Miracles in December (Final)

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain. (FINAL)

Listen To This Music While Reading To Get Into The Mood And Just Keep Rreplaying It : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdAdSrxGqWs

(Inuyasha- To Love's End)






5 months have passed since the incident. 


I could feel warmth on my lips. I quickly awoke from my sleep and pushed him off of me. He kissed me...

Without hesitating, I ran out into the winter blizzard.


I snapped out of the memory and grasped onto my warm cup of coffee. The streets of Seoul were covered in white. Gazing at the snowflakes were beautifully calming. Today was our 5th year anniversery. It was alsoChristmas, December 25th.

I admit, I miss him.

I miss his aeygo.

I miss his lame jokes.

I miss his laughter.

I miss the sound of his voice.

I miss his smile.

I miss hearing him say 'I love you'. 

Tears rolled down my face like there was no tomorrow. I took a sip of the coffee, it became bland and bitter. I whipped away my tears and I stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

I walked out into the coldness of the winter air. Couples were holding hands, kissing, admiring eachother, laughing, and smiling. And as for me, I walked alone in the cold. No one to hold and no one to spread the warmth with.


10 minutes of walking has passed.


I came across an ice rink. That was where I learned how to skate .........Baekhyun was the one who taught me. 

"Ahhhhhhh!~" I whispered as I landed hard and harshly onto the ice. "Hahaha! That's the 30th time you've fell! Pwahahahaha!" He laughed his off and skated off. "Yahhhhhh!" I yelled as tried to get up. As I was half way up, Baekhyun swooped over and pushed me down.

"And that's the 31st! Heheheheehe!" He yelled as he giggled. "Yahhhhhhhh! That hurts....." A tear rolled down my cheek. "You're such a crybaby......" He answered. I cried even more and even louder. "Aishhhh~ I was just kidding!" He pouted. "Here, take my hand, I'll teach you how to skate."

I slowly took his hand and he helped me up. Step by step, he guided me.


Tears slowly formed and blurred my vision. One by one, dripped down slowly. I sadly walked away from the ice rink.


I zoned out and I just kept thinking of Baekhyun. I was bumping into people and people were bumping into me. They scolded me but I didn't care. I was now in my own world filled with my precious memories from the past.

The ones that contained Baekhyun...... <|3


The doors opened and the music played. I held tightly onto my dad's arm. He overlapped my hand, trying to comfort me. I walked down the aisle, it was all covered in beautiful pink ombre rose pedals.

I glance at Baekhyun. His smile comforted me, giving me warmth, giving me love, giving me fearlessness. My dad gave me a quick peck on the cheek and handed me to Baekhyun.

His hands were soft and warm. My eyes met his and my heart skipped a beat. His eyes glittered in the sunlight.. It left me breathless. I smiled back and squeezed his hands a little. 


He gently slid in the beautiful ring onto my ring finger. I shakingly slid his ring onto his ring finger. He squeezed my hands to try and comfort me.

I, Byun Baekhyun, take you, Chunda Xiong to be my wedded wife;

to have and to hold, from this day forward, 

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

till death do us apart. <3


And, I, Chunda Xiong, take you, Byun Baekhyun to be my wedded husband;

to have and to hold, from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

till death do us apart. <3

"You may now kiss the bride."

Baekhyun cupped my face and leaned in closer to me. We both closed our eyes. The warmth of his breath was irresitible. He then crashed our lips together.


I snapped back to reality. Tears ran down, splattering onto the cement. "Baek, bogoshippo...."

"Chunda?" I turned around from hearing someone call my name.

At the corner of my eye, the headlights of a car grew brighter and brighter. I turned to my right. The car speeded towards me.

I closed my eyes.

Getting ready to feel the pain.









Baekhyun's P.O.V

I walked out of the ice cream shop and walked into the snowy streets of Seoul. As I was staring at Chunda's ring in my hand, a girl suddenly bumped into me, almost making me drop Chunda's ring.

"Yahhhhhh~" I whispered as I stared at the girl. 

I couldn't get a good view of her face but, she looked fimiliar, very fimiliar. 

I started following her. She looked depressed. I could tell she was crying as I saw teardrops drop onto the cement as she was in the middle of a crossway. 

"Baek, bogoshippo......"

Did she just say that? Does she know me? Who is sh- Is that Chunda? 

