Of Music lessons and Dance classes

The Spell Book


Sometimes, they say that what you don't know won't hurt you. 
But it would definitely hurt if you throw yourself into an oncoming vehicle, if you stab yourself with a ballpoint pen, or in this case, if you attend an advanced dance module with no dance skills whatsoever.
For a terrifying moment, Kyungsoo thought he was about to witness his worse nightmare.
But thankfully, Yixing's dance class didn't start until 10AM so he could sleep in. And, thankfully, he could reject Junmyeon's ominous offer of a shower together.
He didn't get to sleep in, though. The very second Junmyeon stepped into the shower and closed the door, Kyungsoo burst in. Oops, he meant Yixing, in Kyungsoo's body.
"Kyungsoo!!" He shouted, collapsing on the bed, his eyes rolling about wildly. Kyungsoo thought it was weird staring at his own face. Since when were his eyes that huge anyway? And it was weirder hearing his own name being called out with his own voice. 
"Yixing hyung!! It worked!!" Kyungsoo grinned at him.
There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other, and then Yixing leapt forward and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Kyungsoo felt all the wind knocked out from his body, and he gasped for air.
"I don't have to go for the play!! Oh my god!" Yixing squealed.
"Yeah!!" Kyungsoo stilled for a moment, trying to orientate his swirling thoughts. Then he reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his - wait, Yixing's - phone. Yixing stared at it for a moment, and then got off the bed.
"I'll get you your phone." He hurried out of the room.
When he returned, Kyungsoo flipped open his phone cover and hurriedly dialled Jongdae's number. He answered at the first ring.
"Hello, Soo-ah?"
"Jongdae hyung!!"
"... Yixing hyung? Why are you calling me hyung?"
"Noooooooo I'm Kyungsoo!"
There was a pause, and an loud gasp. "Oh heavens." There was some scuffling sounds, and a very loud "Luhan hyuuuuuung!!" And then Luhan's loud panting voice joined into the conversation, probably now on loudspeaker mode.
"Kyungsoo? It worked?!" He shrieked into the phone, and Kyungsoo had to hold it away from his ear. Yixing, now sitting beside him, chuckled.
"Yeah, it did!!" Kyungsoo yelled back. "This is Kyungsoo by the way."
"You sound like Yixing." Luhan remarked in a matter-of-fact tone.
"I am Yixing." Kyungsoo replied without much thought.
"You said you were Kyungsoo!!" Luhan's voice rose an octave, and Yixing fell off the bed with laughter.
Kyungsoo face-palmed. "I am Kyungsoo dammit!! But I'm in Yixing's body so it's natural that I sound like him!!"
"Oh." Came Luhan's reply. Kyungsoo could hear Jongdae gasping in the background. "Now what's wrong with him?" He asked with a sigh.
"One of his laughing fits again, don't bother him. Hey, I'll hang up now and we'll come over, okay? We'll grab Baekhyun along the way."
"Right. See you, hyung." Kyungsoo hung up and peered over the bed to look at Yixing, who was still rolling on the ground, shoulders shaking with laughter. Since when did he look so weird when he was cracking up? Kyungsoo made a mental note to close his mouth when he was laughing next time because Yixing currently looked like Yoona noona's alligator laugh gone wrong.
"I am not going to school today." Kyungsoo declared. 
Baekhyun, Luhan and Jongdae gaped incredulously at him. "Why not?"
Kyungsoo raked a hand through his hair, messing it up. "I can't dance."
Yixing grabbed his upper arm and shook his head violently. "You must go, Kyungsoo!!"
"Pfft." Baekhyun stifled his laughter while Jongdae grinned, biting into his knuckle subconsciously. It was just so odd watching Kyungsoo being called Yixing and vice versa.
"Why must I?" Kyungsoo asked.
Yixing reached over and poked his dimple. "I want a blemish-free attendance record." When Kyungsoo rolled his eyes (in a horribly un-Yixing-like manner), Yixing chuckled and swatted at him playfully. "I was kidding. Today a famous dancer instructor is coming to visit us. I NEED to get a picture and an autograph. Therefore you must go."
Kyungsoo moaned pitifully. Jongdae poked his toe into Yixing's back casually, out of habit. "Actually..-." Yixing turned to stare at him in surprise, and Jongdae blushed madly. "-Ohh shoot, sorry hyung, I forgot you weren't Kyungsoo."
Baekhyun smacked Luhan's thigh and roared with laughter, and Luhan glared at him angrily.
