her chosen body

Lost Soul, Found Heart

"Why do I have to wear this?"

Sungmin, in a school girl cosplay uniform, asked obviously complaining about how girly he is and is scratching his blonde, shoulder-length wig.

Donghae smiled cheekily... "Hyung, its ok...you look really cute."

Sungmin gave him an I-want-to-kick-your- look that made him bit his lips. Donghae then sighed...

"Aigoo... Sungmin hyung. You know that seeing you dressing up like a girl is what Lee Umma likes in the world."

He is going to ride on Donghae's persuation when a group of guys suddenly stop and stared at him and actually showed interest in
him, trying to fix their collars and acting all manly... even going to the point of winking at him.

Donghae covered his mouth to hide his laughter as Sungmin closed his eyes and suddenly wants to transform into a monster and
kick those guys but Donghae stopped him.

"Hyung, hyung, hyung...never mind them." he said which made Sungmin think a bit more proper...

Sungmin looked at Donghae sharply... "Im going home." he said and started walking away. Donghae trying to catch up with him.


Seohyun started walking again towards the girl she saw while Heechul shook his head and shouted...

"Im not going to see you disappointed anymore. You go and look for another lost soul guardian!" and he began to walk away.

Seohyun acted like she didn't hear Heechul and proceed to being one with the girl. From afar Heechul stood up and look at them...


In the middle of his walking away, Sungmin suddenly felt something cold entering his body, it made him freeze and didn't
understand why suddenly he felt tired and just want to sleep. He unconsciously fell on the ground and completely lose consciousness.

When Donghae saw his hyung fainting on the ground, he runs to him instantly, calling him with a worried and concerned voice...

"Hyung! hyung! whats wrong with you? Sungmin hyung!"


At the corner of the streets... Heechul saw everything. "Impossible..." he whispered as he witnessed what happened.


In a snap, Sungmin regained consciousness. He opened his eyes widely and saw Donghae looking at him with much concern.

"Hyung, are you ok?"

Sungmin acted like he never hear Donghae at all. He looked at his fingers and then he touched his face...and with no second less
he smiled childishly and raised his 2 arms highly and bend one of his short leg as he shouted "Yes!"

Donghae felt weird at that instant but still thinks that it was probably because he hit his head when he fainted.

Sungmin smiled widely and checked his face again. "This is great! It really worked." he said as he looked at his reflection in
a shopping centre's glass mirror.

"Pretty" he said with much exaggeration..and rather too girly. "just pretty."

Donghae cannot take it anymore so he called on to Sungmin...


But Sungmin did not pay attention, he decided to call again.

"Sungmin hyung..."

still didnt pay attention so he shouted.

"Yah! Lee Sungmin!"

He said which finally made Sungmin looked at him. And knowing how Sungmin hates it when he doesn't use honorifics, makes him
pout and look down a bit...

"Sungmin hyung...are- you ok?" Donghae said with a suddenly soft voice.

Sungmin looked around... and looked back at the guy in front of him... "Hyung?" he asked and pointed to himself with an
are-you-talking-to-me-this-pretty-perfect-faced-me look. He looked at Donghae for quite a while and finally smiled sweetly.

"Oppa! Donghae oppa~"

Sungmin shouted which made Donghae wants to puke.

"Hyung! you dont need to scare me like that!" Donghae said trying to calm his goosebumped skin.

Sungmin cannot understand why Donghae is acting like that so he comes nearer... "Oppa, why are you acting like that?"

"Alright! Hyung, Alright! I wont force you to wear those clothes just stop calling me oppa... I beg you, hyung"

Sungmin stood up straight and looked at Donghae "Yah! Lee Donghae... can you stop calling me--"

Suddenly Sungmin became all quiet and thought... "...hyung?"

He panickly checked his face and let his fingers roam down his neck and let his fingers roam his own body. When his palm reached
his chest area... his eyes widened.

"How come..." he tried cupping his chest hoping to feel any bumps... "so flat?"

Donghae felt a bit disgusted with what his suddenly acting weird hyung is doing...

Sungmin continuously check his body and when his hands reach his stomach area...he wondered and unshamefully pull up his clothes a bit... His eyes widened for the second time and his mouth left a bit open.

"why do I have this disgusting thing?!" he panicked referring to his slightly tight packed abs.

Donghae just looked at his hyung resting his neck on the right side...

"Hyung...you work hard on that and now you said its disgusting?"

The busy hyung did not pay attention to him instead reach the thing between his legs... Shock with the bulk that he felt he
instantly let go of it and looked at Donghae...

"e-excuse me..." he started with voice a bit shaky...

"am I..." he cannot continue his words afraid it might be true...

"Stop playing... Sungmin hyung..." Donghae said a bit pissed off already.

Sungmin stood up straigt like a robot... His face became sour and looked at Donghae again. "Im a--"

Without finishing his words, Sungmin ran away... with a rather hysterical shout... "UMMMMMMMAAAAAAA!!!!"

Donghae just looked at him about to stop him with his hands but Sungmin quickly disappear.

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^