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No One's POV~

"YAH! Byun Baekhyun snap out of it! Are you not going to lunch?" Baekhyun looked at the girl infront of him and smiled, "Of coarse! lets go." Her name is EunSang....Cha EunSang...Baekhyun's childhood best friend and still his best friend. They are stuck like glue. They had so much in common and it was natural for them to understand each other. As they grew older, Eunsang worked as a fitting model for a small shopping mall but later became a model. She was working as a model to feed herself and live like everyone else but Baekhyun didn't care what she did. To him, she was just Cha Eunsang. "EungSang-ah can I ask you something?" She stopped walking and turned to him and gave him a smile, waiting for him to continue. "Yes?" She gave him a tilt to the side still smiling. "What you do when you like someone, but you don't know if they like you back?" EunSang furrowed her brow than let out a chuckle. "Honestly Baek, I don't know. Why do you ask?" Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders and changed the subject. But on the inside Eunsang was hurt and confused.*Are you really that stupid Baek?* She has liked him for so long and she knew he still didn't know about it.

------3 Months Later--------

"EUNSANG-AH~~~~~~~!!" Eunsang turned around and smiled at her friend, not knowing what he was so happy about. He seemed so happy about it and it brought a natural smile on her face as well. "Now, doesn't someone look happy today?" She was smiling because he was smiling and she chuckled at how silly he was. "I finally did it!" He was jumping up and down and EunSang was confussed. He was holding on to her hands and she was jumping up and down with him but she didn't know what she was doing it for. "What are you talking about?" She did understand. What did he do? What ever it was made him excited and happy for sure. "I finally asked out Heri (oc) and she said yes!" EunSang felt like her heart hit the ground and shattered but she force a smile on her face. He was so happy but it brought her so much pain. "CONGRATS!" EunSang yelled at her friend while faking her laugh. Baekhyun was so happy that he couldn't tell that it was her fake smile and fake laught. To him all that mattered was that Heri and he were now officially a couple. Eunsang couldn't keep up the fake happiness so she pretended like she had a schedule to go to. "Oh! Baek I have to get going. I have an appointment in about two hours and I have to get my hair and make-up done. I think I have to leave now...sorry....but any ways I will see you later." She waved and smiled at her friend. Baekhyun didn't mind. He was going to go meet Heri after anyways so he didn't think much about it. "Don't worry about it. I'll call you later. Do a good job." Eunsang nodded her head as she turned to walk away but when she turned around her smile dropped and she let a tear fall. No matter what she did or how she acted, she will always only be a friend in Baekhyun's mind and that brought tears to Eunsang's face.

EunSang has been avoiding Baekhyun, Heri, and Exo. Eungsang was busy with work so it helped her to avoid them but she was getting lonelier. No one around her knew that she fell into depression. She would go home after work and cry. She wouldn't be able to standing being home alone. because she was scared of the loneiness. No one really paid attention to her at work because she was still a rising rookie and at school she was avoiding the ones that actually cared for her. "EunSang-ah....I need to talk to you can you meet me in the park tonight?" Baekhyun left her a text and she stared at it for the longest time. She wanted to meet him. She missed him so much that it hurt. She wants to laught and joke around with him like they did in the past, like the old Cha Eunsang. Baekhyun saw that she read the text but sighed when she didn't answer him. *I miss you EunSang-ah. Why are you avoiding me?* Baekhyun thought as he tossed his phone. "Is she going to meet you?" Chanyeol was sitting there looking at a worried Baekhyun. Baekhyun didn't say anything as he went to go get ready. EungSang got back from a fashion bag photoshoot and was burned out from her schedule but she was distracted by thought of meeting Baekhyun. Life wasn't easy for her in anyway. Everything was difficult.

EunSang accidently fell asleep that night and when she woke up she paniced. She ran everything she had to get to the park, thinking that Baekhyun could still be there. She was so close to the park she could see it from where she was. No one knew that she wouldn't make it there. No one knew that, while running she was hit by a drunk driver. No one saw it coming. Eunsang felt so much pain that it didn't hurt. Her world turned black.

(A/N: Please Imagine her as Park Shin Hye)

When she opened her eyes, a tear escaped her eyes. She could see the back of his figure, waiting for her. She wanted to be there but then her world turned dark for the second time. Baekhyun waited all night at the park but EunSang never showed up and so he gave up on her. He thought that she had moved on with her life, and he wasn't needed. He never caught on that EunSang never came to school and that she never returned, until Chanyeol pointed it out. "Hey Baek did EunSang move or something? I haven't seen her in a while. Is she still avoiding us? She stopped showing up on magazines as well." He had his straight face on and it has been a month since the accident and he still didn't know, so his attitude towards Eunsang was as cold as ever. "Come to think of it, I don't care. Why would I care about someone who left me behind to be famous. Maybe she's too busy being a star to notice a simple commoner like me?!" Baekhyun said with a cold tone but on the inside he was hurt and Chanyeol could see it. Baekhyun wondered why she left him. He wondered what he did wrong? He wondered if it was possible to bring her back into his life. He missed her so much it hurt. Chanyeol was shocked with the cold Baekhyun but pushed it away because he knew how much his friend missed EunSang. He heard it through the way Baekhyun's voice trembles when he talks about Eunsang or when he catches him staring at a old picture of them.

------6 Months Later--------

Baekhyun eventually broke up with Heri because they felt that they w

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stalla #1
Chapter 1: awww i love thz story even though its a one short aye, ure daebak
trueFriend #2
Chapter 1: you really are atease..they are both cute..happy that they are now together but sad because its complete..gomawo chingu.
Chapter 1: GAH SO CUTE! ;A;