{ Final. } My reasons.

My reasons.
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          Another day rose upon the three best friends as they got ready to leave for school; a place you feared the most. Although you were the smartest and somewhat popular teenage girl, it feared you the most because of that one particular person.          "Guys ready?" Chi Hoon questioned as his eyes trailed to his best friends that waltzed down the stairs. You smiled and nodded, "I'm not overly fond with our to school, but I am." Your head nodded once more as he escorted you and Yoongi out of the house. "Don't worry, _____, we are not leaving your side no matter what today." Yoongi replied as she clung her arm around yours causing a smile to form on your lips. What best friends I have, you thought as you made way to the bus stop.    -          "Look! _____'s here!" A random student shouted as many smiled to you allowing you to feel weird. Not many people would smile at you. "What's going on..?" You questioned in a whisper. Chi Hoon shrugged as he quickly led you and Yoongi into the building.            "____!" A voice shouted. The voice belonging to a male, which seemed to be approaching you. Swiftly, you turned around with your brows raised. "Oh god." You muttered as you immediately turned around while a hand grabbed ahold of your wrist. You sighed as your rolled your eyes, "What do you want, Jungkook? I don't have time for your bull today." "Can we," he spoke with a stammer caught within him, "c-can we speak? Just for a moment or two?" You looked back to your best friends in pleading eyes of help as Yoongi motioned to you go, Maybe he'll apologize! She mouthed while swiftly dragging Chi Hoon away.          "I'll give you 10 minutes, at the most." You say once you turned back around. Jungkook smiled as he nodded his head immediately; leading you to the stairwell towards the rooftop.    -          As Jungkook moves closer to the edge of the rooftop, he sat down; turning back to you. "Come," he states, "sit with me." You blinked your eyes a few times and walked forward beside him. You sat down confused, for some reason it scared you. "What did you want to talk about? Dragging me all the way up here." You say with a little chuckle.           Jungkook turned his attention to you, afraid of how he might blow things off like he always do. He took a deep breath a
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Chapter 2: Aww… nervous Jungkook is always the cutest! XD Btw, Yoongi is a girl? Not as in Suga? I see… great story though! :D
3washy #2
Chapter 1: Cute ,and Jungkook would look cute while feeling guilty ouo