Where The Two Met

Tell Me Tell Me


Note: This is a flashback to where YoonSic haven't dated yet. Their history on how they got together might continue for a few chapters, I hope that you guys won't mind though?


It was another one of those nights where her parents would be having an argument downstairs about their financial problem and the only thing that she could do was to get out of the house.

Yoona herself had to admit that she didn’t exactly came from a well off family but she loved her parents as much as they loved her and Yoona would never blame her parents for their shortage of money sometimes.

The doe-eyed girl sighed on her own as she took a sip from the canned coffee that she bought earlier from a vending machine.

The streets were pretty much empty at this hour since most people would probably be in their slumber already.

As Yoona continued taking a walk along the street, she spotted a girl; probably around her age it seems was bending down slightly and looking into a box placed near the dumpsters.

“What on earth is she doing?” she thought to herself and stopped on her tracks.

The more she stared at the girl the more curious she got and in the end, her curiosity got the best of her.

Yoona decided to just approach her since she didn’t seem like a person that would do any harm to her…maybe.

“Uhm…excuse me?”

The doe-eyed girl froze on spot as soon as she met the stranger’s gaze. She knew very well who the girl in front of her is.


It was Jessica Jung, one of the members of the popular clique at her school. God she used to have a huge crush on the latter so seeing her like this up close took the breath away from here.

“Uhm, hello?”

Her sweet voice kept ringing in her ears, like a sweet lullaby before Yoona decided to keep her head straight. She cleared up slightly as soon as she gained her composure.

Not that she still has some feelings towards her though, it was nothing like that. Her feelings had been long gone. It was just that she’s nervous being around a beautiful creature like she is.

Acting as if she didn’t know the girl would be the best choice right now since she wouldn’t want to freak Jessica out.

 “O-Oh, I’m sorry for earlier. May I know what you’re doing here Miss?”

“Oh. I was just figuring out on what to do with this poor creature over here,” Jessica then pointed towards the box; to which Yoona took a peek into and to her surprise she saw a couple of puppies snuggling up to one another, trying to keep themselves warm.

"People nowadays. They should've taken them to a shelter or give these puppies to someone who's willing to take them in if they didn't want these guys anymore," Yoona frowned to herself and slightly squatted down to take a closer look at the puppies, careful not to wake them up.

"Do you think you could bring them home with you?" Jessica lightly bit her lower lip and tugged on the doe-eyed girl's shirt, trying to get Yoona to comply with her request. 

Yoona nervously looked away as she met Jessica's once again. "I'm not allowed to take in any pets though...but I could ask my friend to keep them for a while. She lives nearby, I could give her a call."

"Thank you so much!" Jessica beamed as she let go of Yoona's shirt, smiling happily at the thoughts of the puppies not having to suffer in the cold. 

Yoona then took out her phone and called the first person that comes to her mind when it's about puppies. 

Seo Joohyun. 

The only thing she hoped for right now is for the girl to pick up and not kill her for calling her in the middle of the night. It took Yoona a few rings before getting her call answered by her friend. 


"Oh, Seohyun-ah. You're still awake?"

"I was about to head to bed actually, after reading a book. Why are you calling me by the way unnie?"

"Ah, about that."



It had been a few days since she had last seen Jessica and honestly, she's glad that she didn't bump into the princess again. All those effort that Yoona did in trying to get rid of her one sided feelings towards her would be a waste, since only god knows what would happen if she really did talked to Jessica again. 

"How are they doing by the way? The puppies?" Yoona slowly chewed on her pork bun as she turned to look at Seohyun. 

"They're doing well of course. But I still can't believe that you get to talk to her, Yoona-unnie."

"I know right? I'm surprised that she didn't leap on to her," Yuri teasingly poked her prankster buddy from the side, grinning as she does so. 

"S-Shut up. It was just a stupid crush that I had on her, mind you. Besides, I don't like her anymore."

The slightly tanned girl was about to continue her teasing when something grabbed her attention from afar. Someone was heading towards their direction, and it's not just someone to add to that. "Hey, is that Jessica I see over there?" 

Yoona rolled her eyes at Yuri's words, thinking that her friend is trying to trick her or something. "Haha. Very funn-"


Yoona choked on her bun as soon as she heard the familiar voice, coughing for a few times after doing so. 

"Oh my god unnie!" Seohyun immediately rushed to attend to her, fumbling with the handkerchief in her hands. 


"Water. Oh right water."

Yuri just broke into laughers seeing the scene in front of her. She didn't even bother to help her poor friend. 

"Oh god, this so funny! Ahahahahaha!"

"Is everything alright here?"

There comes the sweet and angellic voice, Yoona thought. She tried to keep her head down, pretending to recover from her choking on her food since she didn't want to meet her gaze. 


"Are you sure?" Jessica looked at her worriedly and gently patted Yoona's back, causing her to cough even more. "You don't seem fine to me."

"You don't have to worry about it Jessica-ssi, she'll be fine," Yuri grinned as she intercepted into their conversation and crossed her arms in reply.

"If you say so then..." the princess then retracted her hand from Yoona's back. "Ah yes, I came here for a reason."

"What might that be Jessica-ssi?"

"I wanted to talk to her," she pointed towards Yoona, making Yuri cocked an eyebrow in response. Talk to her huh? Now that's interesting.

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Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/613347/2'>Where The Two Met</a></span>
Aww, this looks promising though :3
Chapter 2: :)))))))))))
allayjadhule #3
Chapter 2: Yoonsic :)
DeerKumma #4
update soon please >w<
SoshiSection #5
Chapter 2: update soon author....
JJIY2270 #6
Chapter 2: update please....

yoonsic <3
Punkrockjazz #7
Chapter 2: yay yay...
Chapter 2: yoonsic <3
722DolDeer #9
I want more Yoonsic
update soon please