"Chunda?" I questioned. The girl turned around......................................................................................


"Chunda!" I yelled. I then noticed the car that was charged towards her. Everything was in slow motion. I quickly ran and












I fell onto the cold cement. There was humongous pain all over my body. I slowly opened my eyes..................................................

I slowly turned to my left. There he was, covered in his own blood......................................................



"Anthwae.......Anthwae.........Anthwae!" I cried out. I quickly crawled over to him and gently wrapped him around my arms as his blood stained me.

"Baekhyun!" I cried.

"C-chun-d-da..........." He weakly spoke. 

"B-baekhyun............ you're going to be alright, y-you're going to be alright........... " Tears rolled down.

He slowly raised his hands and whipped away my tears. I quickly held his hand against my cheek. "D-don't c-c-cry." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"You're supposed to be wearing this." I looked into his palm and there was my wedding ring. Tears began to blurr my vision even more as he slid the ring onto my ring finger.  

"Please d-d-don't leave me. I-I still need you. I can't live without you!" 

"I'm sorry C-C-Chunda....................................................... f-for every-everything. S-sa-saranghaeyo........."

"Saranghae........" I leaned in and crashed our lips together. 



His hands slipped out of my hand and loudly landed onto the cement. 

I opened my eyes and........................... he was dead..........

"Anthwae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baek-"
















I opened my eyes. The sunlight blinded my eyes making me groan..................................................................then I remembered, "Baekhyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

I sat up and realized I was in our old house. 

"Baek!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran downstairs to search for him. After 5 minutes of checking everywhere............................................."Baekhyun really is gone...." Tears rolled down as the memory flashed in my head. 


"Jagiya, I'm back with some breakfast." 

I turned towards the direction of the front door and saw Baekhyun standing there with a bag. 

"Aniyo Chunda, you're just hallucinating, hallucinating.... " I whispered to myself.

I then opened my eyes again and Baek disappeared. I closed my eyes and thought about all of out happy memories. It made me cry even more. "I miss him so much, I'm even hallucinating about him.........................."

Tears blurred my sight and dripped down my face. 




"BOOOOOO!" Baekhyun yelled as he popped out infront of me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran upstairs into the bedroom and locked it. 


After 5 minutes....


"Jagiya, come out." Baekhyun ordered.

"Go away, Baekhyun's ghost! Go back to the grave!!!!!!!!! Why are you scaring me! Go away!" I yelled.

"Jagiya! It's just me. I'm not a ghost." 

"Are you sure, you're not a ghost?"

"Yes, now open the door and come eat breakfast."

I quickly grabbed a wooden clothes hanger to use as a weapon. I slowly unlocked it and opened the door. I peeked my head out and Baekhyun was right infront of the door. 

I stared at him for about 10 seconds more.

"BOOOOOOOO! I'M GOING TO EAT YOUU!" Baekhyun yelled as he tried to grab me.

I quickly hit 'Baekhyun Ghost' for about 2 minutes.


10 Minutes Later~


"Ahhhhhhhh!~ Be careful! That hurts." Baekhyun pouted.

"That's what you getfor scaring me!" I scolded.

"Bienthae, jagiya. But, it was funny. Hahahahah!"

"No it wasn't!" 

"Hehehehehheheeeeee, what was all that Baekhyun's Ghost thing all about?"

"....................... I just had a bad dream that you cheated on me, then beat up Jay Park, then I got mad at you, then I missed you, then you died because you jumped infront of a car to save me. The End."

"That's a long story......." Baekhyun sighed. "I love you....." Baekhyun randomly admitted.

"You're weird. Why do you say things random-" Baekhyun crashed our lips together. I gently bit his plumped lips, making him slightly giggle. 

"You have the craziest dreams." He stated. "You think I didn't know that....." And we started kissing. 



And They Lived Happily Ever After... 




All done! I hope you all liked it. 

So basically, this whole story

was just a dream that Chunda was

having. Thank you for reading my

fanfic and I'll continue on writng

more stories. Love youuuu.

                              - Chundaaa 













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Chapter 1: OMGG i was so scared when I read the part ''Baekhyun died''......

Phewwwww~ he's still alive and normal~
Oooooh!!! This was good!
YYSdyno #3
:3 ouuuu . update soon ! <3
This sounds good. Updat sooooon