2 ⇾ Tao & Insects?

Rivalry at it's Best --discontinued (read chapter 7)--


"I can't believe I'm doing this. With you. Crazy" 

Sehun and Kris - who was reluctantly trailing behind the younger - were trudging through the thick forest grounds with slow and heavy footsteps. They had been loitering around, being careful not to stray too far from where the road could be seen. For what? For the revenge plan of course. 

"You're doing the easy part, remember?" Sehun reminded him. 

"If I'm doing the easy part, why am I here?" 

"We're sharing this easy part together. You can do your easy part later"

"What's your difficult part?"

"Putting the whole thing together, duh. And I have to make sure it works- that's why I have you"

Kris sniffed and peered down at a group of beetles clamber around his feet as if they were crawling on royalty. He wanted to get away quickly, not because he was afraid, but he had always hated ugly things. No matter how many times people told him it was rude and unfair or that it was discriminating, he didn't care. Ugly things were ugly and he hated ugly things. Particularly himself. Not his princely face of course, just his inner Kris. And maybe everything else that was 'inner'.  

Unfortunately for him, Sehun stopped right at the group of beetles. 

"I heard he hates bugs. Sohee told me that once, they were handling grasshoppers for biology class and he freaked. Turned really white and ran out, probably pissed his pants," Sehun knelt down to inspect the beetles. He wasn't a big fan of insects himself, but they didn't bother him much. Espcially not when they held a special purpose.

"Where you going to put it?" Kris wondered, scuffing off a sneaky beetle with the toe of his shoe. 

"Right before his club ends. All the wushu students take showers in the A Block, first floor since it's closer to the basketball court. I'll just sneak in and when he gets the water on, I'll drop them in. When the water hits them, they flip like crazy and jump miles!" Sehun shivered, recalling a similar incident from his younger days which he was sure Tao was responsible for. 

"Wow, that's great. Now can we go?" Kris stomped about, sticks grazing his ankles. The beetles didn't scuttle away. Ugh, stupid. 

"Not yet, we haven't caught them, silly. Here, pass me your bag," Sehun held out his hands, eyes focused on the innocent insects. 

"You want to use my bag to put them in?"

"No-o. I put a plastic bag in there"

"Oh. Why'd you do that?"

"To catch the beetles, stupid"

"I know, but why not in your bag?"

"I didn't bring my bag!"

"Well, why didn't you?"

"Just give me the damn bag, Yifan," Sehun snapped, using the other's proper Chinese name. 

"Ok, ok," Kris grumbled, rifling through his bag. At the bottom of the bag his fingers snagged the object in question and waved it at Sehun. "Here, here"

Sehun took it wordlessly and crouched, eyes doing their unnecessary-squinting-thing. 

"Why do I need to be the one to make friends with Tao, may I just ask?"

"You're asking now? When I'm busy trying to catch beetles for my revenge plan?"

"Just asking"

"Chinese!" Sehun yelled as he scooped three in one neat swoop. They tumbled awkwardly into the bag and Sehun turned to face Kris. "Chinese people always mingle. They always find each other and talk to each other in Chinese to feel more comfortable. Like E.T between aliens, there's a 'Chinese connection'"

"Nonsense," Kris mumbled, eying the bag. One of the shadows was struggling against Sehun's fingers squeezing the bag. "You're pretty good at catching beetles"

"I know," Sehun proudly raised his head. "They're not as fast as grasshoppers so they're an easy meal"

"Um. Your easy 'meal' is getting away," Kris scrunched up his face and stepped away from Sehun, wincing as he heard the crunch of another beetle under his boots. Ew. He gingerly stepped away and tried not to think about it as the younger boy flicked the beetle back inside the bag. 

"Let's go, we're finished here," Sehun cheered, walking ahead. "Come on, it's your turn to do something now!"

"Yay," Kris muttered. "I can't wait" 

- -


Tao didn't look up in surprise. He didn't look up at all. Instead, his earphones were plugged in and his eyes gazed intently at some novel he was reading. 

Likes Chinese romance novels. Kris mentally noted. Tao turned the page. Make that: really hot Chinese romance novels. He tried to turn his head in an angle where he could check if the boy had a or not (since that'd be pretty embarrassing and Kris was truly curious to know). Nope. Nothing. This guy is good. Maybe he reads as a hobby. A closet ert? Nah, he wasn't a closet ert since he never really spoke to people enough to hide his personal likes, Kris realized. Maybe he wants to be a writer. Or a e. 

"Hey," Kris repeated loudly, nudging the Tao gently when the edge of his tray. The panda-eyed boy set down his phone and pulled away his earphones. 

"Can I ... sit here?" Kris asked nervously. Tao raised an eyebrow as if to indicate 'why would you be as stupid as to do such a thing?'. Then after a good twenty seconds he shrugged and went back to his phone. 

Kris slid his way across and set his tray of food down. 

"Soo ..." he glanced sideways, noting the way the boy had considerately taken down his earphones. Dark, glassy eyes flickered. 