Kyungsoo twisted his back to face Jongdae. "Here, poke it if you want."
"Masochist", he muttered, and ignored his back, instead turning to Yixing. "Umm, you can come with us to the music block, hyung." 
"Our classes starts at 9AM, and it's 8:45 now, we ought to go soon!!" Luhan added.
Yixing nodded and got up from the couch, and waved to Kyungsoo cheerfully. "Don't forget to go to class later, Kyungsoo!!"
"Yixing hyuuuuung...." Kyungsoo whined. 
Suddenly Junmyeon appeared at the front door, waving at the singers as they left the dorm. He turned to eye Kyungsoo curiously. "I left a file behind", he murmured, still walking towards him. "And, did you just yell out Yixing hyung?"
Kyungsoo wanted the couch to swallow him up, like NOW. He managed an awkward grin. "Uhh..."
Junmyeon shook his head with a warm smile, his eyes small and crinkly. "It's okay Yixing-baby." He strode over and planted a chaste kiss on his lips. "I'll go grab my file and I'll head to class, okay?" His voice rose at the end in a slightly endearing lilt as he ruffled Kyungsoo's hair.
Kyungsoo felt goosebumps pop out all over his arms. Ooh gross.
After he heard the front door shut, he leaned back and closed his eyes. Okay Kyungsoo, just one day of enduring Junmyeon's touchiness and then you're free. Get it? So pull your act together and face this like a man!!
He did a fist pump to himself, and smiled confidently. I can do this!!
Then he remembered the dance module. Oh shucks...
Jongdae and Baekhyun were sitting alongside Yixing, diligently taking down notes during the music history lesson. Yixing clutched his pen in his pockets and his fingernails dug into the chair in self-restraint.
I want to take down noteeeees....
Baekhyun had instructed Yixing not to take down any notes, because Kyungsoo didn't bother to anyway, and in order to put up a believable act, he had to listen to their tips.
"Don't worry", Baekhyun had whispered to him, "we will share our notes with that idiot like we always do."
Jongdae grunted. "At least you won't have to write anything because your handwriting would probably be different..."
Yixing froze. Did the professor just call me?
"Can you come over here and write down the publishing dates of the following songs?"
Oh . Yixing's eyes darted quickly to Jongdae and Baekhyun, who flanked him left and right. Jongdae began to mumble a string a numbers that were too fast for Yixing to catch, and Baekhyun opted for a better alternative, grabbing his hand and scribbling the answers onto it with an ink pen.
"Okay go." He gave Yixing's back a nudge.
Yixing looked down at his hand and realised everything was smudging. He sighed heavily and trudged down to the front of the lecture theatre.
"Well..." Yixing drawled in his best Kyungsoo accent. The professor watched him with hawk-like eyes. "I didn't study." He concluded, and turned to face her with a smug smile.
The professor's face blossomed into an angry red as she grabbed onto Yixing's ear harshly. "You think you're so smart huh Do Kyungsoo? This happened the previous time too!! The next time this happens I'm going to give you detention classes!!"
Ouch. Poor Kyungsoo, Yixing thought. 
When he returned to his seat, Baekhyun and Jongdae were doubling over with silent laughter. 
"You totally rocked that stage, dude." Baekhyun gasped. Jongdae couldn't speak, he was too busy trying to breathe. 
Yixing grinned. Being delinquent Kyungsoo is actually kind of fun... As long as he didn't have to follow-up on his actions.
Oh, this is a bad bad baaaaad idea... 
Kyungsoo sat on the ground in the dance studio beside Yixing's best friends, Jongin, Sehun and Minseok. Kyungsoo knew Jongin because he was Luhan's and Jongdae's dorm mate, and they have met several times, and that Sehun was Luhan's boyfriend but they never really met. But Minseok... He totally had no clue that he even existed.
"Pshht", Sehun nudged him with a wide grin. "Yixing hyung, you're completely excited right? He's your idol!!" The whole lot of dance majors, from year 1 to year 4, were gathered in the large dance studio. There were 200-odd of them, and Kyungsoo was beginning to feel dizzy with claustrophobia. 
Kyungsoo grinned nervously. "Yeah, absolutely."
The others didn't seem bothered with the squeeze, so he assumed this must have happened many times. But with Sehun's gangly elbow in his ribs, Minseok's chubby cheek half on his shoulder, and Jongin's knobbly knees poking into his back, Kyungsoo didn't feel comfortable. At all.
