
The Blackbird's Crown

Where on earth can this brat be? Alfred mutters to himself in frustration. It was eleven pm on a school night.

It was the Holiday season and every part of London was decked with sparkling Christmas lights and ornaments to brighten up the city.

Alfred walked around Oxford Street on this particular night with his black leather jacket. It was cold, and his breath came out in translucent white puffs. He had his hands stuck in his pockets as he wandered around the city, looking for Jinyoung. He knew there was no point in taking the car. Jinyoung was probably somewhere nearby.

Since their flat was around the corner of Oxford Street, Alfred could already guess where Jinyoung was. Every year, during the winter time, London twinkles with a different Christmas theme to uplift and brighten everyone’s Christmas shopping experience with a lantern parade.

Ever since Jinyoung and Alfred came to London, they would go see the lantern parade together. This year, however, Alfred had told Jinyoung he was old enough to go with his friends. And that’s what Jinyoung did. But there’s one point Jinyoung missed; he missed the fact that Alfred told him to be home before eleven, and now it was already thirty minutes past eleven.

This brat, when I get my hands on him, I will surely give him a piece of my mind! Alfred sighed, trudging the streets. He was hungry. He always felt more at ease and relaxed when he knew Jinyoung was at home. That’s when Alfred would allow himself to eat.

When Alfred turned the corner, he noticed a figure lying flat on their back on a wooden bench. Alfred narrowed his eyes and cautiously walked over. Just as he expected. He could tell just by seeing the honey glazed hair. “You have a home, and yet you choose to sleep here, I don’t get it.”

Alfred tilted his head in thought. Where were Jinyoung’s friends? Jinyoung had specifically told him that he’d be out with his mates tonight. Alfred looked around but all he saw were middle aged shoppers, going about their way. There was something in Jinyoung's desolate sleeping figure that made Alfred refrain from shouting at him to wake up. 

Alfred made a mental note to make sure he would ask Jinyoung later on about tonight. His eyes casted down on the boy below him.

Jinyoung was fast asleep, snoring peacefully in nothing else, but a thin long sleeve shirt. The realization struck him in less than a minute and he remembered how cold the night was. They had better get a hurry before Jinyoung catches a cold.

Alfred shook his head. He shook him gently. “Jinyoung. Wake up.”

Jinyoung made no response.

“Jinyoung, it’s time to go home!” Alfred’s voice was a little bit louder now.


Still no response. This boy was absolutely impossible.

Alfred sighed. I guess I have to pretend as if he is still 14. Alfred sat Jinyoung up and then took off his own leather jacket. He stuck Jinyoung's arms into it and then zipped up the jacket. At least he'd be warm for the time being. He placed Jinyoung on his back. It took some effort, since Jinyoung would wobble back and forth. How could he not wake up at this point? Alfred would never know. Jinyoung can be both a heavy and light sleeper, depending on how tired he is.

Alfred began to make his way towards their flat. 

For a boy of 19, Jinyoung had barely any meat on his skinny body. Alfred always told him to eat more red meat, but Jinyoung was someone who preferred seafood and organic vegetables.

“If you were tired you should have just gone home,” Alfred said to himself. He sighed the way a father would. “And who wears a leather jacket in the middle of winter? This brat really wants to get himself sick.”

Jinyoung’s voice lumbered out into the silence meeting with Alfred’s. “Even in my sleep, you are nagging and talking to yourself hyung.”

Alfred blinked in surprise. “You weren’t asleep were you?”

Jinyoung’s eyes popped wide open and he beamed at his nanny. “No, I just wanted to see if you would come find me.”

Alfred rolled his eyes. “That’s some risky business. What if someone tries to rob you?”

Jinyoung scoffed and jumped down out of Alfred’s reach. “As if anyone would try. I know karate, okay?” Jinyoung made a quick swiping movement with his hand.

“Oh jeez. Look I carried you and now my back hurts, can’t you carry hyung now?” Alfred thumped his back as he bent over a bit to impersonate an old man.

“Yeah right,” Jinyoung laughs. “With my weak arms, I’d probably drop you.”

“If you can’t even carry me, how will you defend yourself during an armed robbery?”

“I just can. My inner Bruce Lee will come out during these moments.”

Alfred sighed at Jinyoung’s wild imagination. Even after all these years, Jinyoung was still the same, practical and joking boy. Five years later, Alfred had assumed he would grow to prosper and become more mature, but of course, Jinyoung was still Jinyoung. There was no way this boy would ever change.

“Are you going to help me out on my projects when we go home?” Jinyoung looked at his nanny with such innocence it made the older man sigh.

“We’ll see. You still have school tomorrow so we can’t stay up too late.”

“School… why do I even need to go?” Jinyoung shook his head and shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s not like I need it.”

“Do you want me to call the CEO and see what she has to say about that?”

“Never mind, never mind. I see what you are trying to say,” Jinyoung made a face, earning a laugh to escape from his nanny. “Nothing comes easy in life Jinyoung,” Alfred pats him on the back softly. “You’ve got to work to earn the things you want.”

“Yeah…” Jinyoung bit his lip in thought and then looked at his nanny. “Thanks for the jacket hyung.”

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ddtankers34 #1
Chapter 6: Please update soon >_<
Chapter 6: love everything till now...

please update soon!!!
I love this!
Good luck seems very interesting. ^_^
Chapter 3: update soon! cant wait OwN
Yay :) cuz there's not much stories with B1A4 xD
opparsfangirl #7
Chapter 2: soooo OC >< Jinyoung and Hyosung >< Yongguk ?? AAAAH SO CURIOUS :)