Of Mad hatters and Arachnophobias

The Spell Book
Sometimes, they say that it is not wise to shun the words of certain groups of people. 
One example being a certain wrinkled old lady with a pet spider in a dingy cramped bookstore at the corner of the street. 
Kyungsoo swore earlier that he wouldn't ever need to leave his seat during the play, but after that serious blunder of his, Kyungsoo found himself clambering over more than a dozen laps before sprinting out of the theatre. 
He leaned against the main doors are took deep shaky breaths. Oh my god, I nearly gave myself away!! Focus, you idiot, if Junmyeon ever finds out you're so going to die. Kyungsoo huffed at his fringe and forced down tears of frustration.  
The doorman peered at him curiously. "Are you alright, sir?" 
"Fine." He snapped, and immediately regretted it when his face sagged a few inches. 
"Is the play not to your taste, sir?" He asked in a somber voice. 
"It's really great, but..." 
"You don't seem like yourself, sir." The doorman blinked at him with a odd look, and walked away slowly. Kyungsoo was stunned. What?!?! 
"Guys you've been at it since afternoon", Luhan face palmed. 
"I haven't won once!!" Jongdae whined. Baekhyun cackled, and he earned a kick in the shin. 
Luhan picked Baekhyun up by the collar and lugged him over to the couch. Then he dragged Jongdae over to the couch with his sleeve, and plopped right between them, cutting off all body contact they have between each other. 
"We need to discuss something. This is regarding our dear friend who isn't here." Luhan shot them each a pointed glare, and turned an apologetic gaze at Yixing, who was sitting on Jongdae's and Luhan's beanbag chair with an amused expression. 
"So what about Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun yawned. "He's busy having fun at the play now. Hopefully he isn't gripping his seat again or behaving like the March Hare in Alice in Wonderland." 
"March Hare?" Yixing cocked his head at Baekhyun. 
Jongdae burst into laughter. "Please, he needs a Mad Hatter there to complete the scene." He gestured to himself proudly, and then pointed at Luhan with a wide grin. "He's the dormouse." 
"Then what's Baekhyun?" 
Luhan and Jongdae answered simultaneously, "Dodo bird" "Alice". Baekhyun shrieked and reached over to claw at his best friends while they fell about in laughter. 
"Well," Yixing muttered to himself. "Alice seems more suitable because the Dodo didn't even attend the tea party." 
"ANYWAY", Luhan shoved Baekhyun and Jongdae apart and cleared his throat loudly, "We need to discuss something." He repeated. 
"Soooo what about Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun yawned again. 
"The spell..." Luhan's forehead creased with worry. "I'm afraid it might not go away tomorrow morning." 
Jongdae blinked. "Well, then just continue to act until it goes away?" He suggested. 
"But what if it needs a trigger?" Luhan gasped. 
"Trigger?" His friends echoed in unison. 
"Like, you know, a spell breaker. The book didn't mention one, but for all we know there might be one..." 
Jongdae and Baekhyun exchanged a puzzled glance and heaved matching sighs. Yixing chewed on his knuckle, and Luhan stuck his face into a cushion. Seconds later, Jongin walked in and grinned brightly at everyone. 
He didn't receive much of a response, so he shrugged and went back to his room. 
The play was awesome in every way. From the acting to the characterisation to music to the vocals to the dancing to the props and even the ending (most plays have the most ridiculous endings ever). 
Kyungsoo was more than slightly buzzed at the end of it, and he and Joonmyun walked back to the car park in a daze. 
"That was so good..." Junmyeon murmured dreamily, and Kyungsoo nodded as well, grinning like a idiot. 
Junmyeon snapped his head towards him with a raised eyebrow. "You liked it, didn't you Yixing baby? I knew that this would change your mind about plays." 
Oh no oh no I can't sabotage Yixing hyung!! 
Kyungsoo stretched and yawned. "Naw, actually it was just alright. But since I went with you this time, you have to promise me you'll spare me for the next few times!!" 