Loud cheers erupting from the students signalled that the famous instructor had arrived. Kyungsoo craned his neck to see above the waving arms, and it was just some American dude with a bald head, sinewy limbs and a thick beard. Kind of a weird combination, and not very cheer-worthy. The man introduced himself as Mr. Dutch, and he launched into a long speech about his career... In English.
Everyone nodded along happily, even though Kyungsoo bet that they couldn't understand half of what he was saying. Oh god this is boring... 
Suddenly he felt Sehun's elbow jab into his hard. "Oww!!" Kyungsoo squeaked, glaring at him. Sehun tilted his head eagerly towards the instructor. "He's looking for volunteers to have a dance battle with him!!"
Kyungsoo froze. Oh, noooooo.....
"C'mon Yixing, you've been going on and on about him all week. Now's your chance to meet him personally!!" Minseok quipped with a grin.
Kyungsoo broke into a sweat, as Jongin grabbed his arm and started to wave it in the air.
"Oh, we have a volunteer!" Mr Dutch looked straight at him with an almost sinister smile, and Kyungsoo just wanted to faint on the spot.
"Uhh..." His words died in his throat as Minseok and Sehun pulled him up to his feet.
"Hyung! Don't be such a bundle of nerves, and just go own the stage!" Sehun whispered with a cheeky grin, and Kyungsoo felt shivers run down his spine.
Oh, he would choose showering with Junmyeon over this, hands down.
When Kyungsoo was finally face to face with Mr Dutch, he was positively shrivelling up inside, he tried not to let his face show any fear, though, and he grinned happily at the dance instructor.
"Do some warm ups first," he reminded Kyungsoo. Warm ups were easy enough, he had seen Yixing hyung do that many times in the living room of their dorm. He flexed his arms and legs, and marvelled at the way his body bent so easily like a rubber band.
"Are you ready?" Mr Dutch glanced at him with a smile before taking his position. Kyungsoo wanted to shriek and run out of the room but somehow his feet couldn't move. He nodded wordlessly.
Mr Dutch began first. He swooped to his right in a single fluid motion, throwing in a full body wave and a foot twist and a hand ripple at the same time. There were cheers from the crowd, and then silence. Kyungsoo gaped, and he knew that it was his turn.
Oh, no.....
He twisted his body in a full circle and attempted a crouch but ended up looking like an uncle squatting by the roadside. He heard the audience roar with laughter, and he needed to do something NOW before he loses all of Yixing's reputation...
"Argh!!" He sat back on his heels, grabbing his ankle. There was a audible gasp from the crowd, and the instructor quickly hurried to him. "Are you alright, Yixing?" He asked worriedly.
Kyungsoo pretended to wince and massage his foot. "I... I think I didn't warm up enough, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, you were brave enough to step up and try." Mr Dutch hugged his shoulder comfortingly. "How about an autograph and a picture for your effort?"
Kyungsoo sighed in relief. Thank goodness he could at least get what Yixing wanted, albeit making him lose some face. Anyway, he thought, Yixing hyung could be going about losing my face as well. So we're even.
He smiled and let himself be pulled up by Mr Dutch.
A/N: yay update :) Yixing is totally enjoying himself, meanwhile poor Kyungsoo... xD
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Chapter 18: This story is super cuteeeeeee~~I really wonder whats gonna happen to Baekhyun
ZaulieIZzy #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!
sekaifanatic #3
Chapter 18: Chapter 18:too much omg I think my ribs are about to break from all the laughing and that "overdose" line at the end jst perfect.please update soon
sekaifanatic #4
Chapter 15: Chapter 15:OMG I'm dying that was hilarious
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #5
Chapter 18: Omg lol poor Baekhyunnie
DalzRamli #6
Chapter 18: Oh, please update it soon author-nim!! I'm extremely excited^^
eLquinox #7
Chapter 18: OMG ByunBaek seriously? ><
I'll take this chappie as a bd present for me~ ^^

Get well soon author nim ^^
Chapter 18: Noooo Luhannnnnn!! Someone call the doctor LOL! Okay, it can't be that bad..right? Or maybe it is~ things aren't going to work as planned haha! but it should be funny ^^ I liked the bonus chappies btw ^^ too bad their boyfriends couldn't see them as a girl..umm hybrid.. xD
theWanderlust #9
Chapter 18: have fun author-nim!!take your time..and pls write more sulay when you come back..hihi
Chapter 14: Omg, i almost miss this story.. sooo cute chenris!! I can only smile reading all this, and luv all those chingus interaction,their skinship and so on ^^