he said to the EXO and SNSD

"Come on we got work. Lets go back or do you want our fearmost leader become more fierce?"

All of them widened their eyes before looking each other. Then gave a small sigh and smile.

"Duhh, I know already" Kris put his hand behind his head

"Urghh I really hope Mr Sooman will not know we late" mumbled D.O

"We move on to the high note!" Chanyeol put both of his hand up in the sky.

"I'm hungry~ Lets eat something!" Xiumin flinch as his stomach grumble

"Hahaha, we better gotta get moving then." Baekhyun laugh

"Im sure Suho and Taeyeon will pay for it~" Sunny sing a long 

"Of course they both should! Our leader is jjang!" Lay grin before grab Tao and ruffle his head

"Ouch hyuungg~ My hair will be messy!" shouted Tao 

"Be happy and be lucky i guess" shrug Sehun

'Noona. Im sure you will be happy if we move on right? It's ok you always in our hearts, Deer Yoona' whispered Seohyun while looking at the tombstone before running to catch up with them

"I'm going now, my sweet little yoong." Jesicca said

Suho stood in front of her grave. "It's great to know you. I'm very grateful that we meet. Thank you. Thank you for everything that you did for us..."

"You may gone from this world, but you keep living on in all of our hearts," Tiffany continued Suho speech before she gave her charming smile.

"Yoong your cheerfulness, naughty act, great listener, a good friend, a better wife and loving person WE will never forget." tears rolling down Yuri eyes as Hyoyeon said it

Sooyoung was silent all the time just smile.Then Suho gave a last respectful bow.To this, all of the EXO and SNSD did the same, and they walked away. Living on. Move on. Learn to let go.


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Chapter 1: so cool i cry huuhuh make more luyoon stories plzz
That is just good