Junmyeon opened his mouth to protest, but sighed instead. "Fine, you win, baby." 
He took Kyungsoo's hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly. "Thank you so much for coming, Yixing baby." 
Kyungsoo blushed - what? I'm just a great actor!! - and Junmyeon leaned in to kiss his cheek. 
"You're the best date I could ever have." 
Oh right, now I'm feeling more than a little flattered. Kyungsoo chuckled nervously and slipped an arm around Junmyeon, feeling slightly perturbed at the way his heart quickened its pace. 
Junmyeon led him over to the waiting limousine and opened the door for him, climbing in after him. The vehicle pulled out of the car park and headed back towards the university dorms. 
Junmyeon leaned his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "Yixing ah, should we...?" 
A very uneasy feeling enveloped Kyungsoo as Junmyeon slipped his hand under his shirt. This is not good, not good at all... 
Kyungsoo didn't like the way he reacted to Junmyeon's touch. Junmyeon was touching Yixing hyung, not him. Well, technically now he was Yixing hyung but the touches were meant for Yixing hyung to enjoy and not him... 
Kyungsoo removed Junmyeon's hand and held it instead, smiling bashfully. "Junnie, let's rest, I'm tired..." 
Junmyeon pouted, but didn't protest, leaning his head back down and closing his eyes. 
Kyungsoo heaved an inward sigh of relief and snuggled back onto the cushions. Now can't wait for the day to be over... 
Yixing groaned as he felt the bed dip and a long finger jab mercilessly at his sides. 
"Yixing hyung!! Yixing hyung wake up!" He yelled at himself. 
Wait, he yelled at himself?! 
Yixing's eyes flew open and he blinked sleepily, eyes focusing on his very own face. 
That only meant that... 
"Yixing hyung!!" Kyungsoo's voice was laced with desperation. "We haven't switched back to our own bodies yet!! Like, oh my god. What are going to do?" 
"Well, we had this conversation yesterday." 
Luhan had gathered all five of them into his bedroom that morning. Thank goodness it was Saturday, so that meant they didn't have school. 
Kyungsoo's face was almost purple with anxiety. "Converse about what?!" He shrieked. 
"About mad hatters and march hares." Jongdae offered silently, and Baekhyun tugged at his ear playfully with an exasperated groan. 
"About the spell not correcting itself like it's supposed to." Yixing sighed.  
Kyungsoo froze. "But... Was it supposed to?" 
No one had any answer to that question, and they could only look at each other helplessly, until... 
"We have one hope." Luhan murmured dejectedly. Everyone turned to stare at him with wide eyes. 
"The witch," Luhan shrugged, watching as his friends' eyeballs bulge out of their sockets. "Well, she did say that she would see us again, didn't she..." 
"What witch?" Yixing squeaked, and turned to Kyungsoo. "You mean your aunt that dabbles with magic?" 
Baekhyun sneezed. 
Jongdae knew that it was rather mean of them to not tell Yixing what on earth was going on before dragging him with them out of the school towards the old bookstore at the street corner in the middle of the morning.  
He had called Junmyeon up and told him that they were borrowing his boyfriend for a while and will be back for lunch. Thankfully, Jongdae had some special (unmentionable) relations with Junmyeon so he was able to convince Junmyeon that Yixing is very safe in their hands. 
Baekhyun was having second thoughts about coming with them now, because he was clinging onto Jongdae and positively trembling all over and his sneezing fits were returning.  
"You should've just stayed behind instead of coming along and covering me with your snot." Jongdae complained, when Baekhyun wasn't fast enough to whip out a tissue for his next sneeze, opting to use Jongdae's shirt sleeve instead. 
"You know I can't help it... Achoo!!" Baekhyun sniffled into his shirt sadly. 
As they passed the swirly shop, Luhan stopped abruptly, turning to stare pointedly at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo sighed, remembering the promise he made to his friends about treating them swirlys, and went in to order five swirlys. 
