Me ? Your slave ?!

Struck By Love

I continued walking down the streets , not knowing where to go when suddenly I heard a familiar voice calling me. I turned around and I almost dropped down to the floor and cried !!! I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now !!!


“Dara !”


“Skinny Jerkface !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I smiled brightly.


“What ??”


“I mean Jiyong !!! hehe”


“Get in the car.” He coldly said.


I told him my address and as usual , no response from him . He could just say ok you know. Geez…… Anyways , Thank god he came !! I don’t have to sleep on the side of the road !!! hehehehe !! I can go home !! But how did he know I don’t know my way to go back ?? He certainly can read minds !!! I should call him Super Jiyong now !! kekeke


The ride was absolutely positively super duper mega in SILENCE !!!! It’s so awkward !! Aish !!!! This Skinny Jerkface with secretive superpowers should say something ! Heol !! It’s toooooooooooooooooooooo quiet !!!


“Jiyong ~”


No respond ……………………………………………………


“Jiyong ~~ Jiyong ~~”


Again . No respond.


“Jiyong ~~~~ Yohoo ~~  Earth to Jiyong !!!!”


“Damn it ! What is it ?!” He finally spoke.


“Do you like ice cream ?”




“Then … what’s your favourite colour??”




“Ohhh why ? Mine is pink !!” I beamed.


“Red is the colour of blood” He turned to me and gives an evil smile.




BLOOD ?????????????????????????????? EEP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I started to bite my nails with the thought of seeing Skinny Jerkface beating a guy with his super strong fist of steel until the guy’s face is covered with blood  that you can’t even recognize him anymore ?!?!


Or or !! Skinny Jerkface taking a BIG knife and stabbed a guy multiple times and the blood splattered all over his face and clothes ?! AND he started laughing evilly ?!?!  Oh my gosh, IT CAN HAPPEN !!! I mean Jiyong is a gangster right ?! He could do anything ! ANYTHING !!!


 “Blood ? Ha ha ha …… Very funny …” I awkwardly laughed.


Skinny Jerkface rolled his eyes in annoyance and it became silent again.


“Do you wanna hear a knock knock joke ? I’m sure you’ll laugh until you can’t even open your eyes !!”


“Hell no”


“Knock knock !!!”


Gosh , he’s ignoring me again !!!! I , Sandara Park , will never !! NEVER GIVE UP !!! I will break Skinny Jerkface a.k.a Super Jiyong’s coldness !!!! It’s time to unleash my cuteness !!


“Knock knock” I tried again while blinking like there’s no tomorrow and clasped my hands together .


He sighed in defeat. “Who’s there” He said in a boring-yet-not-amused tone.


Oh yeah  !!! As usual , no one can resist my cuteness !! Even the mighty Kwon Jiyong !!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA !!




“Riverboat who ?” He sighed again.


“Riverboat young when I first saw you , I close my eyes and the flashback starts ~~ lalalalala~~” I started singing.


“The lyrics was ‘We we’re both young’ not riverboat . And your singing ”


I pouted. “I know , that’s why it’s a knock knock joke !! Get it ?? Try singing it !!”








“Pretty pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee~~~~”


“I said no”


“Fine .. Geez , why are you so cold !” I pouted and crossed my arms.


“Look , we’re not friends or anything close to it , okay ?”


“I’m just being friendly …”


“You don’t have to. You should be afraid of me instead.”


“Afraid ? Of you ?? Why would I ???”


“Did you forget that I’m a gangster or you didn’t know I was in the first place? I could break your bones in a second” He looked at me.


“But you didn’t seem that bad for a gangster.”


“Do you want me to show you?” He said as he cracked his knuckles.






“Thank you Jiyong , I owe you one.” I smiled as we reached to my house.


“And how are you gonna repay it ?” Jiyong turned to look at me.


“Erm ……………… Why don’t you suggest it ?”


“Be my slave” Jiyong smirked




“Be my slave for one month” He grinned.


“No way I’m gonna be YOUR slave !!”


“You said you owe me and you told me to suggest it.” He grinned AGAIN.


I swear I’m gonna wipe his stupid grin of his face ! Urgh !!! Slave ?!!?! Be his slave ?! No ! No way !! Hell no !! Absolutely positively definitely a BIG NO !!!! Why did I asked him to suggest it ?! GAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! I’m seriously feeling to pull my hair right now if Jiyong wasn’t here!! OTTOKE ?!?!?!


“Can’t I treat you for dinner or something ?” I said as I flashed my popular puppy eyes that could melt all the guy’s heart in this world !!!


“Your aegyo won’t work on me again, honey” He winked. “And besides , I won’t let you go that easy.”




“Or maybe you could hit my beautiful face !!!” I pointed my face. “Come on ! Hit me !!”


“I don’t hit girls”


“Fine ! I give up !! I’ll be your slave ! JUST FOR A MONTH !!!!!! Promise ?!” I said as I held out my pinky.


“What’s that for ?” He pointed at my finger.


“Pinky promise !!!”


He rolled his eyes and held out his pinky. “You’re ridiculous.”


“Ridiculously awesome !!!!”  I beamed.


“Will you get down from my car now ?”


“Oh , right . Hehe . I forgot”


I was about to turn around to bid goodbye but he drove off. I shrugged off and took out my house key when I heard someone calling me.


“DARA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bommie shouted while running towards me and hugged me as soon as she reached. “Where have you been last night ?! Do you know how worried I was ?!?!”


“You got drunk didn’t you ?! I told you not to get drunk didn’t I ?!” Chae said and joined to hug me.


“Can you guys stop hugging me so I could explain ???”  I said.


