4 ⇾ Fatty

Rivalry at it's Best --discontinued (read chapter 7)--

"It was also many years ago ..." 

Sehun almost wanted to laugh at how childish Kris' anticipating face was but decided to continue anyway. 

Five years ago...

Sehun was alone for lunch again. He ignored the ghostly noises the boys behind him were making, trying to concentrate on his lousy sandwich. 

"Hey, did you hear? Some of the girls were saying there's some sort of creep hiding in the ladies toilets! They think it could be a ghost!" 

The voice was obnoxiously loud and belonged to Kim Sungwi. Sehun's ears reddened as he shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. He knew he should've been used to the teasing by now but he couldn't help but get unnerved every time the subjet of ghosts was brought up. 

"Yah! Thehun! You wouldn't happen to know about that, right?" the voice continued in a sly tone. Sehun hated that name. Thehun. 

"I don't know anything about it" he was proud of his uncaring voice. It came out better than expected, which was saying a lot since all his practices with the mirror at home had failed. Which unfortunately baited Sungwi to pop up beside him with a wet grin. Ew. 

"Really? You sure about that?" he drawled out in a way a child should not have known how to do. 

"Yes," Sehun took a bite out of his sandwich but that didn't stop Sungwi from talking. Nothing would. 

"Hey, you guys!" he called out to his watching audience from behind. "He thaid he thoesn't know anything about it!" a rupture of giggles followed. 

"Want to know what I think?"


"I think that you're the creep whose been hiding in the girls toilets!" Sungwi announced, causing another round of giggles, whispers and whines. "'Cause he thinks he'll see another ghost! And then maybe it won't just be a stupid boy!" 

"Shut up!" Sehun's voice shook. "I didn't hide in the girls toilets!"

"Want to know what I think?"


"I think you're lying! Because you don't want people to know that you like peeping at girls!" this time there was a collection of gasps and squeals, mostly from the girls who were already shaking their heads. "And you like looking at Ms. Park's !" 

"No I don't!" Sehun put down his sandwich and glared at the ferret-like boy next to him. 

"No I don't!" Sungwi squealed, his face pulled into an ugly smile. "I've been looking at Ms. Ahn's instead because she has nicer legs!"

"I don't like legs!" the younger boy protested, his sandwich falling to the floor. He didn't care, he wasn't hungry anymore. 

"Oh! Maybe he doesn't like ladies legs! Maybe he likes guys! Homo!" ferret boy had brought in a bigger crowd with just that word. "Guys! Watch out, maybe he'll try to grab your balls next! Maybe he'll find a ghost in your pants!" 

Sehun scowled. Really, this boy was ridiculous. From ghosts, to toilets, to ladies, to legs and then back to legs and now he was raising the homo-alert flag. 

"You can't grab what you don't have," he huffed, standing up. There was a small 'ooh' and Sungwi's face morphed to Ugly Level 2. 

"You want to know what I think?" Sungwi sneered, the edge to his tone sharpening. "I think-

"I don't give a about what you think," Sehun snapped. Another 'oooh', this time more prolonged and heightened. Thehun had just cussed out the ferret bully. A first. And possibly a last. 

"You sorry bi-

Ferret never got to finish his sentence. No one blamed him, if you were knocked out by a hefty fist that belonged to Huang Zi Tao who wore a black belt, you couldn't do anything. The crowd scattered, a few going off to tattle but most not wanting to get into the heat. 

"Come on," the raven haired boy pulled Sehun away quickly and together they ducked behind the canteen walls. 

"I'm not saying thank you," Sehun informed the panda boy. Never in a million years. It was all his fault too. 

"That was close," Tao breathed out a sigh of relief, almost as if he didn't hear the other boy.

Sehun sunk down and rested his chin on his knees. 

The event had happened too quickly, like a row of collapsing dominos. One moment Sehun was being bullied and the next Tao had jumped into the fight even though it was none of his business. Well, ok, it was part of his business since he was Sehun's acclaimed ghost from 'True Korean Ghost Tales'. 

"I'm not saying thank you," Sehun repeated.

