With You

      "Glad to see you two here." The head office, Song Qian, decided to call Woobin and Kris. She wanted to announce about the change of manager. "Well, since I don’t like to do further, I'll just tell." Kris and Woobin jointly issued staring with curious sign which will be presented by Qian.

       "Because manager Joo Seohyun back to work here, we have held rolling part. Kim Woobin, now you're handled by manager Kim Junmyeon. You Kris Wu Yifan, handled by the manager Joo Seohyun starting from now."

       "Good news, Mrs. Song. Finally I get a more reliable manager as the replacement. At least, manager Kim Junmyeon has been known for his ingenuity." Woobin feel happy because the news reported by Seohyun yesterday was true.

      "You two don’t have to worry. Now you both get these mainstay manager in the office, so I'm optimistic with your career. Alright, you two should leave office." Woobin and Kris said goodbye to their boss. After coming out from Qian’s room, Woobin restless took out the words, starting conversation with Kris. "It seems that, there’s someone who were happy to get a new manager."

        Kris still issued a cold expression even though he knew the real that Woobin is taunting.

       "Hey, Kris Wu Yifan, manager Joo Seohyun’s state is a widow now, right? This should be the right moment for you to win her heart again."

     "It looks like not your concern, Kim Woobin, besides I'm married and my marriage is legal based on law and religion, so whatever about manager Joo Seohyun is widowed or not, there’s no effect to me anymore."

       "Yes I know that, but seeing the way you met with your wife made me not sure about the seriousness of your marriage. Plus, you rarely seen together since getting married. I'm sure sooner or later the media will discuss about your marriage relationship."

       "Were set me up at Zeus hotel some time ago your plan, Kim Woobin?"

        Woobin just raised his shoulders to sign that he doesn’t know.

       "Then how can that time I was in the hotel owned by your family when I was drunk?"

       "I don’t know either. That's not my concern since at that time we were both drunk, right? "

       Their conversation stalled because manager Kim Junmyeon was calling Kim Woobin. Kris certainly not fully believe in Woobin’s words about the scandal with Shinhye that time. He still suspected that it’s Woobin’s plans but he hasn’t found evidence until now. Regarding Seohyun become Kris’ new manager, he somehow actually feel normal not too excited.  




        Yifan’s Apartment : D-day marriage Minseok and Sooyoung

        Knock knock knock "Shinhye, are you ready?"

       "I’m already, Yifan!" Shinhye said, "I'll be right out."

      Not more than 5 minutes later, the sound of Shinhye’s bedroom door open. Yifan who turned toward the sound, immediately stunned look Shinhye. "Oh men, Shinhye is making me like this again." Shinhye’s long black dress mix with silver high heels and minimalist make-up coupled with her flowing long hair made Yifan feel his heart beating is not known again.

       "Why do you look at me like that?" Shinhye confused with Yifan’s behavior which shown the sharp gaze. "Let's go, Yifan!"

       "Oh, uh, okay!" Yifan’s mind is back to reality. "Shinhye, you’re .... you’re ...."


      Yifan could only nod slowly, while Shinhye chuckled once flushed so that her cheeks is like a pome fruit. "Everyone also knows that Kris Wu Yifan’s wife is beautiful."

       "Thank you for being my wife, Mrs. Wu Shinhye."


        On the way to Choi family residence

       "What are you thinking?" Yifan open conversation because he started to feel tired driving.

       "Hmmm this dress. Because I'm so glad you asked me to wear a dress with a color that matches your coat."

       "Oh that. It’s because the annoying Kim Woobin began to suspect our marriage. So I'm looking for a way so that in the event we must able to act as a newly wed as romantic as possible. And well, I finally found a couple of black dress."

      "I think Yifan is really sincere to buy a pair of dress and this coat, it turns out he just avoid scandal. Your expectation is too much, Shinhye." Shinhye grumbled to herself before pelting Yifan a question about Kim Woobin. "Kim Woobin? Who’s he?"

       "I think Chanyeol has told about Kim Woobin to you. He is my senior, but I’m his rival for him in the modeling career."

       "Rival? Eew, let we just change the subject, Yifan. Hearing the word 'rival' make my ears burning. Ah, you know? I really didn’t expect."

       "What's about that?"

       "Minseok and Sooyoung. I really didn’t think that they’ve dating for 6 months before without anyone of you know it."

      "Those two people were really clever and have a high prestige. Which more annoying is, they have recently admitted to us at the gathering dinner."

      "Even Sooyoung also didn’t tell me about her relationship with Minseok. Instead, he told me about you, Yifan, and also your feelings for Yoona in the past."

       Ciiiiit. Yifan suddenly shocked and pushed the car brake suddenly because of Shinhye’s speech and red lights. "Shin, Shinhye, so you already know about my feelings for Yoona in the past?"

       Shinhye nodded, and then the green light is on. Yifan then push the clutch slowly and bend the steering. 5 minutes later, they’ve arrived at Choi family residence.

       "We’ve arrived. Shinhye, you wait there." Yifan came out to open the door on Shinhye’s side. Yifan then held out his hand and said something, "Come on, Mrs. Wu." It made Shinhye blush; then receive Yifan’s hand. "Let’s go."

