Our Love Was A Basketball Love


" Chae Rin -ah... Wake up... Ppali... " Chae Rin's eomma, Mrs. Kim was trying to wake Chae Rin up. She slept on her desk due to completing her homework, which she finished.

" Ah... shirro~... " She tried to push her eomma away. " Ah, I still wanna sleep... "

" Slept through your homework again, huh? " Mrs. Kim checks the books on her desk. " Hmm... At least you've completed it. " Her eomma checked her watch, it was 7:10 am. " Fine, I'll give you fifteen minutes more to sleep. If you don't wake up till then, no basketball for the day... "

" Arasseo, eomma... I will... " She continued her sleep.

* Fifteen minutes later *

" Hmm... I guess Chae is still not up. I should go wake her up again, " a voice behind Chae Rin's door spoke.

" It's okay, eomma... I'll wake her up, " a male voice replied. The owner of the voice opened the door, then walked towards Chae Rin's desk.

" Yah... Chae Rin noona... WAKE UP!!! IREONA!!! " He screamed at her ear.

" Ah! Ye! " Chae Rin suddenly stood up, still with her sleepy face on. " Ah... I think I hurt my back... " She tried to stretch and her back suddenly... 'cracked' " That's better... " She felt relieved.

Realising she wasn't the only one in the room...

" Yah! Huang Zi Tao! You wanna die, huh? " She grabbed Tao's school tie. " Noona ~... Eomma told me you didn't woke up fifteen minutes ago... I guess that's one of the ways to wake you up... " Tao said with his cute tone. " Can you please let go of my tie? "


(ignore Tao's pics on the right, if you want to :P )


Chae Rin let go of the school tie, which Tao automatically trying to fix it. " Ah Chae noona... Did noona know how long does it take for me to make this tie purr~fect? "

" I'll fix it for you later... Now... GET OUT OF MY ROOM!! I'm going to take a shower, " Chae Rin pushed Tao out of her room. " You eat breakfast first, I'll see you downstairs... Bye! " She shut the door, leaving Tao outside the room. 

" Arasseo, noona... Arasseo... It's not like you're not used changing in front of me... " Tao then went down the stairs.

Few minutes later, Chae Rin went down the stairs, with her uniform on. " Eomma, what are we eating? "


" Oh, just sandwiches and a glass of milk, why? "

Chae Rin drank her glass, then took two slices of sandwiches. " I'm going to school now, eomma... Bye!! " She kissed her eomma, then dragged Tao along with her.

" Bye eomma! See you later! " Tao said to Mrs. Kim. " Noona wait... " She let Tao go, then took another slice of sandwich. " It's yummy! " he exclaimed. Then they walked together to school because it is just a few blocks away from their home.

" Noona! Don't forget my tie... " Tao pointed to his tie. " Aish, you little panda... " Chae Rin walked towards him, then slowly fixed his tie. Wow, you've grown tall...

You see, Tao and Chae Rin are both neighbours. Alongside with Kris, the three of them are childhood buddies. Kris is the only one who lives on the other side of Seoul. Chae Rin lives with her mother, while her brother is busy doing his work. Her father, well, she doesn't know much about him. Her mother divorced with him due to some reasons. She's now a senior in her school.

As for Tao, he lived across Chae Rin's house, with his grandmother. His parents were in a car crash when he was nine years old. Chae Rin's mother is close to his parents, she treats Tao as if he is her own son. That's why Tao calls Mrs. Kim, eomma. Oh, and he's a year younger than Chae Rin and Kris.

Kris, well, he was Chae Rin's classmate during primary years. Chae Rin recalled that he was the specky, nerdy boy that she always need to protect. But eversince he went to that summer camp back at his hometown (which is in China) he somehow 'transformed' to another person. Kris had gotten taller, hotter and popular, yet his original character -the derpy him- still remained in him.

" Noona, today, I'm going to go for the basketball tryouts for this year's team, " Tao told her as they walked. " Do you think I can do it? "

" Tao, of course you can... I've seen you improved your skills... I think you're going to beat the other players, the original Dragons too... I guess... " Chae Rin gave him an assuring smile.

" Noona, cheer for me later on, okay? "

" Hey, of course I'll be there... I'm holding my own tryouts as well, " Chae Rin told him.

" Oh yeah... You need to find a replacement for next year huh? Well, the girls need to try hard... You're like the jewel of the Golden Dragons female's team. You're irreplacable, noona, " Tao praised Chae Rin.

She smiled a bit. " Thanks, little bro... -She shrugged his hair- Well, I think you're going to get an easy pass this year. Look who's the new Golden Dragon captain, " She poited to a guy, who just came out of his car, parked in front of the school. He's wearing a gold dragon badge beside his nametag.

The guy walked towards them, flicked his hair as he arrived.


" Show-off... Captain, " Chae Rin insulted him.

" Hey, every girl wants me to do this in front of them, " said Kris.

" Whatever Kris, I - " Chae Rin's words were cut short as her eyes were glued to a guy walked past them. Tao and Kris looked behind.

" Gosh, you still like him, noona? " Tao asked her, but she didn't reply.

" Why is he sooo... perfect... " Chae Rin said in a flowery tone.

" Ok, she's in dreamland... Earth to Chae Rin... You're there? " Kris waved her hand in front of her face.

" Ah yeah... I'm here... " Chae Rin said. " Um... Kris... Is he still in the team this year? "

" Kai? As much as I hate him, I can't take him out of the team. He's one of our best shooters, after me, of course... " Kris bragged, a bit, like Chae Rin would notice.

" Yes! I gotta see him play this evening! " She did her victory dance.

" The bell suddenly rang. " Whoops! Gotta go to class now. Kris, I'll race you to it! Bye Tao! " She ran inside the building, to the hallway, leaving Tao and Kris outside.

" Yah, wait for us! "


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