Let Me Take Your Picture

Let Me Take Your Picture

Snap...The camera clicked and Myungsoo smiled at the result of his photo, this was his hobby...his passion. Especially when it came to taking pictures of Sungjong, not that the latter knew he was being photographed. Which was how Myungsoo preferred it sometimes.Both were in the park one smiling at trees and playing with random stranger’s dogs; the other watching intently photographing, documenting the activity. It was sunny and the wind was the blowing bringing a chill to the air around them.


Myungsoo sat by a tree sorting through his film there were some trees,some scenery, families, and then his heart started to pound as Sungjong flashed upon his eyes various times. He sighed and shook his head “No one should be this beautiful...” he thought he was talking to himself but the very person he had been looking at answered.


“Whose beautiful?” Myungsoo knew that voice anywhere, the softness in it, the tone; it was Sungjong. Myungsoo looked to see the beautiful blonde in front of him “You.” he said plainly as he flashed the younger male the camera.


“You were taking pictures of me? Really SooSoo?” Sungjong placed his hands on his hips. “You know you could just ask. You don’t have to be all stalkerish.” he said with a huff and placed himself besides Myungsoo.


Myungsoo shrugged staring at his camera.


“I thought you had a photoshoot today. That’s why I came here by myself, you could of at least told me you were coming anyway.” Myungsoo didn’t have to look up to see the pout on Sungjong’s it was apparent in his voice. He did look up to flash the younger a winner smile and snap a quick picture.


“It ended early and I’d rather take pictures of someone more interesting.” Myungsoo stated before placing a quick kiss on the younger’s lips. “Well little bird...I have a question for you.” the words came out sweet as honey and gentle.


“And what would that be my ice prince?” Sungjong smiled.


Pressing their foreheads together “Let me take your picture?” Myungsoo whispered against Sungjong’s lips.


A simple nod was all Sungjong gave before he closed the distance between them.


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Chapter 1: Again... cuuuuuuute !!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg so cuuuuute !!!!! ;)
Chapter 1: Super cute and adorable!
Chapter 1: Kyyaaaaaaa!!!!! *flip table* so fluffy!!!! Short but yoi make my myungjong heart so full... wonder when will you going to have a break again from study to write more myungjong.
taeganger799101 #6
Chapter 1: SUPER SWEET!!! I LOVE IT <3