

Aera sighed as she sat down on the bench waiting for the love of her life. She cried her heart out the days before knowing it would be best for their last time together to be a happy one. Usually, it would be Kai that would be calling her to go out for a date but this time she took the initiative knowing that it would be her last time ever seeing him, which is if he wanted to see her anymore after this. The park she was sitting at was where they had first met, just like a cliché romantic storyline.

She couldn’t sleep so she decided to talk a midnight walk, while he just wanted to get away from the frustrating trainee session. He was the first one to arrive at the bench, sitting down he thought about all the difficult trainings he was going through and contemplating whether it was all worth it. It was already difficult trying to do well in school what more now he has to juggle with all the tough training. He was exhausted mentally and physically, he sighed as he leaned back on the bench. Wanting to just forget about everything, he decided to appreciate the beauty of the nature and the relaxing silence that was now so rare of him to experience with his current hectic lifestyle. He closed his eyes enjoying the beautiful sounds of the creatures of the night. Then he heard footsteps, his eyebrows furrowed at the disturbance but he decided to ignore it not wanting his personal time to be ruined just because of a stranger. However, the sounds were getting stronger as if the person was coming closer. It was confirmed when he heard the rustling of next to him when the person sat down at the other end of the bench. He heard her sigh, well at least it sounds like a girl.

“So beautiful” she said. He lifted his head, opened his eyes and turned to the girl wanting to shoo her away for disturbing his only peaceful time. Funny thing was when he lay his eyes on her, all the words of contempt that was at the tip of his tongue completely dissolved into thin air. She then noticed him at the corner of her eyes, staring at her with his mouth open like he wanted to say something. She gasped.

“Oh! I’m so sorry! I must be disturbing you with my noise. I apologize don’t shoo me off please! I promise I’ll be quiet!” with that said she then made a zipping action as if she was zipping locked it with a key and throwing it away. He wanted to gush at her cute actions but then just smirked at her and said “ok since you promised you better keep it”. With that, a beautiful relationship arose between these two strangers. What was once a coincidental meeting began turning into frequents ones that is whenever they could fit each other in. What with Kai being a trainee and Aera, a top student with dreams of studying medicine to become a doctor. They never actually established the status of their relationship because they knew their feelings were mutual through their actions but with their hectic schedules it was just easier that way. To them, they didn’t need to establish to anyone that they were in a relationship just as long as they knew their love was there and it was real.

She chuckled as she reminisced their ‘dates’ which were usually meetings at the bench talking just about anything and everything. Tears were starting to pool at her eyes and she blinked rapidly not wanting them to come out.

“Hey stranger” he said, as he sat down. She didn’t even realized he had arrived. She smiled, the smile that he fell in love with or so he told her once when they play truth and dare, which he mirrored.

“Hey” she replied, her tone unusually lower. He furrowed his eyebrows sensing something was wrong. In addition she wasn’t even looking at him when she said it. knowing her to be a straight forward person she always emphasized that a person should always look into the eyes of the person they were talking to.

“What’s wrong?”

He nudged her side. She closed her eyes and breathes in deeply and then letting it out before forcing herself to look at those beautiful pools of brown that she was going to miss so much. She forced out a sad smile.

“I’m leaving”

He felt as if his heart shattered into a million pieces. She had told him before that she always wanted to study in the UK, it was her dream to study medicine there. Honestly, she had told him that she applied for a scholarship to study there a few weeks back and being human, his selfish part hoped that she wouldn’t get it so that she wouldn’t be so far from him but he knew it was impossible she was a spectacular student it was a sure thing that she would get the scholarship. But to actually hear her say it, it was like slap in the face. He was proud of her of course she was chasing her dream he couldn’t rebuke her for that heck she supported him until he debuted in EXO. He closed his eyes willing away the tears that were about to fall and took a deep breath.

“Congratulations, you deserve it”

She almost broke down when she heard him sound so sincere yet so sad at the same time. She steeled herself for what she was about to say scared of his response yet yearning to hear it as well.

“I asked you out not just to say that but to ask something else”, he looked back at her “I’m not going to tell you to wait for me because I don’t really have the right to not as a girlfriend or as a lover, but as a human being I’m selfish as well, I don’t want to stop all that we have so all I need to know is, that are you willing to wait for this selfish girl of yours to come back?”

6 years later

Once again Kai was sitting at the promised bench. He remembered how she smiled that smile he loved so much when he whispered in her ear “as long as my passion in dancing still pumps in my veins so will my love for you”. After sharing a sweet kiss(their first kiss together in fact), she left promising to meet him at the same bench on Christmas eve to spend Christmas together. He whistled a tune and admired the Christmas decorations. He left straight after his schedule ended. EXO has become so successful that they were lucky to get time off on Christmas eve. He already had dinner with his family after which he decided to leave for the meeting. He had lots of questions running through his mind. What if she found someone better? One that has the exact same dream as her? One that can spend more time with her? He let out an exasperated sigh, ruffling his hair out of frustration. He felt like it was their first meeting all over again, but instead of worrying about training he was worried her feelings. Throughout those six years he devoted his all towards his career and didn’t stray off into any relationship though Aera already said she didn't mind if he did go into a relationship and said that she is determined to win him back if he did of which he found amusing and adorable.

5 minutes

He waited and waited two hours passed and it was 5 minutes to Christmas. Maybe she did find somebody better he thought. He leaned back and let his head fall back looking up to the sky decorated with stars. He closed his eyes.

4 minutes

He could hear a pair of feet running and also wheels against the pavement. He opened his eyes and turned left. There she was running while dragging her suitcase behind her.

3 minutes

He stood up as she reached the bench panting.

2 minutes

He waited for her to catch her breath amused by her appearance. He felt touched knowing she didn't even went back home first to put her things down first and instead hurry here just so she could meet him as promised.

1 minute

After catching her breath, she smiled and took a step toward him. She grabbed his shirt.


She smashed their lips together. Six years of yearning, longing all went into that kiss. No words could describe how they felt as their lips moved in synchronize. She pulled back as her lungs were out of air, foreheads still touching.

“I love you jongin” she said, smiling till it reached her eyes.

“I love you too Aera” he replied, mirroring her smile.


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Chapter 1: Aww! So sweet! <3
NJsakura #2
Thank you so much for the positive response. For a first timer like me i really appreciate it!! <3
mmessouri #3
Awwwwwww <3
papapipame #4
Chapter 1: sweeeeeeeeettt ><