They let go of me and stared at me like I’m a piece of delicious meat. “Who’s sweater is that ??” Bommie asked and pointed at Jiyong’s sweater that I was wearing.


“*GASP !! Did you popped your cherry last night ?!?!” Chae whispered.


“OH MAI GAD ! DID YOU ?!?!!” Bommie shook my shoulder.


‘Yah !! No !! And let’s go inside first !! Geez…” I said as I open the door.


“Well ??” Chae crossed her arms and stared at me while Bommie did the same.


It’s like I’m the troubled child getting a scolding from my parents . Kekeke.


“Well … When you left and I couldn’t find Bommie anywhere , I drank a few shots and got drunk . Then there’s some guy who came near me and cupped my and started to come closer.”


“WHAT?!” They said in sync.


“LISTEN !!!!” I said. “Anyways , I tried to push him but I couldn’t and he started to kiss my neck. Suddenly , Jiyong came and pulled the guy away from me . The next thing I knew was I ended up on Jiyong’s bed. WE DID NOTHING , OKAY ?!” Seeing them nod for me to continue. “He told me to wash up and he gave me this sweater. He even made me breakfast ! Then I left and I don’t know where am I and I can’t find a bus stop. I was about to call you guys but my phone died ! Then Jiyong came and sent me back with his car . The end”


I expect them to yelled at me but they just stood there with their arms still crossed and not saying a word. Quiet … too quiet ……


“So are you two dating ?” I heard Chae said.


“Who said we were ?!” I retorted back.


“Well , he saved you , take care of you , made you breakfast and bring you back safely.” Bommie giggled.


“He’s just being a gentleman!!” I explained. “Besides , I’m gonna repay him by being his slave . So we’re even.” I added.


“You WHAT?!” They said in sync again.


“Why don’t you repay him with something else ?!!? Do you know what he will do to you?!” Chae said while slightly hit me in the head.


“Ouch ! Why did you do that for !?” I rubbed my head. “I did say I would just treat him dinner but he doesn’t want to ! If it weren’t for you guys who left me , I wouldn’t get drunk and owe Jiyong big time !!! ”


“Yah ! Bommie ! Where did you go last night ?!” Chae asked her.


Bommie giggled. “I met my hot new boyfriend !!”


“Who is it this time?” I asked while Chae rolled her eyes.


“Seunghyun ! One of the member of Jiyong’s gang. The one with mint hair !!” Bommie beamed.


“Him ?!” Chae said. “Aren’t you afraid since he’s a gangster ??”


“But he’s hot !!!! Have you seen his side profile ?! And he’s so tall !! Plus , he’s not that bad . He’s kinda sweet !” Bommie giggled with the thought of her new boyfriend.


“Ok then. Wanna go to the mall ??” I asked.


“Yes !! Let’s go !!!” Bommie cheered.


“Yea , whatever.” Chae said.






“So , why are we here again ???” Youngbae asked in confusion when we arrived at the mall.


“Cause I wanted to buy something for my bunny” I smiled at him.


“You mean your new girlfriend?” Daesung asked.


“Hyung ! Why can’t you do that alone ?!” Seungri retorts.


“Yea , Hyung ! Why do you need us ?? And why Jiyong is not here ??” Daesung added.


“I needed you guy’s help ! I don’t know what to buy !! Jiyong doesn’t want to come” I said while we enter a jewelry store.


Should I buy her a bracelet ? A necklace ?? Is she gonna like it ?? hmmmmmm …


“Guys , do you think this is nice ?” I point at a necklace that was displayed.


“Yea yea, whatever hyung . I can’t believe I’m wasting my precious time to go shopping with you” Seungri said and walked out of the store.


“Youngbae !!!! What do you think about this necklace ??”


“It’s nice , hyung. I’m sure your bunny will love it.” He said.


“But what about this one ???” I pointed at another necklace.


“It’s nice too.” Youngbae said.


“Which one should I buy ?!?!” I stared at the two necklaces. “Daesung !!! Which one is nicer ? This or this ??”


“Errrrrr…… why don’t you ask Seungri !!!” Daesung said and walked to where Youngbae was.


“Those bastards !” I mumbled.


I can’t decide !!!!!!!! AHHHHHH !!! This is so frustrating !!! Those bastards were suppose to help me !! Huh ! I’ll just asked for Jiyong’s help. I took a picture of the two necklaces and sent it to Jiyong , asking him to choose . Hehehe



From me :

Boss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jiyong !!!! My love !!! EMERGENCY !!!!!!! Help me choose one of the necklaces !! hehe . (picture )


From Jiyong :

This is your big emergency ?? =.= The left one is nicer.


From me :

Thank you Jiyong !!! I love you !!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmwah !!  ^3^


From Jiyong :

Eww .. You’re disgusting . Save it for your girlfriend.


“Miss , can you wrap this one? Thanks” I smiled.


Bunny is gonna love this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 




A long update !! But not that long though ... Hope you guys like it !!



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heiress #1
Chapter 13: More more more!!
heiress #2
Chapter 12: I smell trouble! Jiyong heard them.
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 12: update soon...........
kryung13 #4
Chapter 12: Omg! Gd heard them!! Poor dara and seungrat the Dragon mad now! Annyeong!! I just read this story and i like it. Update soon...
chelzjj #5
Chapter 12: Uh-oh......jiyong heard them 0.0
chelzjj #6
Chapter 11: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ dara-jiyong cute together ;))))

Yeah....cant wait for her drama ;))))
Dara hwaitting!!!
Chapter 11: Pls update
mikkydragon #8
Chapter 11: please update soon...
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 11: Next button pls
Chapter 11: I love long updates!!! Yea everyone's happy and excited for Dara's drama....