      "Do you know, Yifan? You’re the first person who gave me this treatment." Shinhye said while showing a cheery smile. "Then, I’m lucky husband, aren’t I?" Yifan replied with the cool expression.

         Suddenly there was someone calling Shinhye, "Shinhye Noona!"

        "Chanyeol!" The siblings immediately embraced because they’re happy to see again. "Where are father and mother?" Shinhye and Yifan greet them after Jungsoo and Sora followed them. "Oh while I remember." Jungsoo suddenly began to speech. "After this, you two just directly to come home okay? We held a family dinner this evening."

          Park family and other guests are awaiting the bridal come to the aisle. Shortly then, the groom looks wearing traditional clothes with a white base color began to enter the aisle. The bride, accompanied by her makeup woman, followed a few seconds later. The wedding ceremony began. Yifan and the gang and their wives have taken photo together bride after the wedding ceremony is completed.




         Park family residence

        "I really didn’t think that you two are wearing matching clothes that look very harmonious in the wedding party today." Sora spoke up in the middle of Park family members who were enjoying dinner.

       "Thank you, Mom." Shinhye respond to the statement, "Yifan accidentally bought a pair of suits and dresses for us to wear at the wedding party of our close friends. Isn’t that right, honey?" Yifan just smiled justify about Shinhye’s statement.

        "Yifan hyung has a good fashion sense, Mom." Chanyeol spoke quietly to Sora. "Moreover Minseok hyung is one of his closest person. Yifan hyung certainly doesn’t want to wear a makeshift costumes for that special event."

         "And what about your career after marriage, Yifan?" Jungsoo turns to stone questions to Yifan.

         "I feel grateful that my partner doesn’t mind about my state, Dad. So until now I still run with their employment contracts."

      "I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully the success always go with you." Park family continued dinner. Because this is weekend, Jungsoo told Shinhye and Yifan to stay at the family residence Park this night. Yifan and Shinhye agreed.


         "Chanyeol, are you in there?"

         "Come in, Noona. I didn’t lock the door."

         Shinhye then opened the door. She saw her brother like he was busy doing something in front of his laptop. "What are you doing?"

       "Editing my progress report while chatting with Jinri. She just left of the chat room because she would accompany Sooyoung Noona to the airport."

         "Speaking about Jinri, don’t you realize that there’s a different from her?"

         "It seems there’s no different from her, Noona. She still spoilled Jinri when she’s with me. What’s Noona seen?"

         "I noticed a difference in her eyes when she saw you. It seems that Jinri like you, Chanyeol."

        "Jinri like me? Well I guess that's impossible, Noona. She always talked about the men whom like her everytime. I am a kind of cupboard that holds all of her secrets."

         "Maybe she’s telling it to provoke you."

       "I think it’s nonsense, Noona. It seems we better stop talking about Jinri. Looks like talking about Noona and hyung is funnier hahahahhaha."

        "Park Chanyeol!" A pillow landed directly in front Chanyeol’s face.

        "I'm sorry Noona, sorry I'm just kidding hehe. Uhm Noona, has Yifan Hyung Joo ever told you about manager Joo Seohyun?"

        "Joo Seohyun? Never. What's the matter about it?"

        "Oh no, nothing, Noona."

        Shinhye felt like there’s something hidden by her brother.


       Meanwhile in the TV room, Yifan seen relaxing while watching television shows that happen to attract his attention until he wasn’t aware that there’s Jungsoo beside him.

       "Do not join with your wife and Chanyeol?"

       "Oh, Daddy. Ah, no. I don’t want to disturb their quality time."

       "I see. Hmm Yifan, Daddy want to ask you something."

       "Please, Dad."

       "Hmm has your wife already known about your true identity?"

       "What’s that mean, Daddy?"

       "Did your wife know that you’re the only one heir of the largest contracting company in Guangzhou?"

       "Until now she doesn’t know, Dad. All I want is Shinhye love me as Wu Yifan, not as the sole heir of contracting company in Guangzhou. "

        Hearing Yifan’s statement, Jungsoo was relieved because he had fired his daughter to the right man.




        Shinhye who already getting sleepy decided to return to her room. Chanyeol issued his magic joke when Shinhye opened the door, "Don’t forget to make nephews for me, Noona." He burst out laughing seeing Shinhye’s face began red.

        As Shinhye entered her room, she surprised to see Yifan who was asleep in her bed. "Haish, this O blood type man is really." Shinhye sputter, then roll a pillow to hit Yifan get up. "Hey, Wu Yifan! Who told you to sleep in my bed, huh?! Wake up! You sleep on the bottom bed! "Because of feeling that there’s someone disturbing his sleep, Yifan instead pulled Shinhye's hand so that it make Shinhye fell on the bed. "Hey, Yifan! What are you doing, huh?! You move, quickly! I also want to rest!" Shinhye scream while beating Yifan so he opened his eyes. Yifan reverse of releasing Shinhye and doesn't want to moved to the bottom bed; he instead embraced Shinhye very closely.

         "Mrs. Wu, how did you know about my feelings for Yoona in the past?" This time Yifan started to open his eyes.

