{ I. } My reasons

My reasons.
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      "Look! ____ tripped over her own feet again!" Life has been an to you since the day you set foot into the new school. Your eyes trailed up to the male standing in front of you; the cause of your fall. The crowd didn't laugh nor did they speak, but rather stare not until your best friend, Yoongi, came and helped you up. "Come on, ____. Let's get you out of here." Along with Yoongi was your other best friend, Chi Hoon, leading you to the garden.    -          "Jungkook, I hate him! What did I ever do to him?!" You shouted at the top of your lungs. Yoongi sighed as she felt pity for you. Since the day the three of you stepped into the school. "____, you know we still have a few months of school remaining, but if you can't take it.. We can always make our move." Chi Hoon replied with a sigh. You stared to your best friends with sadden eyes, it was always because of you that you three made a move to a different school constantly.          "I'm sorry you guys. It's because of me that you have to move all the time." You couldn't help by tear up but the moment. Yoongi hugged you close, "____, we will never leave anyone behind; you know that."   [x]      Jungkook stood from afar, causally listening to the conversation. It made him feel guilty about all the actions that he had suppressed on you. It was never my intentions, he thought, I just can't express how I feel about. With a sigh, he walked away. His intentions were to apologize for his actions, but he just could
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Chapter 2: Aww… nervous Jungkook is always the cutest! XD Btw, Yoongi is a girl? Not as in Suga? I see… great story though! :D
3washy #2
Chapter 1: Cute ,and Jungkook would look cute while feeling guilty ouo