Sometimes Luhan's glares can get a little too scary. 
Baekhyun's sneezing improved a little after the swirly, and Jongdae was mildly relieved. But they relapsed again the moment the shop came into sight. Jongdae sighed and stuffed a thick wad of serviettes from the swirly shop up Baekhyun's nose, turning to Kyungsoo. 
"I suggest that one of us wait outside here with Baekhyun because I don't think there is a need for all of us to enter. I volunteer," he quipped before Luhan could say anything, and he gripped onto Baekhyun's shirt. 
"I'm willing to sacrifice my shirt and the interesting talk by the witchy lady!! How saintly is that." Jongdae puffed out his chest with pride, and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, grabbing Luhan and Yixing and marching decidedly into the shop. 
Baekhyun clutched Jongdae in gratitude. "Thank you Jongdae yah I love you!!!!!"  
"Save that love confession for Chanyeol." Jongdae pulled Baekhyun towards a bench near the bookstore, pretending not to notice how red Baekhyun's ears turned at the mention of his dorm mate biggest crush in the whole world. 
"Why, welcome my dears!!" 
Kyungsoo felt goosebumps prick all over his skin as the familiar voice rang from the back of the store. "I've been expecting you!!" 
Yixing threw him a horrified glance and shook his head wildly when Kyungsoo tried to tug him further into the shop. "I'm not g-g-going in!!" He whimpered in fright. 
Kyungsoo noticed a movement above his head, and he took a deep breath, hoping Yixing would not see the arachnid because he just remembered that YIXING HATED SPIDERS. 
"Yixing, don't turn around. Don't do it" he instructed, yanking the taller boy deeper into the shop with the help of Luhan. 
"Why??" He croaked, and turned around. Luhan and Kyungsoo face palmed simultaneously. 
Yixing stopped dead in his tracks. Luhan and Kyungsoo held their breaths in fear. A very strange greenish hue spread along Yixing's face as he turned back to gawk at them.  
Kyungsoo thought he looked like Ron Weasely in Harry Potter during their spidery encounter in the woods. 
Yixing opened his mouth to release the loudest, most high-pitched wail they could ever imagine coming from someone gentle and sweet and calm like Yixing.  
Congrats to EXO for winning the weekly idol award!! (umm even though the way they won it was like... through the climbing stairs game?)
 (for the sake of the vocal line + Yixing, the characters in this chappie xD)
Hehe :D watch it!! its so funny xD
And of course congrats to dear EXO's completion of Xmas Wonderland!!! :D


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Chapter 18: This story is super cuteeeeeee~~I really wonder whats gonna happen to Baekhyun
ZaulieIZzy #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!
sekaifanatic #3
Chapter 18: Chapter 18:too much omg I think my ribs are about to break from all the laughing and that "overdose" line at the end jst perfect.please update soon
sekaifanatic #4
Chapter 15: Chapter 15:OMG I'm dying that was hilarious
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #5
Chapter 18: Omg lol poor Baekhyunnie
DalzRamli #6
Chapter 18: Oh, please update it soon author-nim!! I'm extremely excited^^
eLquinox #7
Chapter 18: OMG ByunBaek seriously? ><
I'll take this chappie as a bd present for me~ ^^

Get well soon author nim ^^
Chapter 18: Noooo Luhannnnnn!! Someone call the doctor LOL! Okay, it can't be that bad..right? Or maybe it is~ things aren't going to work as planned haha! but it should be funny ^^ I liked the bonus chappies btw ^^ too bad their boyfriends couldn't see them as a girl..umm hybrid.. xD
theWanderlust #9
Chapter 18: have fun author-nim!!take your time..and pls write more sulay when you come back..hihi
Chapter 14: Omg, i almost miss this story.. sooo cute chenris!! I can only smile reading all this, and luv all those chingus interaction,their skinship and so on ^^