"You like , huh?" he almost wanted to slap himself, the way Tao was looking at him could make any person crumble in humiliation. "I mean, it's cool. I read too. Not the words though, pictures. I mean ... jeez. Why are you looking at me like that?" 

Kris was beginning to get peeved, Tao was staring like he was some e (which he was not). 

"Everyone reads . Well, not everyone, but a lot of guys do," Kris rambled. "In fact, research shows that-

"Why are you telling me this?" a solid voice interrupts. 

Kris mentally face-palmed himself. Yes, Kris. Why are you telling him this? Why are you telling this boy whom you've never seen before about ?

"I want to be friends," he offered, stretching his lips into a friendly smile. 

"That's a strange way to make friends," Tao commented, fingers curling around his pearl tea. Kris pursed his lips. 

"Yes. And now as your new friend, I recommend that you don't eat that. Those black pearls can give you cancer"

"Oh, do they?"


"Thank you for telling me that ... friend," the glossy black eyes disappeared under dark cresents. 

"No problem ... friend," Kris returned with a charming, toothy smile.

- - 

Sweat dripped down Sehun's chin. Where the hell is that stupid ? He should be here by now. He let out a breathy sigh and wiped his sticky forehead. Ridiculous. In his hand he held the plastic bag holding the beetles. In fact, where are all those stupid s? 

", I can't do this anymore," Sehun swore, tearing out from his hiding spot. He quickly undid his buttons and tossed his shirt onto the bench where another shirt was abandoned, pressing his abdomen against the cold lockers that remained delightfully cold. Hiding in a humid shower for half an hour was horrible. Thank goodness the lockers were icy. He rubbed his red cheek against the hard metal, closing his eyes in pleasure. 

"What are you doing?"

Trust you, dumb to come now. 

Sehun opened one eye, his cheek still resting on the locker. Tao. him. 

"It's hot!" Sehun mumbled, palming the cool areas with his hands. 

"Why are you in here anyway?" Tao stepped forward. Behind him, Sehun could see the tall figure of Kris. him too. He glared as his friend sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I dunno," Sehun groaned, too hot to think up an excuse. "What are you doing in here?" 

"I left my shirt here after practice," Tao answered, making his way over to the bench and tucking a shirt over his arm. "That's all" 

Then he left. Kris lingered a little while. 

"What the happened, Wu Yifan? Did you keep me out here, waiting like a ing dog? I'm ing sweaty you head," Sehun hissed, rotating to cool down his sweat coated back. 

"I know, I'm sorry. Today's class was cancelled so we went to get something to snack on. Then I told him that I forgot something here last basketball club meeting and he said he'd come to get something too," Kris clasped his hands together and his knees buckled slightly in a 'forgive-me-please' manner.

Sehun slid his gaze to his right through half-liddled eyes. He brought up a sticky hand an forcefully shoved the taller man's head downwards. 

"I forgive you since it looks like the two of you are friends. But you were ing late"

"I'll make up for it later," Kris promised, straightening up, extending a hand towards Sehun. The latter grabbed it, savouring the coldness. 

"Bubble tea?"

"No pearls"





Author's Note:

It's a little rushed and there's a lot of swearing going on but I hope you'll forgive >.< I'll edit it later on for mistakes since it's eleven and I'm sleepy ... 

Thanks to: Cuiminqishindiyoung & hunhan21 for subscribing to this story!



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Chapter 7: Omg! This story is awesome! Hopefully you'll update this someday or in the future! I really dont mind waiting:)
Anyways goodluck with your studying! You can do it!
Chapter 7: Awwww man I really love this! :( but thanks for the laughs so far. Hope you'll do well in school! Study because it would be worth it for the future!! I will wait even though you might not update again. I love this either way so I'll wait :D
lemon-deulop #3
Chapter 6: Eyha, this is so lovely, so-so lovely.
I want more~ Please update soon, okay.
JulienJade03 #4
Chapter 6: Wufan's reaction was daebakk! It was hilarious x)
I mean, he was so shocked when Sehun confessed. It made my day :)

P.S I always read the most shipped OTPs such as HunHan, TaoRis and all... (ChanBaek,KaiSoo,XiuChen and SuLay). So, this serves as my first. TaoHun is really being naughty by destroying my Top OTP List. ;))
faraaaaaahemilia #5
Chapter 6: Omg. Say what, Sehun? Hahahahha. This is so asdfghjkl ;A;
Chapter 6: Miow what happen next. ohoho can't wait to know. >< I love it <3
Chapter 6: Oh my lord the ending was just hilarious! I thought you were going to continue with "not even..." and won't even tell the secret something sehun wanted to say. But you did tell us in the most hilarious ways and oh god! You gurl are wonderful! Still laughing like an idiot and I should start on my work that's due tomorrow! :/ But hope you'll update soon! Coincidence: I just crossed my heart and hoped to die today because my friend wouldn't believe me! Things sometimes are scary... <3 Love it! Thanks for the update btw.
Chapter 6: mwo??what?? haha, kris shocked face...
can't wait for the next chapter...