         "Sooyoung told me."

         "As a wife, do you object to our friendship?"

        "Nope. Why should I mind? After all, it's your past and now you have chosen the way of your own life, respectively. My job now and a few months later is there with you, not take you back to your past."

     Yifan relieved smile to hear the answer. "Thank you for being understanding wife, Wu Shinhye." Yifan kissed her forehead and then increasingly tightened his embrace. Meanwhile, Shinhye sink into the mortal world for a moment because of Yifan’s kiss, back to the real world because she felt tightness in her body. "Yifan! Hey, what are you doing? Let me go! I told you to move out from this bed, quickly!" Yifan completely ignored her cries. He even submerge Shinhye’s head into his embrace.




       "Can’t stop it now... can’t stop it now" Seohyun took a smartphone from her pocket as she heard the ringtone of an incoming call. "Yes Mrs. Song? Yes? Don’t we have to ask Yifan and his wife first, Mrs. Song? Oh well. I will. Okay. See you. "

       Seohyun really can’t understand with her boss even though Song Qian is the boss who always care to her subordinates. Seeing Yifan left photo studio, Seohyun then approached him.

        "Has the photoshoot finished, Oppa?" Seohyun asked.

        "Not yet. Now it’s turn to the model Kim Jongin, then there’s still one more session for both of us. What's up, Seohyun?"

        "Oh yes, there is still 1 hour longer." Seohyun realized after she looked at the clock on her smartphone. "There’s something I want to talk to you, Oppa."

        "What is it?"

       "Mrs. Song has signed a contract with High Cut Magazine for Oppa and Shinhye unni. She asked me to set a schedule and submit it to oppa and unni. She also says it's a good deal to avoid rumors that your relationship rarely seen together."

       "Oh my, that Mrs. Song. Hah well I couldn’t do anything if she has signed the contract. She also definitely inedible the gossip, whereas the activity which makes us rarely seen together. By the way, thank you for the information, Seohyun. I went back to the studio first."

        "You’re welcome, Oppa."

       In her heart, Seohyun save indignation. She didn’t accept why should Yifan and Shinhye selected for the magazine photoshoot as a couple. Despite that fact, she still has to maintain her career as a reliable manager.

      A few moments later when Yifan was finished shooting and will change the costume, he heard the ringtone of an incoming call on his smartphone. Written the name "Dear Wife Shinhye" on the smartphone screen.

        Yifan: Hello, Shinhye.

        Shinhye: Yifan, today I come home late. Senior manager asked me to replace her. I must fill the motivation training at 5:00 PM.

         Yifan: Okay. Then take care after returning from training. Ah, where’s the place?

         Shinhye: Zeus hotel.

         Yifan: WHAT?!

         Yifan makes surprised the whole sound eyes on the room. He bowed slightly to apologize to the occupants of the room because of the mess that he created.

         Yifan: Shinhye, are you still there?

        Shinhye: Yes.

        Yifan: I'll pick you up later. No protest! Anyway, I’m not allowing you to go home alone, understand? I will be sure to arrive at the hotel before the event is complete.

        Regardless of Shinhye’s answered, Yifan immediately end the call. Worrying haunt him when he heard the name of Zeus hotel from Shinhye’s mouth. Plus, Yifan knew that Woobin doesn’t has schedule for modeling today so that it adds his worried feeling. Viewing the clock shown at 4:30 PM, Yifan rushed to change costumes so that he doesn’t be late to pick Shinhye up. Yifan feel grateful for this day that Seohyun drove the office car so he doesn’t have to drive her home. "I hope my wife doesn’t meet with the annoying man."




Finally, an update ^^

Uhm just giving an information that I type 'Kris' when he was at the office, and then if he isn't at the office I type 'Yifan'.

Happy reading and feel free to comment if there's any sugestion :)

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Hallo readers and subbies, please check chapter 17. Thank you :) :)


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Ayustar #1
Chapter 17: Can"t wait ... update soon .. i like kris and shinhye
I love Shinhye as long its happy ending I am happy .off reading now.
ratriana #3
Chapter 17: It's good or bad about seohyun know that video,, I'm scared she would used that evidence for threat yifan and shinhye about the marriage
fie2603 #4
Chapter 17: Hallo....you cameback. I am so glad. Thank u for update again. This story getting wow...cant wait for next chapter. Did they became close. And make wuyifan junior. Came soon ok
Chapter 17: hey authornim thanks for de update,wen will kris confess his feeling im getting very curious.anwy Happy christmass stay healthy.
Chapter 16: Nice story....please please update soon.....
sarahsusanti #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon author
sarahsusanti #8
Please update the next chapter author...
Thanks for good story ^_^
Chapter 16: Thanks for update chingu.. :D cant wait for next chap.. pls make more krishye lovey dovey moment okay! ;D
Jisoo_Kim #10
Hi Iam new reader your story... this story is nice and the couple in this story is rare, kris-shinhye... so it makes interesting : ))) but there are some typos and wrong-grammar in this story.. but it's okay I enjoyed to read this story : )) one more,are you indonesian? Bcs Iam indonesian too..