"I didn't punch him for you," Tao mumbled. "I hate him too, y'know"

"I don't know," Sehun refused to believe they shared a hatred for the same bully. "You can go away now"

"Are you kidding? If I go now, they'll catch me"

"They'll catch you later anyway"

"No, later they won't remember me"

"Yeah they will: the kid with the weird panda eyes punched another kid"

"How about that kid with a for a head?" 

Sehun squinted. "You're too young to use that word"

"You're too young to have a for a head"

"Shut up, stop swearing, it's not funny!"

"Fine. And my eyes don't look anything like a pandas'"

"Yes they do"

"Do not"

"Do to"

"Stop it!"

"You stop! Anyway, what's wrong with panda eyes? I think dickhead sounds worse!"

"Panda eyes are weak. Pandas are freakin' weak!"

"They eat bamboo! Do you know anyone who can eat bamboo?"

"They're weak. It's all weak!" 

"Stop hurting their feelings, stupid!"

"You're stupid for thinking they have feelings!"

"You're stupid for thinking that they don't!"

"You're stupid because- because-

"You're stupid because you can't finish your sentence!" 

"You're both coming to the office with me"

"What?" the two boys said simultaneously. 

"You're not a teacher," Sehun said indignantly. 

"I didn't say that," Tao held up his hands.

The two didn't notice the shadow that belonged to a thunder-faced Mr. Il. 


"I did," the supervisor glared down at the two boys. "And you're both coming to the office with me" his bony hands shot out but the boys had already disappeared into the crowd that was heading for class. He sighed. No matter, he'd already memorized their snotty faces. 

"You're stupid for getting us caught!" Tao called out as they separated into their own respective classes.

"You're stupid for hating on pandas," Sehun muttered to himself as he joined his classmates. "Stupid" 


"That was boring. And you overused the word 'stupid'. Why couldn't you just say 'dumb'?" Kris groaned, crumpling up the now empty chip packet in his hands. 

"You're dumb," Sehun lightly bopped his friend on the head with a fist. "We were kids"

"Yeah, but I still don't get how you can call that a story. Or a reason to hate him"

"It's like you don't even know me, best friend," Sehun whined. "Don't you know?"


"I freakin' love pandas!" the younger exploded. "I love them so freakin' much, did you not observe my panda sheets with my matching panda pillows and the freakin' panda wallpaper!"

"Oh yeah, the walls with the pictures of baby pandas wrestling, right?" Sehun could almost see Kris' lightbulb blinking. 


"Ohh. Still. So what? I bet lots of people hate pandas!" 

"Lots of people I don't know and don't care about"

"So you care about Zi Tao?"

"No! Shut up! No! Just pandas," Sehun hissed, rubbing his wrist like he had just been burned. "Pandas," he repeated, his face melting into a dreamy expression. "The loves of my life"

"I thought the love of your life was Im Yoona?"

"Pandas, then Im Yoona, stupid," Sehun got to his feet and stretched, making his usual animal noises before letting his arms drop to his side. 

"Yeah, I think we should go now," Kris stood with him, handing him his blazer. "Time"

"Mmhm," the blonde nodded. Lunch was almost over and on the soccer field, the players were already beginning to jog in. Out where they were, hardly anyone passed by. And that's how it was everyday. And how it should've been today. Glancing behind him, he realized there was another student who had just come out of the changing rooms.

Changing rooms were connected to the shelter close to where Sehun and Kris were. It was usually normal to see students filing out of the changing room's side doors, those who had just finished sports club used those doors as it was closer to the sports facilities and right behind the school's side entrance. So it was strange to see a completely well-dressed student with no signs of excess water on him, just coming out of the changing rooms. With a school uniform bundled in hand. Plus, it was lunch time and the last he checked, the soccer players had just started to head back, he hadn't seen any of them enter the rooms from the other side yet. 

"Should have brought a bag, huh?" Sehun called out to the boy. The boy's shoulders jerked up in shock, legs poised to run but when he realized it was just another student, he relaxed and pivoted to face him. 

"Yeah, guess that would've been more convienent," he chuckled, clutching the bundle tightly. 

"So ... did you just happen to bring two sets of your uniform to school or what?" Sehun closed the gap between the two of them. Up close, the boy looked nothing like the sporty type. Yes, never judge a book by it's cover but Sehun knew this guy had no muscle. Just fat. Lots of it. Suspicion began to settle in like a the pain from a bee sting. 

"Ye-es," the boy stretched out the word as if it were a matter of fact. "Is that weird?"

"Very," Sehun agreed, inching closer. "Can I have a good look at that?" 

"At my uniform? Why?" he held the uniform closer to his broad chest. One of the sleeves dangled but he quickly scooped it up into his arms. 

Too late Uncle Blubbs. That uniform is way to small to be yours. You can barely

"I don't mean to offend anyone but is your mom blind?" 

"Um, no," fat kid replied, obviously offended.

"Well, then. Maybe she just didn't notice that that uniform is about XXXXX times too small for you"

Then he was on his feet, chasing some fat kid who had supposedly stolen a school uniform that supposedly belonged to a certain panda boy he knew. Fatties can't run. Not away and absolutely not from Oh Sehun who is famous for having broken his school's record for fastest powerwalker ever. That and the ghost incident he could never live down. 

As predicted, fatty couldn't run very fast but as not predicted; Sehun was utterly disturbed by how one's fat concealed under a flapping uniform  could wobble so disgustingly. Somewhere from behind, he could hear Kris yelling, probably to come back before classes started. 

Pretty soon with Sehun lagging behind a little, they reached a busy road that he always passed by in the morning on his way to school. Ok, so maybe fatty wasn't as bad a runner as he had thought. Or maybe he had just been too distracted by his fat. 

"I've got you!" he was barely panting and clearly triumphant. This seemed to set a scowl on fat kid's face. 

"No, you don't" 

And with hoarse scream, he disappeared from view, Uncle Cheeso's chin grin blocking out his own blobby one. 

"," was all Sehun could manage as he stared open-mouthed. He should've been used to all the 'fast turn of events' due to his own experience but nothing could have prepared him for that. 



Author's Note:

So it's messed up, but it's not done, I'm predicting that the thief won't be found until chapter six. And you'll be plenty shot dead by my nonsense by then<---does that make sense? 

Also, I'll definitely post up another update sometime during this month so please wait and look forward to it~

Thank you to aoiPunchamiie00zenyuki & budakc for subscribing to this story! I thank all my subscribers for continuing to support my story!



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Chapter 7: Omg! This story is awesome! Hopefully you'll update this someday or in the future! I really dont mind waiting:)
Anyways goodluck with your studying! You can do it!
Chapter 7: Awwww man I really love this! :( but thanks for the laughs so far. Hope you'll do well in school! Study because it would be worth it for the future!! I will wait even though you might not update again. I love this either way so I'll wait :D
lemon-deulop #3
Chapter 6: Eyha, this is so lovely, so-so lovely.
I want more~ Please update soon, okay.
JulienJade03 #4
Chapter 6: Wufan's reaction was daebakk! It was hilarious x)
I mean, he was so shocked when Sehun confessed. It made my day :)

P.S I always read the most shipped OTPs such as HunHan, TaoRis and all... (ChanBaek,KaiSoo,XiuChen and SuLay). So, this serves as my first. TaoHun is really being naughty by destroying my Top OTP List. ;))
faraaaaaahemilia #5
Chapter 6: Omg. Say what, Sehun? Hahahahha. This is so asdfghjkl ;A;
Chapter 6: Miow what happen next. ohoho can't wait to know. >< I love it <3
Chapter 6: Oh my lord the ending was just hilarious! I thought you were going to continue with "not even..." and won't even tell the secret something sehun wanted to say. But you did tell us in the most hilarious ways and oh god! You gurl are wonderful! Still laughing like an idiot and I should start on my work that's due tomorrow! :/ But hope you'll update soon! Coincidence: I just crossed my heart and hoped to die today because my friend wouldn't believe me! Things sometimes are scary... <3 Love it! Thanks for the update btw.
Chapter 6: mwo??what?? haha, kris shocked face...
can't wait for the next chapter...